Hancock Central School District

Student Handbook


Mr. Brenton Taylor, Principal

Dr. Terrance Dougherty, Superintendent

Mr. Michael MacDonald, Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Table of Contents / Page Number
Academic Eligibility and Activity Participation / 22
Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures / 21
Afternoon Assembly Schedule / 5
After-school Detention / 19
AIDS Instruction / 9
Announcements / 5
Assemblies / 10
Attendance and Activity Participation / 22
Attendance Policy / 11
Automatic External Defibrillators / 21
Bell Schedules / 5
Cafeteria / 18
Care of School Property by Students / 16
Co-curricular Programs / 15
Corporal Punishment / 19
Cyberbulling / 10
Dangerous Weapons in School / 18
Destination Passes/Honors Passes / 18
Dignity for All Students Act / 10
Distribution of Literature / 15
Drug and Alcohol Abuse / 18
Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education / 9
Electronic Devices / 19
Eligibility Periods / 25
Emergency Closings and Delays / 5
Emergency Plans / 22
Employment of Students / 20
Equal Opportunity / 4
Extra-Curricular Participation / 24
Eye Safety Devices / 21
Fire Drills / 22
First Aid / 21
Food-Beverages / 18
Free and Reduced Price Food Service / 18
Grading Systems / 6
Graduation Requirements / 9
Guidance Programs / 6
Guidelines for Co-curricular Activities / 22
HCS Elementary/Middle/High School / 4
Homeroom / 5
Homework / 6
Honor Roll / 7
In-School Detention (ISD) / 19
Interscholastic Athletics / 15
Investigation of Complaints / 19
Late to Class / 11
Late to School / 11
Make Up Opportunities / 8
Mission Statement
National Honor Society / 4
Notes on Eligibility / 25
Out-of-School Suspension / 19
Parent Teacher Conferences / 6
Parental Involvement / 5
Penalties / 19
Physical Education Requirements / 9
Principal's Message / 4
Programs for Students with Disabilities / 9
Prohibited Conduct / 17
Promotion and Retention of Students / 8
Public Displays of Affection / 17
Public Information / 4
Release Time for Religious Instruction / 15
Reporting Violations / 17
School Ceremonies and Observances / 9
Searches and Interrogations by Staff / 20
Sexual Harassment / 10
Smoking on School Premises / 19
Student Attendance / 11
Student Automobile Use / 20
Student Awards and Scholarships / 21
Student Code of Conduct / 15
Student Conduct on School Buses / 20
Student Dress Code / 16
Student Fees, Fines and Charges / 21
Student Health Services / 11
Student Internet Access Policy / 25
Student Progress Reports / 6
Student Publications / 15
Student Sales / 18
Summer School / 7
Technical Education Center / 8
Testing Programs / 6
Transportation / 20
Truancy and Tardiness / 11
Use of Elevators / 22
Visitors / 5
Weighted Grading / 7


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this handbook at the time of printing, the district reserves the right to amend or correct its contents as needed.

Mission Statement

The Hancock Central School District believes that every child can learn and challenges all students to reach their full potential in a caring and supportive atmosphere. Our school and community partnership provides high expectations for achievement and opportunities to develop the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being of every student. We are committed to excellence through ongoing assessments and revisions of programs and goals, thus continuing to meet the changing needs of our community and assuring our children to be successful and to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Equal Opportunity

Each student is encouraged to develop and achieve individual educational goals. The district will provide every student with equal educational opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, weight, national origin, religion, age, economic status, marital status, or disability. No student will be excluded on such basis from participating in or having access to any course offerings, student athletics, counseling services, employment assistance, co-curricular activities, or other school resources. The K-12 Principal, Brenton Taylor, is the designated district compliance officer, who will coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. You may contact him at Hancock Central School, 67 Education Lane, Hancock, NY 13783 or by calling 637-2511.

Public Information Program

Parents and members of the community are encouraged to attend and participate at public Board of Education meetings which are generally held on the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Office of the Superintendent at 7:00 PM. Exceptions to these meeting dates are made for holidays and other special events. Please call to confirm.

The school district telephone number is (607) 637-2511.

