
Paul R. Sackett

Department of Psychology2200 Humboldt Avenue South

University of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55405

N475 Elliott Hall(612) 377-1682

75 East River Road

Minneapolis, MN 55455

(612) 624-9842

Employment History

1998-present Dept. of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Beverly and Richard Fink Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Liberal Arts (2006-present)

Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1998-present)

Director: Graduate Program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (2000-2009)

1988-1998Associate Professor (1988-1990) and Professor (1990-1998) of Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

1982-1988Assistant (1982-1985) and Associate (1985-1988) Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago

1979-1982Assistant Professor of Business and Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS


Ph.D.OhioStateUniversity (1979), Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Dissertation: The Interviewer as Hypothesis Tester: The Effects of Impressions of an Applicant on Subsequent Interviewer Behavior

M.A.OhioStateUniversity (1977)

Thesis: Information Utilization in an Assessment Center Context

B.A.MarquetteUniversity (1975; magna cum laude)

Major: Psychology; Honors: Phi Beta Kappa

Professional Activities

1. Professional Association Activities

President, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of the American Psychological Association), 1993-1994.

Co-chair, Joint Committee for the Revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (6th) of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, 1993-1999.

Member, Joint Committee for the Revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (7th) of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, 2008-present.

Chair, American Psychological Association Board of Scientific Affairs, 1998-1999; member, 1997-2000.

Chair, Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessments, American Psychological Association, 1990-1991; member, 1989-1992.

Chair, Scientific Awards Committee, American Psychological Association, 2001-2002; member 1999-2001.

Member-at-large of the Executive Committee of the Division of Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics (Division 5) of the American Psychological Association, 1996-1999.

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Division 14, American Psychological Association):

Program Committee Chair: 1983-1985.

Scientific Affairs Committee Chair: 1985-1986, 1990-1992.

Fellowship Committee Chair: 1989-1990; member: 1996-1998.

Elected member-at-large of the executive committee: 1986-1989.

Member of Committee on the Revision of the Principles for the

Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures, 2000- 2002; 2009- present.

Member of Scientific Awards Committee, 2004-2006.

Member, Publications Board, 2009-present

2. Editorial Activities

Founding Editor of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology journal, titledIndustrial and Organizational Psychology:Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2006-2009.

Editor of Personnel Psychology, 1984-1990; member of the editorial board, 1982-1984; 1990-present.

Member of the editorial board of Psychological Bulletin, 1998-2002.

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Psychology, 1984-1988; 1991-present.

Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 1991-present.

International Consulting Editor for the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (a journal of the British Psychological Society), 1994-2012.

Member of the editorial board of Measurement, 2001-present.

3. Service on National Commissions

Member, National Research Council Committee on 21st Century Skills, 2010.

Member, National Research Council Committee on Laboratory Security and Personnel Reliability Assurance Systems for Laboratories Conducting Research on Biological Select Agents and Toxins, 2009.


Chair, National Research Council Committee on Physical, Medical, and Mental Health Standards for Military Recruitment, 2004-2006.

Chair, National Research Council Committee on the Youth Population and Military Recruitment, 2000-2003.

Vice-chair, National Research Council Roundtable on Work, Learning, and Assessment, 1997-1998.

Member, National Research Council Committee on the Redesign of the U.S. Naturalization Test, 2004 – 2005.

Member, National Research Council Board on Testing and Assessment, 1995-1998.

Member, National Research Council Committee on the Appropriate Uses of Educational Tests, 1998.

Member, National Research Council Committee on the General Aptitude Test Battery, 1987-1989.

4. Service on Advisory Boards

Member of the Psychometric Oversight Committee of the American Institute for Certified Public Accountants, 2011-present.

Member of the Educational Testing Service Visiting Panel on Research, 2008-


Member of the College Board SAT Psychometric Panel, 2006-present.

Member of Technical Advisory Board, Psychological Services Inc., 2005-present.

Member of Research Advisory Committee of the College Board, 2001-2005.

Member of Graduate Record Examination Board, 2002-2006

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Human Resource Research Organization (HumRRO), 2003-present.

