Annual Review ARD Audit Sheet
Student: Campus:
Disabilities: IA:
Date of FIE: Date of ARD:
Reviewer: Date of Review:
ARD Meeting - ParticipationQuestion / Yes / No / N/A / Comments
1. Did the ARD include the required members or if not, is parent agreement for the excusal documented? (check signature page for admin, SE teacher, GE teacher, assessment, LPAC, CATE, VI, AI, interpreter, etc.)
2. For parents with deafness or whose native language is other than English, did the campus arrange for an interpreter? (pg. 1,7)
3. For parents whose native language is other than English, was the meeting audio taped regardless of parent attendance? (delibs, tape or CD present)
4. If parents did not attend the ARD, is there documentation of more than one attempt to secure their attendance? (notice, delibs)
5. If transition was being discussed, was the student in attendance or is there documentation that shows the district took steps to ensure the student’s preferences and interests were addressed? (pg. 1, delibs)
6. If transition was being discussed, was the parent in attendance? (delibs)
ARD Meeting - Timelines
7. Did parent receive written notice 5 days prior to ARD meeting or did parent waive right to the written notice? (notice)
8. Did the parent receive a copy of procedural safeguards within the year? (receipt, pg. 1)
9. Was ARD held within one year of the previous annual ARD? (previous ARD)
10. For students 16 or older, was transition plan in place prior to 16th birthday? (check dates)
ARD Notice
11. Is purpose of meeting correctly indicated on notice? (notice)
12. Were related service personnel invited to ARD if receiving services? (notice)
ARD Meeting – Determination of Present Levels of Educational Performance and Needs
13. Does the ARD include consideration of the results of the initial or most recent evaluation of the student? (pg. 1, delibs)
14. If additional assessment is needed, was a REED completed? (Assessment Planning Supplement)
15. If additional assessment was requested, was a completion date listed?
16. If a REED was completed, did it address all required areas of an FIE (physical, social, language, behavior, achievement, cognitive, AT)?
17. Are other evaluation dates reported and properly marked as Needed, Monitor, or left blank?
18. For students 16 or older, does the ARD include consideration of the student’s Individual Transition Plan including input from student? (pg. 1, delibs, ITP)
19. Does the ARD address concerns of the parents for enhancing the education of their student? (pg. 1, delibs)
20. Does the ARD address information from school staff including state assessment, district wide assessments? (pg. 1, State assessment worksheet, delibs)
21. If Limited English Proficient, does the ARD include information from the LPAC? (pg. 1, pg. 4, delibs)
22. Does the ARD indicate previous goals and objectives were reviewed? (pg. 1, delibs)
23. Does the ARD address eligibility? (pg. 2, delibs)
24. Does the ARD include the strengths/competencies of the student? (pg. 2 & 3, sections A-E, delibs)
25. Does the ARD address whether the student’s behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others? (pg. 3, section C, delibs)
26. If the student’s behavior does impede his or her learning or the learning of others, does the ARD include strategies including positive behavior interventions, strategies, and supports to address that behavior? (pg. 3, section C, pg. 4, acc/mod, FBA, BIP, delibs)
27. Does the ARD address assistive technology devices and services? (pg. 3, section F)
28. Does the ARD address impact of disabilities on academic performance? (pg. 3, section G)
29. Does the ARD address how the student’s disability effects involvement or progress in the general education curriculum? (pg. 3, section H)
30. Does the ARD address the communication needs of the student? (pg. 3, section I)
31. Does the ARD address the transition needs of the student? (pg. 3, section J, supplemental attachments)
32. Does the ARD include the results of the student’s performance on any state or district wide assessment programs as appropriate? (pg. 3, section E, State assessment worksheet, delibs)
33. Does the ARD address participation in state-wide, district testing? (pg. 4,State assessment worksheet, delibs)
34. For 5th and 8th grade students who did not meet ARDc expectations, does the ARD identify an Intensive Program of Remediation? (State assessment worksheet, SSI attachment, delibs)
35. Has the student’s At-Risk status been marked? (state assessment worksheet)
ARD Meeting – Determination of Services
36. Is instructional/related services indicated on IEP?
37. Are dates on goals and objectives appropriate? Do they match? Will it be less than a year before another annual ARD is held?
38. Does IEP indicate parent will receive notification of progress every 6 or 9 wks?
39. Are all sections of the goals and objectives completed (competencies, person responsible, mastery criteria, start date)?
40. Does the PLAAFP include information specific to subject area, student’s strengths, and more than just TAKS performance levels?
41. Does the IEP link PLAAFP to grade level curriculum/TEKS?
42. Did ARDc establish measurable annual goals?
43. Are goals and objectives evaluation criteria based on data?
44. Have old goals and objectives been mastered or discontinued?
45. If goal or objective has been discontinued, is it explained on the progress report?
46. If related services are provided, is the provider attached to a goal?
47. Are related services and instructional services identified in the correct field? (pg. 4)
48. If transportation is provided as a related service, is the transformation information form attached?
49. If transportation is provided as a related service, is a current transportation eligibility report on file?
50. If transportation is provided, does paperwork justify the need for an aide on the bus?
51. If student is transitioning to another campus for the next school year, is transportation information included for the next school year?
52. Are service types and frequency correctly noted for instructional and related services? (pg. 4)
53. Does the PEIMS code match the amount of service time agreed upon- calculated correctly? (pg. 4)
54. Does the ARD address the services for the following school year? (pg. 4b)
55. Does the PEIMS code match the amount of service time agreed upon for next school year? (pg. 4b)
56. Does the ARD include a date for services to begin? (pg. 5)
57. If transitioning to a different campus next year, is it properly noted? (pg. 5)
58. Does the ARD address the parent’s right to prior written notice? (delibs)
59. For students with Autism, does the ARD include a completed Autism Supplement? Do all sections include an explanation of why not needed or the needed services? (supplement)
60. Does the ARD address ESY consideration? (pg. 5, supplement)
61. If ESY is recommended, is the supplement included, does it include time, frequency, duration, are transportation forms completed with starting dates?
62. For students age 16 or older, does the ARD include a Transition Supplement and an Individual Transition Plan?
63. Does the ARD address least restrictive environment? (pg. 6)
64. Does the ARD address benefits and harmful effects of proposed placement? (pg. 6)
65. Beginning at least one year before a student’s reaches 18 years of age, does the ARD include a statement that the student been informed of his or her rights that will transfer to the student on reaching age 18? (pg. 7, transfer of rights attachment)
66. For graduating students, does the ARD include a summary of performance? (SOP)
67. Is the basis of assurance given? (pg. 7)
68. Has the campus administrator initialed the assurances? (pg. 7)
69. Has mode of parent participation been documented? (pg. 7)
70. Has mode of student participation been documented? (pg. 7)
71. Has Medicaid been addressed if student is eligible? (pg. 7, delibs)
72. Is purpose of ARD clearly stated? (pg. 1, delibs)
73. Are all participants identified by name and title? (pg. 7, delibs)
74. Are parent concerns addressed? (delibs)
75. Was evaluation data reviewed? (delibs)
76. Does discipline review include information related to days out-of-placement, provision of FAPE, use of restraint? (delibs)
77. Did ARDc review:
-prior written notice
-proposed IEP goals and objectives
-state assessment decisions
-LRE and placement
-graduation (HS)
-amendments to ARD if necessary
-medicaid if eligible
78. Is ARD paperwork in order based on order of ARD paperwork document?
79. Has eligibility folder been “cleaned up” based on order of folder document?