Molly Greene
Department of History
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08544
1/93. PhD received from Princeton University, Department of Near Eastern Studies. Thesis title: Kandiye 1669-1720: The Formation of a Merchant Class.
September 2006 to Present. Full Professor. Department of History and the Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University
September 2000 to August 2006. Associate Professor, Department of History and the Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University.
February 1993 to June 2000. Assistant Professor, Department of History and the Program
in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University.
July 2010. Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants: A Maritime History of the Mediterranean 1450-1700. (Princeton University Press)
2005 Minorities in the Ottoman Empire, ed. Molly Greene (Markus Wiener Publishers: Princeton.) A collection of essays, Reprinted from Princeton Papers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, volume XII.
2005. A Shared World was published in Greek, Κρητη, Ενας Κοινος Κοσμος, by the Greek publishing House Publications of the Twenty First Century.
March 2002. A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean
(Princeton University Press). This is the paperback version of book, see below.
March 2000. A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean (Princeton University Press)
Articles and Chapters in Books
2012. “16-17 Yüzyıllarda Ege ve Akdeniz’de Katolik Korasanlığı”(Catholic Corsairing in the 16th and 17th Century Aegean and Mediterranean Seas) Toplumsal Tarih 225, pp.22-27.
2010. “Goodbye to the Despot: Feldman on Islamic Law in the Ottoman Empire,” Law and Social Inquiry 35(1), Winter 2010. Pp.219-242.
2010. “Victims of Piracy? Ottoman Lawsuits in Malta (1602-1687) and the Changing Course of Mediterranean Maritime History,” pp.177-202 in Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean ed. Maria Fusaro and Colin Heywood (I.B. Tauris: London)
2008. “Malta,” “Barbary States.” “Barbarossa Brothers,” “Rhodes,” “Knights of St. John,” “Pirates and Corsairs,” “Crete,” “Cyprus” and “Harem” in Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire ed. G. Agoston and B. Masters (Facts on File).
2008. “Islam and Europe” in A Companion to Eighteenth Century Europe Ed. Peter Wilson, Blackwell Publishing, pp.387-401.
2007. “The Sixteenth Century Greek Moment,” pp. 121-148 in A Faithful Sea: the Religious Cultures of the Mediterranean 1200-1700, ed. K.E.Fleming and Adnan Husain. (Oxford: Oneworld), 2007.
2007. "The Ottomans in the Mediterranean" pp.104-116 in The Early Modern Ottoman Empire : A Reinterpretation Ed. V.Aksan and D. Goffman (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), 2007.
June 2005. “The Ottoman Experience,” in Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Spring 2005, pp.88-99. (A Daedalus special issue on Imperialism)
March 2005. “Para além da Invasão do Norte. O mediterrâneo do século XVII,” In Sistu: Revista de Cultura Urbana # 9 and #10, pp.102-125 (translation of Past and Present article into Portuguese)
2003. “Piracy” and “The Mediterranean Basin” in Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World ed. Jonathan Dewald (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003)
2003. 'Resurgent Islam (1500-1700)' in The Mediterranean in History ed. David Abulafia (Thames and Hudson, 2003)
"Beyond the Northern Invasions: The Mediterranean in the Seventeenth Century," Past and Present 174 (February, 2002), pp.40-72.
Fall 2001. "Bankrolling the Sultan: The Career of a Nineteenth Century Greek Patriot," pp.193-212 in Trading Cultures: the Worlds of Western Merchants ed. by Jeremy Adelman and Steve Aaron. Belgium: Brepols.
'Wenedik' in Encyclopaedia of Islam 11, fascicle 181-2 .
2001. 'Ruling an Island Without a Navy,' Oriente Moderno 20(1), pp.193-207.
2000. “Early Ottoman Crete,” The Great Ottoman-Turkish civilisation [sic] / [editor in chief Kemal Çiçek ; co-editors Ercüment Kuran, Nejat Güyünç, İlber Ortaylı]. Published/Created: Ankara : [Yeni Türkiye], Vol. 1, pp.311-316.
December 2000. "The Great Idea," "Treaty of Berlin," "Rumeli," and "Treaty of Lausanne" in Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition. Edited by Graham Speake. (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000).
Fall 2000. "Ottoman History and the Mediterranean," Turkish Studies Association Bulletin.
24(2) pp.75-86.
March 2000. "From Balkan Chaos, A National Revolution,”The National Herald March 25-26.
December 1999. “Early Ottoman Crete," in The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization (2 vols), Edited by Halil Inalcik (Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, 1999), vol. 1, pp.311-16.
February 1999. "Greek Business in the Post-Byzantine Era," The National Herald February 27-28, 1999.
Une ville ottomane à l'âge des Réformes inTurkish Studies Association Bulletin., pp.66-70.
December 1996. "The Greek War of Independence," in The Reader's Companion to Military History edited by Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker.
June 1996. "An Islamic Experiment? Ottoman Land Policy on Crete," Mediterranean Historical Review 11(1), pp.60-78.
Spring 1994. "Commerce and the Ottoman Conquest of Kandiye," in New Perspectives on Turkey 10.
2011. Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins: Politics and Society in the Late Empire for The American Historical Review 116(5), pp.1560-1.
June 2008. Admiralty and Maritime Laws in the Mediterranean Sea (ca. 800-1050): The Kitab Akriyat al-Sufun vis-à-vis the Nomos Rhodion Nautikos in International Journal of Maritime Studies 20(1).