Member, Department of Defense Advisory Committee on Military Testing, 1986-1988.

Member of Advisory Committee of the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, 1998-2002.

Honors and Awards

Holder of the Beverly and Richard Fink Distinguished Professorship of Psychology and Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, 2006-present.

Honorary Doctorate, Ghent University, Belgium, Dec. 2011

Herbert G. Heneman Jr. Career Achievement Award, Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management, 2007.

Designated as a “Lifetime National Associate” of the National Academies for extraordinary service to the National Academy of Sciences, 2003.

Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2003.

Scholar of the College Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, 2001-2004.

Distinguished Service Contribution Award, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2000.

Elected to Fellowship in the American Psychological Association, (Division 14: Industrial and Organizational Psychology; 1986; Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics, 1999).

Holder of the Carlson Professorship in Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota, 1993-1998

Herbert G. Heneman Jr. Award as the Outstanding Teacher in Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota, 1990.

Professional Memberships

American Psychological Association (Fellow, Divisions 5 and 14)

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Fellow)

American Psychological Society (Fellow)

Personnel/Human Resource Research Group (Founder of by-invitation research

group, meeting annually since 1987)

Research Interests

Testing and public policy, personal and situation influences on individual performance in work and educational settings; human judgment processes in personnel decision making; legal and methodological issues in personnel selection research; counterproductive work behavior; the assessment of managerial potential.

Research: Journal Articles, Books, Book Chapters

Working Papers

Waters, S. D., and Sackett, P. R. On the possibility of using configural scoring to enhance prediction: Reaffirming the power of the general linear model.

Shen, W., and Sackett, P. R. Predictive Power of Personality: Profile- vs. Level-Effects Predicting Extra-Role Performance.

Koch, A., D’Mello, S., and Sackett, P. R. Cohen’s d and the Homoscedasticity Assumption: How heteroscedastic is too much?

Shen, W., Kuncel, N. R.,Sackett, P. R., Kiger, T., Beatty, A.S., & Rigdon, J. L. Black-white differential prediction of high school grades on college performance.

Kiger, T., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N.R., Beatty, A.S, Shen, W., & Rigdon, J. L. A large sample response addressing low power in differential prediction.

Kiger, T., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N.R., Beatty, A.S, Shen, W., & Rigdon, J. L. The linearity of the relationships between high school-grades and college grades

Beatty, A S., Kuncel, N. R., Sackett, P.R.,Shen, W., Rigdon, J. L., & Kiger,T.Estimating the reliability of college grades.

Jenson, C., and Sackett, P. R. Faking to the max: Do ceiling effects constrain faking?

Shen, W., and Sackett, P. R. The relationship of Big Five personality profiles to job performance.

D’Mello, S., and Sackett, P. R. Evaluations of applicants with disabilities: Which factors influence judgments?

Beatty, A. S.,Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N. R., Shen, W., Rigdon, J. L., & Kiger, T. An illustration of Pareto-optimality applied to primary study educational data.

Stemig, M.S., and Sackett, P. R. Another look into the file drawer problem in meta-analysis.

Dovalina, C. L., Berry, C. M., and Sackett, P. R. Self-efficacy: Incremental validity beyond ability and implications for differential prediction.

Keiser, H.N., Sackett, P. R., and Ones, D. S. Black-White mean differences in nonverbal reasoning: A meta-analysis.

D’Mello, S., and Sackett, P. R. The impact of participant minority status on disability-related bias.

Beatty, A.S., Walmsley, P. T., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N.R., and Koch, A.J. Within-high school vs. across-high school predictors in admissions: Validity and diversity effects.

Koch, A. J., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N.R., Beatty, A.S., and Walmsley, P. T. Exploring omitted variables : Why cognitive tests overpredict minority performance.

Koch, A. J., Kuncel, N.R., Sackett, P. R., Beatty, A.S., and Walmsley, P. T. Predicting persistence in science, technology, engineering, and math fields.

Walmsley, P.T., Kuncel, N.R., Sackett, P. R., Koch, A. J, and Beatty, A.S. A method for displaying incremental validity with expectancy charts.

