Dance Team Handbook

Shayann Yarter, Dance Director

Dayton High School

Dayton, Texas



The Dayton High School Dazzler Dance Team is an active performing group with a repertoire of various aspects of dance. The team participates and performs year-round in a wide range of activities approved only by the Director, Ms. Yarter, and the school administration. It is an honor to be a member of the Dayton High School Dazzler Dance Team.

In order to maintain the high standards of excellence established by the DHS Dazzler Dance Team, it is necessary that all members and parents acquaint themselves with the regulations, procedures, and traditions of the Dazzler Dance Team.

The Director reserves the right to make ALL decisions regarding temporary or final amendments to the handbook.


I.  Purpose 2

II.  Membership and Audition Requirements 2

III.  Grades and Eligibility 3

IV.  Attendance 4

V.  Uniforms, Costumes, and Equipment 5

VI.  Performances 6

VII.  Transportation 7

VIII.  Team Activities, Trips, and Special Engagements 7

IX.  Expenses 8

X.  Fundraising 9

XI.  General Dazzler Conduct 9

XII.  Merit and Demerit System 10

XIII.  Probation, Suspension, Dismissal, and Resignation 13

XIV.  Awards 14

XV.  Continued Dance Training 15

XVI.  Audition and Selection of Military Officers 15

XVII.  Audition and Selection of Social Officers 15

XVIII.  Duties of Military Officers 16

XIX.  Duties of Social Officers 18

XX.  Managers 19

XXI.  Escorts 20

XXII.  Dismissal of Escorts and Managers 20

XXIII.  Forms and Resources:

§  Dance Hours Log

§  Dance Room Rules and Etiquette

§  Car Rider Note

§  Demerit Form

§  Demerit Record

§  Merit Record

§  Dayton Dazzler Dance Team Handbook Contract

I.  Purpose

A.  To promote dance as a fine art, encourage the growth and visibility of dance as an athletic art form, and to develop an appreciation of dance within the community.

B.  To promote high moral standards, leadership ability, self-confidence, and self-discipline among its members.

C.  To develop the ability to work in a group and achieve common goals.

D.  To support other athletic events, promote good sportsmanship, and promote school spirit.

E.  To represent Dayton High School and the community in an exemplary manner, serving as a role model for appropriate behavior and citizenship.

F.  To develop and maintain a very high standard of precision dance.

II.  Membership and Audition Requirements

A.  Dazzler members will be selected by a panel of impartial judges along with the Director. Judges will be experts in the field of dance.

B.  Candidates will be chosen based on dance skill / ability, which will include: rhythm and various dance techniques, flexibility, showmanship, and poise.

C.  Grades, conduct, teacher recommendation, disciplinary actions, and Director review may also be used to help select team members.

D.  Prospective members must submit to the Director all required try-out documents.

E.  Prospective members must be entering grades 9-12.

F.  Prospective members must pass all subjects for the six weeks period prior to auditions.

1.  If a candidate has failed any course the previous six weeks grading period they may still tryout, but if chosen, they will be placed on academic probation for 3 weeks.

G.  Each member must be physically able to participate in long, vigorous activities without undue fatigue.

H.  Dancers must be covered by an individual health/ accident insurance waiver; insurance records will be kept on file.

I.  To dance in any scheduled performance, the dancer must perform the entire dance to the Director’s satisfaction.

J.  Prior to the audition the candidate is responsible for their understanding of the handbook; all rules and regulations must be followed.

K.  Out of school employment or activities must not interfere with practice or performances.

L.  Once selected as a member, all Dazzlers will be required to enroll in the Dance Team class period.

M.  All returning members must audition for the line unless they are a returning Military / Dance Officer.

N.  A student may petition to join the Dazzler Dance Team if:

1.  She was in good standing as a member of her prior school’s dance team.

2.  She has a video of a previous performance showcasing her dance skill.

3.  Even if all requirements have been met, the Director reserves the right to have the prospective member participate in an informal try-out with the Director to demonstrate dance skills.

