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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-003 (REV.09/2011)
dsib-edmd-jan15item01 / ITEM #15


Approval of 2014–15 Consolidated Applications. / Action
Public Hearing


Each local educational agency (LEA) must submit a complete and accurate Consolidated Application (ConApp) for each fiscal year in order for the California Department of Education (CDE) to send funding to LEAs that are eligible to receive categorical funds as designated in the ConApp. The ConApp is the annual fiscal companion to the LEA Plan. The State Board of Education (SBE) is asked to annually approve ConApps for approximately 1,700 school districts, county offices of education, and direct-funded charter schools.


The CDE recommends that the SBE approve the 2014–15ConApps submitted by LEAs in Attachment 1.


Each year, the CDE, in compliance with California Code of Regulations,Title5, Section 3920, recommends that the SBE approve applications for funding Consolidated Categorical Aid Programs submitted by LEAs. Prior to receiving funding, the LEA must also have an SBE-approved LEA Plan that satisfies SBE and CDE criteria for utilizing federal categorical funds.

Approximately $2.9 billion of federal funding is distributed annually through the ConApp process. The 2014–15 ConApp consists of six federal-funded programs. The funding sources include:

  • Title I, Part A Basic Grant (Low Income);
  • Title I, Part D (Delinquent);
  • Title II, Part A (Teacher Quality);
  • Title III, Part A (Immigrant);
  • Title III, Part A (Limited English Proficient Students); and
  • Title VI, Part B (Rural, Low-Income).

The CDE provides the SBE with two levels of approval recommendations. Regular approval is recommended when an LEA has submitted a correct and complete ConApp,

Spring Release, and has no outstanding noncompliant issues or is making satisfactory progress toward resolving one or two noncompliant issues that are fewer than 365 days noncompliant. Conditional approval is recommended when an LEA has submitted a correct and complete ConApp, Spring Release, but has one or more noncompliant issues that is/are unresolved for over 365 days. Conditional approval by the SBE provides authority to the LEA to spend its categorical funds under the condition that it will resolve or make significant progress toward resolving noncompliant issues. In extreme cases, conditional approval may include the withholding of funds. There are no LEAs that require conditional approval at this time.

Attachment 1 identifies the LEAs that have no outstanding noncompliant issues or are making satisfactory progress toward resolving one or two noncompliant issues that are fewer than 365 days noncompliant. The CDE recommends regular approval of the 2014–15 ConApp for these seven LEAs. Attachment 1 also includes ConApp entitlement figures from school year 2013–14 because the figures for 2014–15 have not yet been determined. Fiscal data are absent if an LEA is new or is a charter school applying for direct funding for the first time.


To date, the SBE has approved 2014–15 ConApps for 1,622 LEAs. Attachment 1 represents the second set of 2014–15 ConApps presented to the SBE for approval.


The CDE provides resources to track the SBE approval status of the ConApps for approximately 1,700 LEAs. The cost to track the noncompliant status of LEAs related to programs within the ConApp is covered through a cost pool of federal funds. CDE staff communicate with LEA staff on an ongoing basis to determine the evidence needed to resolve issues, review the evidence provided by LEA staff, and maintain a tracking system to document the resolution process.


Attachment 1: Consolidated Applications List(2014–15) – Regular Approvals (1 Page)

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Attachment 1

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Consolidated Applications List (2014–15) – Regular Approvals

The following sevenlocal educational agencies (LEAs) have submitted a correct and complete Consolidated Application (ConApp), Spring Release, and have no outstanding noncompliance issues or are making satisfactory progress toward resolving one or two noncompliant issues that are fewer than 365 days noncompliant. The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends regular approval of these applications.

CDS Code / LEA Name / Total 2013–14 ConApp Entitlement / 2013–14 Total Entitlement Per Student / Total 2013–14 Title I Entitlement / 2013–14 Entitlement Per Free and Reduced Lunch
K-12 Student
01612596113807 / American Indian Public Charter / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
01612590111856 / American Indian Public High / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
37768510000000 / Bonsall Unified / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
19768690131128 / Da Vinci Communications High / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
19647330117655 / Magnolia Science Academy 7 / $81,912 / $269 / $80,483 / $384
10623800000000 / Raisin City Elementary / $283,794 / $875 / $233,863 / $971
43104390131110 / Rocketship Fuerza Community Prep / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0


Total Number of LEAs in the report: 7

Total ConApp entitlement funds for districts receiving regular approval: $365,706

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