Jenson, C. E., and Sackett, P. R. Examining ability to fake and test-taker goals in personality assessments.

Nye, C. D., and Sackett, P. R. The effects of bias: Understanding the implications of differential prediction.

Under Review

Beatty, A. S. Barratt, C., Berry, C. M, and Sackett, P. R. Testing the generalizability of indirect range restriction corrections. Submitted to the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Beck, J. A., Beatty, A. S., and Sackett, P. R. On the normality of job performance: A reply to O’Boyle and Aguinis (2012). Submitted to Personnel Psychology.

Sackett, P. R., Walmsley, P. T., and Koch, A. Predictor content matters for knowledge testing: Evidence supporting content validation. Submitted to the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Anseel, F., Beatty, A. S., Shen, W., Lievens, F., and Sackett, P. R. How are we doing after more than 25 years?’: A meta-analytic review of antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking research. Submitted to the Journal of Management.

Koch, A., D’Mello, S., and Sackett, P.R. A meta-analysis of gender stereotypes and bias in experimental simulations of employment decision making. Submitted to Psychological Bulletin.

Shen, W., Kiger, T., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N. R., Walmsley, P. T., Beatty, A.S., & Rigdon, J. L. Differential prediction in the use of the SAT and high school grades in predicting college performance: Joint effects of race and language. Submitted to Educational Measurement.

Kuncel, N. R., and Sackett P, R. Resolving the assessment center construct validity dilemma. Submitted to the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Beatty, A S., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N. R., Shen, W. Rigdon, J. L,. & Kiger, T.

A comparison of four methods for keying biodata inventories: Out with the old, in with the old? Submitted to the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Waters, S. M., Sackett, P. R., and Whetzel, D. L. General vs. specific abilities in personnel selection. Submitted to Intelligence.

Sackett, P. R., Eitelberg, M. J., and Sellman, W. S. Profiles of American Youth: Generational Changes in Cognitive Skill.Book manuscriptunderpublication consideration.

Rigdon, J. L., Shen, W., Kuncel, N.R., Sackett, P. R., Beatty, A.S., & Kiger, T. The role of socioeconomic status in SAT-freshman grade relationships across gender and racial/ethnic subgroups. Submitted to Educational Measurement.

In Press

Walmsley, P. T., and Sackett, P. R. (in press). Factors affecting potential personality retest improvement after initial failure. Human Performance.

Berry, C. M., Sackett, P. R., and Sund, A. (in press). The role of range restriction and criterion contamination in assessing differential validity by race/ethnicity. Journal of Business and Psychology.

Davis, D., Dorsey, K., Franks, R., Sackett, P. R., Searcy, C., and Zhao, Xiaohui. (in press). Group differences on the MCAT exam: Do they reflect bias? Academic Medicine.

Cullen, M. J., Muros, J. P, Rasch, R., and Sackett, P. R. (in press). Behavioral modeling vs. error management training for developing negotiation skills: Relative effectiveness and personality moderators. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Sackett, P. R., and Walmsley, P. T. (in press). What non-cognitive factors are most important in the workplace? In B. Naemi, J. Burris, K, Mattern, and R. Roberts (Eds.) Building Better Students. Washington D.C.: American Educational Research Association.

Ryan, A. M., & Sackett, P. R. (in press). Stereotype threat in workplace assessments. In K. F. Geisinger (Ed. ). APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association.


Connelly, B. S., Sackett, P. R., and Waters, S. D. (2012). Balancing treatment and control groups in quasi-experiments: An introduction to propensity scoring. Personnel Psychology.Advance on-line publication, 11/15/12.

Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N. R., Beatty, A. S., Rigdon, J. L, Shen, W., and Kiger, T. B. (2012). The role of socio-economic status in SAT-grade relationships and in college admissions decisions. Psychological Science, 23. 1-8.

Lievens, F., Buyse, T., Sackett, P. R., and Connelly, B. S. (2012). The effects of coaching on Situational Judgment Tests in high-stakes testing. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 20, 272-282.

Rotundo, M., Sackett, P. R., Enns, J. R., and Mann, S. L. (2012). Temporal changes in individual job performance: The role of reallocation of effort across performance dimensions. Human Performance, 25,201-214.