III.  Grades and Eligibility

A.  The Dazzler Dance Team Class Grade may consist of any combination of the following:

1.  Written, oral, or performance based tests over material in the handbook.

2.  Participation, performance attendance, rehearsal attendance, attire, conduct, cooperation, and attitude. (Demerits can be given for failing to complete any of the above.)

3.  Each demerit received may constitute a deduction of 2 points from that 6 weeks grade

4.  Notebook Grades.

a.  Each Dazzler will need a Dance Team Notebook (Binder)

b.  Dazzlers should have their notebook with them at roll call each day.

c.  Notebooks should be neat and orderly at all times.

d.  Notebook checks may be scheduled or done at random.

e.  The Social Officers will be responsible for conducting Notebook checks.

f.  Binders should contain dividers labeled with categories given to you by your Director.

B.  Eligibility:

1.  All Dazzlers must maintain an average of 70 or above for all classes for each 6 week grading period. This is in compliance with the current Texas’ “No Pass-No Play” rule/HB 72, which is in effect.

2.  Academic Probation:

a.  A Dazzler whose recorded six weeks grade average in any course is less than 70 at the end of a six weeks grading period will be required to attend all practices, but will be ineligible to participate in any performance events during the succeeding three week grading period. After this probationary time, if the dancer’s grades in all courses are 70 or above, eligibility will be regained.

3.  Academic Suspension:

a.  If at the end of the three weeks probationary period, the dancer has an average below a 70 in any subject, the dancer is suspended from the team and the ineligibility status will continue. Participation in practice sessions and all other Dazzler activities throughout the remainder of that grading period will be prohibited. Suspension also prevents a member from attending any trip or activity with the team. All monies paid that go towards the finding of the trip are non refundable.

4.  Academic Dismissal:

a.  The second occurrence of academic ineligibility, at any time during the current membership year, will result in dismissal from the organization.

5.  Academic Waiver:

a.  A waiver may be obtained and signed by the principal if a member receives less than a 70 for any advanced placement, honors, or dual credit course. The waiver will establish eligibility.

IV.  Attendance

A.  Attendance Expectations:

1.  All Dazzler events, activities, fundraisers, rehearsals and performances are considered mandatory.

a.  It is vital that all Dazzlers attend all practices. When girls are absent, they may make mistakes that will later hurt the team. Formations must be changed / altered, which takes up practice time and makes each rehearsal less productive. The extra work and longer practice hours put an unfair burden on the entire team.

2.  Members should expect to rehearse 2 hours daily after school, year-round.

a.  Saturday and extra rehearsals may be held throughout the year. If possible, members will be notified at least one week in advance.

3.  Work and/or personal appointments must not interfere with rehearsals or performances and will be considered unexcused absences, which may result in demerits.

4.  Excessive absences, whether complete or partial, excused or unexcused, may result in disciplinary action or removal from a dance or performance.

5.  A Dazzler who misses 2 complete or partial rehearsals the week prior to a performance may not be allowed to perform. This will be at the discretion of the Director.

6.  Any member on “reserve” or “alternate” status must participate in all rehearsals, performances, and/or activities of the organization.

7.  A Dazzler who misses a day of school/practice the week of contest will result in the removal from the contest. NO Exceptions.

8.  Any member on “reserve” or “alternate” status must participate in all rehearsals, performances, and/or activities of the organization.

9.  All members are expected to comply with absence policies. Failure to comply with absence policies or falsifying reasons for absences may result in demerits, probation, suspension, or dismissal.

10.  In the event of an absence, the member is then responsible for obtaining any information that was given on the day of absence. When gathering missed information she should follow the information chain: Teammates è “Sister” è Line Officer è Director

11.  Summer Camp and Rehearsal:

a.  Attendance is required and vacations are not excused.

b.  If a Dazzler is absent for more than 2 consecutive days of rehearsal or camp she is ineligible to perform in the first half-time show. Additional absences may result in the loss of additional performances; eligibility will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Director.