Principal’s Message and Parent/Guardian Acceptance

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The contents of this Handbook are intended to familiarize you and your children with all aspects of our school program. Once issued this handbook, it is understood that you accept the following statements. “I understand and consent to the responsibilities outlined in the Hancock Student Handbook. I also understand and agree that my child(ren) shall be held responsible for the behavior and consequences included in the school conduct and discipline code

while on school property or attending school-sponsored activities. I also understand that any student who violates the student code of conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from school. I understand that other rules and regulations not listed in this handbook may need to be created and implemented during the school year.

I understand that the district does not discriminate on the basis of disability with regard to admission or access to, or treatment or employment in school program and activities; and that my child(ren) has (have) the right to: individualized evaluation, an examination of relevant records, to demand an impartial hearing and/or to a subsequent review with respect to discrimination on the basis of disability.

Regarding student records, I have read and understood the information regarding access to my child’s/children’s educational records. I also understand that certain student information is considered directory information.” Directory information includes:

·  a student’s name

·  the names of the student’s parents

·  the student’s address

·  the student’s date of birth

·  the student’s class designation

·  the student’s image

·  awards received

·  school dates of attendance

·  weight and height of members of athletic teams

·  previous school attended

·  participation in officially recognized activities

and sports

·  yearbook/web page (site)/newsletter photographs

Within the first three weeks of the school year, the district shall publish a notice to parent(s) or guardian(s) and students of 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) currently in attendance of their rights under FERPA and this policy. After these parties have been notified, they will have two weeks to advise the district in writing (a letter to the Superintendent’s office) of any or all the items they refuse to permit the district to designate as directory information about that student.

Hancock Central School Elementary/High School/Middle School

Brenton Taylor……...………………..Principal

Michael MacDonald....Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Joan Rice…...... Counselor Joanne Brodsky...…....MS/HS Main Office Secretary

Teresa Kille……..Elementary Main Office Secretary

Maureen Hunt.………….MS/HSGuidance Secretary

Brandon Olbrys……………..….Athletic Coordinator

Jo-Ann Smith………...... ……...Cafeteria Manager

Frank Seely…………………..Buildings and Grounds

Chris Casta...…..……...…….…….…….. Attendance

Cindy Alderman…………………..Elementary Nurse

Jennifer Tompkins…...…..…………....MS/HS Nurse

Emergency Closings and Delays

The Superintendent of Schools may close, delay opening, or dismiss early when hazardous weather or other emergencies threaten health or safety. Parents are requested to avoid calling schools on days of poor weather. It is important to keep school phone lines open. The following television/radio stations will carry information regarding emergency closings:

Radio Stations—WDLA 92.1 FM & 1270 AM, Walton; WCHN 970 AM, Norwich; WMRV, Binghamton; WAAL 99.1 FM, Binghamton; WSKG 89.3 FM & 91.5FM, Binghamton; WZOZ 103.1 FM, Oneonta; WDOS 730 AM, Oneonta; WIYN, Deposit; WHWK, Binghamton; WDNH 95.3 FM, Honesdale; WGY 810 AM, Schenectady; WCDO 101 FM & 1490 AM, Sidney

Television Stations—WNEP, Scranton; FOX, Binghamton; WYOU, Scranton; WBNG, Binghamton

If no report is heard, it can be assumed the schools are opening on time.

Wayne Highlands students are not expected to attend school if Wayne Highlands is closed and HCS is open. This is not considered an absence, but students are expected to make up any missed work.

Bell Schedules

Students arriving at school before the opening bell must report to the cafeteria, the front lobby, or to the hallway at the second floor main entrance. Students will not be permitted to enter other areas of the building until the opening bell. This includes the locker rooms. Specific bell schedules are available from homeroom teachers.

Normal Bell Schedule

Opening Bell 8:00 AM

Homeroom/1st period begins at 8:10 AM

School ends at 2:34 PM

Early Dismissal Bell Schedule

There will be no PM BOCES TEC on early dismissal days. BOCES TEC students will be permitted to leave after their last AM period. Lunch is served on early dismissal days.