Shen, W., Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N. R., Beatty, A. S., Rigdon, J. L., and Kiger, T. B. (2012). Determinants of SAT validity variability across schools. Applied Measurement in Education, 25, 3, 197-219.

Sackett, P. R., and Schmitt, N. (2012). On reconciling conflicting meta-analytic findings regarding integrity test validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 550-556.

Landers, R. N., and Sackett, P. R. (2012) Offsetting performance losses due to cheating in unproctored internet testing by increasing the applicant pool. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 20, 218-226.

Lievens, F., and Sackett, P. R. (2012). The validity of interpersonal skills assessments via Situational Judgment Tests for predicting academic and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 460-468.

Ryan, A. M., and Sackett, P. R. (2012) Individual differences. In S. W. Kozlowski (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Oxford University Press, 143-158.

Kobrin, J. L., Kim, Y. R., and Sackett, P. R. (2012). Modeling the predictive validity of SAT mathematics items using item characteristics. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72, 99-119.

Sackett, P. R., Walmsley, P. T., and Laczo, R. M. (2012). Job and work analysis. In N. Schmitt, and S. Highhouse (Eds.) Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume 12: Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 48-87.

Sackett, P. R. (2012). Cognitive tests, constructs, and content validity: A commentary on Schmidt (2012). International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 20, 23-27.

Sackett, P.R., Putka, D.J., & McCloy, R.A. (2012).The concept of validity and the process of validation. In N. Schmitt (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Assessment and Selection. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 91-118.


Arneson, J.J., Sackett, P. R., and Beatty, A. S. (2011). Ability – performance relationships in education and employment settings: Critical tests of the “more is better” and the “good enough” hypotheses. Psychological Science, 22, 1336-1342.

Sackett, P. R. (2011). The Uniform Guidelinesis not a scientific document:

Implications for expert testimony. Industrial and Organizational

Psychology: Implications for Science and Practice, 4, 455-456.

Sackett, P. R. (2011). Integrating and prioritizing theoretical perspectives on applicant faking on personality measures. Human Performance, 24, 1-7.

Sackett, P. R., and Ryan, A. M. (2011). Concerns about generalizing stereotype threat research findings to operational high-stakes testing settings. In T. Schmader and M. Inzlicht (Eds). Stereotype Threat. Oxford University Press, 246-259.

Sackett, P. R. (2011). Faking in personality assessments: Where do we stand? In M Ziegler, C. MacCann, and R. Roberts (Eds). New Perspectives on Faking in Personality Assessments.OxfordUniversity Press, 330-344.

DeCorte, W., Sackett, P. R., and Lievens, F. (2011). Designing Pareto-optimal selection systems: Formalizing the decisions required for selection system development. Journal of Applied Psychology.96, 907-920.

Landers, R. N., Sackett, P. R., and Tuzinski, K. A. (2011). Retesting after initial failure, coaching rumors, and warnings against faking in the use of personality measures for selection. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 202-210.


DeCorte, W., Sackett, P. R., and Lievens, F. (2010). Selecting predictor subsets considering validity and adverse impact. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18, 260-270.

Sackett, P. R. (2010). Final thoughts on the selection and assessment field. In J. Scott and D. Reynolds (Eds.) Handbook of Workplace Assessment. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 757-777.

Kuncel, N. R., Ones, D. S., and Sackett, P. R. (2010). Individual differences as predictors of work, educational, and broad life outcomes. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 331-336.

Sackett. P R., and Bobko, P. (2010). Conceptual and technical issues in conducting and interpreting differential prediction analyses. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 3, 213-217.

Berry, C. M., Sackett, P. R., and Tobares, V. (2010). A meta-analysis of conditional reasoning tests of aggression. Personnel Psychology, 63, 361-384.

Sackett, P. R. (2010). Integrity testing for personnel selection: The role of research methods. In M. Gernsbacher, D. Pew, and L. Hough (Eds.) Psychology and the real world: Essays illustrating fundamental contributions to society. Worth Publishers, 17-22.