12.  Members may not leave any function for any reason other than illness, injury, or death in the family. The member may leave with a family member or relative ONLY, and the Director must be contacted prior to departure. If the student leaves, a written note must be submitted to Ms. Yarter which states that the student is leaving with a parent/guardian, what the reason is for departure, and that Ms. Yarter and Dayton ISD are released of all responsibility for that student.

13.  Football Season:

a.  Any member who misses or is late to the practice with the band may be replaced or removed from the scheduled performance(s) that week.

b.  Football playoff games are considered required performances. Members and their families should plan for the possibility of playoff games in November and December.

14.  Academically ineligible members please see the section on Grades and Eligibility for attendance information.

B.  Absences: Absences will be considered excused if the Director is notified by a phone call 936-258-2510 or email () prior to the absence occurring and proper documentation (i.e. doctor’s note) is received upon return to school.

1.  Excused Absences may be defined as:

a.  Unforeseen personal illness or accident (A doctor’s note will be required for documentation.)

b.  Routine doctor’s appointments, not due to personal illness / emergency (Advance notification with prior approval and proper documentation will be required).

c.  Special U.I.L. sanctioned or school field trip activities with prior approval from the director.

d.  Major family events including, but not limited to, weddings and other religious observations.

i.  Please Note: Family functions (excluding funerals) will require 3 weeks advance notification to be considered excused.

2.  All other absences are considered unexcused and are subject to demerits according to the merit/demerit system.

3.  Unexcused absences at the start of January will result in the removal from all contests for contest season.

C.  Tardiness:

1.  Being prompt is always expected; Dazzlers are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes early to all scheduled events.

2.  You will receive one “emergency tardy” per semester.

3.  During the Dance Team Class period dancers are considered tardy when they are not seated in their company lines, completely dressed, 5 minutes after the school tardy bell rings.

4.  During practice, members are considered tardy when they are not in roll call at the start of practice.

5.  The Military Officers, Social Officers, and the Director may issue tardies.

6.  Prior to a performance, dance team members will need to be dressed and ready for inspection, seated in their company lines at a predetermined time designated by the Director. Times will vary based on the event.

D.  Tutoring Policy:

1.  Tutorials should be done early in the morning prior to school or before practice begins.

2.  If a Dazzler needs to attend tutorials for a longer period of time, she must have prior approval from the Director. Failing to do so, may result in demerits and an unexcused absence.

3.  Tutorial absences may be counted towards excused or unexcused absence totals.

4.  Any material the member misses while at tutorials is the responsibility of the member.

E.  Director’s Late Policy:

1.  Ms. Yarter will be happy to meet with a student after regular practice times with an appointment. The Director will leave campus at varying times throughout the week. Calendars will be given on a monthly basis.

2.  Please know that your daughter must be picked up from the school within 30 minutes after these designated event / practice times. Repeated tardiness may result in disciplinary action and a call to the supervising administrator.

V.  Uniforms, Costumes, and Equipment

A.  Members must appear at all activities with required clothing and must wear all parts of the designated uniform / costume or practice attire while in public. All Dazzler attire is to be clean, in good condition, and should fit properly.

B.  All designated Dazzler uniforms, letter jackets, etc., are to be worn by Dazzler members only.

C.  Equipment:

1.  Members are responsible for purchasing practice and other necessary clothing and accessories as required. All personal items should be labeled with the member’s name.

2.  School issued equipment, such as props or poms, should not be taken from the dance room unless permission is given.

D.  Uniforms / Costumes:

1.  Uniforms are object of pride and deserve the best of care. They bear the school colors and should be worn with pride, respect, and dignity. Each member must keep her uniform in perfect condition. Each dancer is responsible for her own uniform.

a.  Formal Field Uniforms may only be worn when designated by the Director.

2.  Uniforms and /or Costumes must be cleaned and cared for using the specified directions given to each dancer by the Director.

3.  If the Dazzler Field Uniform is discolored or damaged while in your possession, you will be responsible for the correct amount of money for that article of clothing for a new replacement.