Opening Bell 8:00 AM

Homeroom/1st period begins at 8:10 AM

School ends at 12:25 PM

Two-hour Delay Bell Schedule

There will be no AM BOCES TEC on days with two-hour delays.

Opening Bell 10:00 AM

Homeroom/1st period begins at 10:10 AM

School ends at 2:34 PM

One-Hour Delay Bell Schedule

There will be BOCES TEC on days with one-hour delays.

Opening Bell 9:00 AM

Homeroom/1st period begins at 9:10 AM

School ends at 2:34 PM

Afternoon Assembly Schedule

In the event of an afternoon assembly or other school-wide activity, BOCES Tech students will only be permitted to stay for PM Activities with prior permission from the principal, Tech principal, and Tech instructor. Permission must be obtained at least one week prior to the activity. BOCES Tech students will remain in the school library until the school activity begins.


Each student is expected to be in his/her homeroom and seated when the homeroom bell rings. Each student is assigned a homeroom at the beginning of the school year. The students will report to homeroom for the first two weeks. With the start of week three, students will go to and be seated in their first period class at 8:10.

The Pledge of Allegiance is an important part of homeroom/ 1st period procedures and each student is expected to stand and show proper respect for this exercise. Students are expected to sit quietly during the reading of the morning announcements.


Announcements for the day are read over the PA system each morning during homeroom/ 1st period. If you wish to have an announcement read regarding a school activity, as a minimum requirement, you must turn the announcement in to the office by the end of the day before the activity. Teacher or advisor must sign and date the announcement to be read.


Parents and other citizens are encouraged to visit the school, by appointment, periodically during the course of the school year. Persons who are not students or employees of the district must report immediately to the main office (Room 219), the business office (Room 201), or the health office (Room 111). Student visitors from other schools, unless they have a specific reason and the prior approval of the HCS building principal, are not permitted to enter school buildings.

The principal is authorized to take any action necessary to secure the safety of students and school personnel. Trespassers are subject to penalty under New York State Penal Law. Parents may not visit classrooms without prior consent from the building principal. All classroom visits are to be scheduled.

Visitors to the schools of the district are governed by the Visitor Policy, copies of which can be obtained in the District Office, 67 Education Lane, Hancock, NY 13783.

Parental Involvement

Hancock Central School District believes that student achievement is directly linked to parental involvement and therefore encourages such involvement in school educational planning and daily operations. Parental involvement may take place in either the classroom (as volunteers) or during co-curricular activities. However, the Board of Education also encourages direct parental involvement at home; e.g., planned home reading time, informal learning activities, and/or homework “contracts” between parents and children. For further information on how parents can be involved in the schools, contact the Chehocton-Hancock PTO. For information on how parents can assist their children academically, please contact the Guidance Department

Guidance Programs

Guidance programs are available for all students in K-12 to ensure effective participation in their current and future educational programs. The K-12 guidance program has the following goals:

1.  addressing any attendance, academic, behavioral or adjustment problems;

2.  educating students concerning the avoidance of child sexual abuse and other forms of child abuse.

3.  an annual review of each student’s educational progress and career plans;

4.  instruction to help students learn about curriculum options and careers;

5.  individual and/or group counseling assistance to help students develop and implement postsecondary education and career plans; and

6.  individual or group counseling assistance to help students who exhibit attendance, academic, behavioral, or adjustment problems.

Grading Systems

Grades are used to indicate achievement and development in each class or subject area in which a student is enrolled. Classroom teachers will evaluate students and assign grades according to their individual grading system. All students are expected to complete the assigned class work and homework as directed. Students are also expected to participate meaningfully in class discussions and activities in order to receive course credit.

1.  Parents will be informed at least four times a year of their child’s progress.

2.  Grading will not be used for disciplinary purposes, i.e., giving lower grades for poor behavior, unless the student’s misconduct is directly related to his/her academic performance (plagiarism, for example).

3.  Grading will be based, in part, upon student improvement, achievement, attendance and participation in classroom discussions and activities. Classroom participation and thus student attendance, is an important factor in earning high grades. Please see Make-up Opportunities for further information.