Putka, D., and Sackett, P. R. (2010) Current perspectives on reliability and validity. In J . Farr and N. Tippins (Eds). Handbook of Personnel Selection. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 9-49.

Sackett, P. R., Shen, W., Myors., B, Lievens, F., Schollaert, E., Van Hoye, G. et al. (2010). Perspectives from twenty-two countries on the legal environment for selection. In J. Farr and N. Tippins (Eds). Handbook of Personnel Selection. Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 651-676.


Berry, C.M., and Sackett, P. R. (2009). Faking in continuous flow selection systems: Tradeoffs in utility vs. fairness resulting from two cut score strategies. Personnel Psychology, 62, 833-861.

Lievens, F., Sackett, P. R, and Buyse, T. (2009). The effects of response instructions on situational judgment test performance and validity in a high-stakes context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1095-1101.

Berry, C. M., and Sackett, P.R. (2009). Individual differences in course choice result in underestimation of college admissions systems validity. Psychological Science. 20, 822-830.

Sackett, P. R., Borneman, M., and Connelly, B.S. (2009). Response to issues raised about validity, bias, and fairness in high-stakes testing. American Psychologist, 64, 285-287.

Sackett., P. R., DeCorte, W., and Lievens, F. (2009). Decision aids for addressing the validity-adverse impact tradeoff. In J. Outtz (Ed.) Adverse Impact: Implications for Organizational Staffing and High Stakes Selection. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 459-478.

Sackett, P. R., and Shen, W. (2009). Subgroup differences on cognitively loaded tests in contexts other than personnel selection. In J. Outtz (Ed.) Adverse Impact: Implications for Organizational Staffing and High Stakes Selection. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 329-352.

Sackett, P. R., Kuncel, N.R., Arneson, J.J., Cooper, S. R., and Waters, S. D. 2009). Does socio-economic status explain the relationship between admissions tests and post-secondary academic performance? Psychological Bulletin, 135, 1-22.


Barron, L. G., and Sackett, P. R. (2008). Asian variability in performance rating modesty and leniency bias. Human Performance, 21. 277-290.

DeCorte, W., Lievens, F., and Sackett, P. R. (2008). Validity and adverse

impact potential of predictor composite formation. International Journal of

Selection and Assessment, 16, 183-194.

Sackett, P. R., DeCorte, W., and Lievens, F. (2008). Pareto-optimal predictor composite formation: A complementary approach to alleviating the selection quality-adverse impact dilemma. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16, 206-210.

Hardison, C. M., and Sackett, P. R. (2008). Use of writing samples on standardizedtests: Susceptibility to rule-based coaching and the resulting effects on scoreimprovement. Applied Measurement in Education, 21, 1-26.

Sackett, P. R., Borneman, M., and Connelly, B. S (2008). High stakes testing in education and employment: Evaluating common criticisms regarding validity and fairness. American Psychologist, 63, 215-227.

Myors., B.,….Shen, W., and Sackett, P. R. (2008). International perspectives on the legal environment for selection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 1, 200-246.

Myors., B.,….Shen, W., and Sackett, P. R. (2008). Broadening international perspectives on the legal environment for selection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 1, 266-270.

Sackett, P. R., and Lievens, F. (2008). Personnel selection. In S. T. Fiske, A. E. Kazdin, and D. L. Schacter (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews, 419-450.


Berry, C. M., Sackett, P R., and Landers, R. (2007). Revisiting interview-cognitive ability relationships: Attending to specific range restriction mechanisms in meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 60, 837-874.

DeCorte, W., Lievens, F., and Sackett, P. R. (2007). Combining predictors to achieve optimal trade-offs between selection quality and adverse impact. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1380-1393.

Lievens, F., and Sackett, P. R. (2007). Multidimensional predictors in high-stakes testing: Issues and strategies with creating alternate forms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1043-1055.

Sackett, P. R. (2007). Revisiting the origins of the typical-maximum performance distinction. Human Performance, 20, 179-185.

Berry, C. M., Sackett, P. R., and Wiemann, S. A. (2007). A review of recent developments in integrity test research. Personnel Psychology, 60, 270-301.