Spring 2008. The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands (Istanbul: Isis Press), Anglo-Hellenic Review 37 (spring 2008), pp.27-8
June 2007. Malte, Frontière de Chrétienté (1530-1670) (Rome: École française de Rome), 2006 in International Journal of Maritime History, pp.355-6
Spring 2007. The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922 for The Anglo-Hellenic Review, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. # 35
December 2005. La caravane maritime. Marins européens et marchands ottomans en Mediterranée in Mediterranean Historical Review 20(2), pp.260-1.
June 2005. Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in The International History Review XXVII (2) pp.340-2.
April 2004. Insularités Ottomanes, ed. N. Vatin and G.Veinstein in Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 47/3 (April, 2004), pp.476-8.
December 2002. Book review of Mehmet Bulut's Ottoman-Dutch Economic Relations in the Early Modern Period 1571-1699 for the International Journal of Maritime History 19(2), pp.395-6.
Spring 2002. Book review of Carmel Vassallo's Consolati di Mare and Chambers of Commerce: Proceedings of a Conference Held at The Foundationfor International Studies for the
International Journal of Maritime History, pp.308-10.
February 2001. Book review of Daniel Panzac's Les Corsaires Barbaresques: La fin d’une épopée 1800-1820 (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 1999) for the International Journal of Middle East Studies, pp.297-9.
2000. Book review of E.Prevelakis, K.Kalliataki Merticopoulou eds., Epirus, Ali Pasha and the Greek Revolution: Consular Reports of William Meyer from Preveza (2 vols), Monuments of Greek History No. 12, (Athens: Academy of Athens, 1996) in International Journal of Middle East Studies 32 (2000) , pp.297- 300.
Fall 1998. Book review of Meropi Anastassiadou's Salonique, 1830-1912: Une ville ottomane à l'âge des Réformes inTurkish Studies Association Bulletin., pp.66-70.
Spring 1996. Book review of Nicholas Vatin's L'Ordre de Saint-Jean-de-Jerusalem, l'empire ottoman et la Méditerranée orientale entre les deux sièges de Rhodes 1480-1522 in Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, pp.101-104.
Spring 1995. Book review of Elizabeth Zachariadou's (ed.) The Ottoman Emirate (1300-1389) in Turkish Studies Association Bulletin , pp.104-107.
1994. Book review of P. Brummett's Ottoman Seapower and Levantine Diplomacy in the Age of Discovery in The Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 20(2), pp.105-108.
1994. Book review of E. Frangakis-Syrett's The Commerce of Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century 1700-1812 in The Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 20(2), pp.100-102.
Presentations (last two years only)
December 2012. “Looking for the Balkan Bandit” Works in Progress Series, Department of History, Princeton University
October 2012. Delivered the 32nd Annual Francis R. Walton Lecture at the Gennadius Library in Athens, Greece. “1453: How Important Was It?”
May 2012. Lecture at Gaziantep University. “Mediterranean Pirates and their Victims.”
April 2012. Lecture at the lecture series “Thursday Discussions” organized by The History Foundation, Istanbul. “1453: How Important Was It?”
March 2012. Lecture at the University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria) “The Big Picture: Writing the History of the Greeks under Ottoman Rule”
March 2012. Lecture at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) “The Big Picture: Writing the History of the Greeks under Ottoman Rule.”
February 2012. Lecture at the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki, Greece) “Greek Commerce and the Counter-Reformation”
February 2012. Lecture at the Benaki Museum (Athens, Greece) “Greek Commerce and the Counter-Reformation”
November 2011. Lecture at Sabanci University (Istanbul, Turkey) “On the Way Out? Christians and the Ottoman Eighteenth Century”
November 2011. The Museum Seminar Lecture Series at Boğaziçi University (Istanbul, Turkey) “Recent Trends in Writing the History of Ottoman Christians”
November 2010. Sea Crossings: Rethinking Mediterranean Architecture and History. A Symposium at University of Virginia School of Architecture. Keynote Lecture – “Off-Center in the Mediterranean: On Writing the History of Marginal Places.”
November 2010. Annenberg Seminar in History, University of Pennsylvania. “Beyond the Community: Rethinking the History of the Greeks under Ottoman Rule.”
November 2010. The Program in Ottoman Studies, New York University.”Crossing the Mediterranean in the Age of Piracy.”
Fellowships and Prizes Awarded
2011-12 Fulbright Research and Teaching Fellowship for Turkey
2011. Modern Greek Studies Association Keeley Book Prize, Honorable Mention (for Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants)
2011. The Runciman Award (co-winner) This award is given each year for a work wholly or mainly about some aspect of Greece or the world of Hellenism, published in English in its first edition in the previous year. (for Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants)
Old Dominion Professorship, Council of the Humanities, Princeton U., 2007-2008.
Academic Year 2003-2004. National Endowment of the Humanities Fellowship
1999. Princeton University, the University Committee on Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences for research in the Archives of the Order of St. John, Malta.
1999. The Program in Hellenic Studies, for research in the Archives of the Order of St. John, Malta.
1995/1996. Awarded the Stanley Seeger preceptorship by the Program in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University. This preceptorship allows for a semester of leave for purposes of research.
1994. The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for research in the Archivio di Stato and the Istituto Ellenico in Venice.
1994. The American Philosophical Society for research in the Archivio di Stato and the Istituto Ellenico in Venice.
1994. Princeton University, the University Committee on Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences for research in the Archivio di Stato and the Istituto Ellenico in Venice.
1991/1992. American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) research fellowship for archival work in Istanbul.
1990/1991. Whiting Fellowship in the Humanities.
1989/1990. Fulbright Hays Dissertation Award.