P.O. Box 577, (GPS: 424 East Main Street), Dublin, VA 24084, (540) 674-5128,
Application for Employment: Director of Discipleship
Conditions of employment are stated at the end of this form.Please read carefully before you sign this application.
Please fill out all sections
Applicant Information
- Applicant Name ______
- Social Security Number: ______
- Home Phone ______Best Phone to reach you ______
- Email Address ______
- Current Address, Number and street : ______
City ______State & Zip ______ - How did you find this job opening at Dublin United Methodist Church?:______
Employment Position:
- What days and hours are you available?______
- If hired, on what date can you start working? ______/ ______/ ______
- Are you available to work overtime? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- Hourly rateor salary desired: $______
Personal Information:
- Have you ever applied to / worked for Dublin United Methodist Church or the Learning Circle? [ ] Y or [ ] N
If yes, please explain (include date): ______
- Do you have any friends, relatives, or acquaintances working for Dublin United Methodist Church or the Learning Circle? [ ] Y or [ ] N If yes, state name & relationship: ______
- Current Church affiliation: ______
- Position of service or leadership held in church: ______
- If hired, would you have transportation to/from work? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- Are you over the age of 18? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- If hired, would you be able to present evidence of your U.S. citizenship or proof of your legal right to work in the United States? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- If hired, are you willing to submit to and pass a controlled substance test? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, either with / without reasonable accommodation? [ ] Y or [ ] NIf no, describe the functions that cannot be performed
(Note: Dublin United Methodist Church complies with what the ADA and considers reasonable accommodation measures that may be necessary for eligible applicants/employees to perform essential functions. It is possible that a hire may be tested on skill/agility and may be subject to a medical examination conducted by a medical professional.)
- Have you ever been discharged from a job? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (felony or misdemeanor)? [ ] Y or [ ] N
If yes, please describe the crime - state nature of the crime(s), when and where convicted and disposition of the case.______
(Note: No applicant will be denied employment solely on the grounds of conviction of a criminal offense.)
Education, Training and Experience
High School:
School name: ______School city, state, zip:______
Number of years completed: ______Did you graduate? [ ] Y or [ ] N
Degree / diploma earned: ______
College / University 1:
School name: ______School city, state, zip:______
Number of years completed: ______Did you graduate? [ ] Y or [ ] N
Degree / diploma earned: ______
College / University 2:
School name: ______School city, state, zip:______
Number of years completed: ______Did you graduate? [ ] Y or [ ] N
Degree / diploma earned: ______
Branch: ______Rank in Military:______
Total Years of Service: ______Skills/duties: ______
Related details:______
- Do you speak, write or understand any foreign languages? [ ] Y or [ ] N If yes, describe which languages(s) and how fluent of a speaker you consider yourself to be. ______
- Do you have any other experience, training, qualifications, or skills which you feel should be brought to our attention, in the case that they make you especially suited for working with us?[ ] Y or [ ] N If yes, please explain ______
Employment History
Are you currently employed? [ ] Y or [ ] N
If you are currently employed, may we contact your current employer? [ ] Y or [ ] N
Below, please describe past and present employment positions, dating back five years. Please account for all periods of unemployment.If you have attached a resume with this information, this section may be omitted.
- Name of Employer:______
Name of Supervisor:______
Telephone Number:______
Business Type:[ ______
City, state, zip:______Length of Employment (Include Dates):______
Position & Duties:______
Starting Salary: ______Ending Salary: ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
May we contact this employer for references? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- Name of Employer:______
Name of Supervisor:______
Telephone Number:______
Business Type:[ ______
City, state, zip:______Length of Employment (Include Dates):______
Position & Duties:______
Starting Salary: ______Ending Salary: ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
May we contact this employer for references? [ ] Y or [ ] N
- Name of Employer:______
Name of Supervisor:______
Telephone Number:______
Business Type:[ ______
City, state, zip:______Length of Employment (Include Dates):______
Position & Duties:______
Starting Salary: ______Ending Salary: ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
May we contact this employer for references? [ ] Y or [ ] N
Please list two or more persons who have knowledge of your work performance within the last five years. Please include professional references only.
- Name - First, Last: ______
Telephone Number:______
Address:______City, state, zip:______
Occupation: ______Number of Years Acquainted: ______
- Name - First, Last: ______
Telephone Number:______
Address:______City, state, zip:______
Occupation: ______Number of Years Acquainted: ______
- Name - First, Last: ______
Telephone Number:______
Address:______City, state, zip:______
Occupation: ______Number of Years Acquainted: ______
Applicant’s Statement
I certifythattheinformationonthisapplicationanditssupportingdocumentsareaccurateandcomplete.I understandandagreethatfailureto fullycompletetheform,ormisrepresentationoromissionoffacts,representsgroundsforeliminationfromconsiderationforemployment,orterminationafteremploymentifdiscoveredatalaterdate.I authorizeDublin United Methodist Church toinvestigate,withoutliability,allstatementscontainedinthisapplicationandsupportingmaterials.Iauthorizereferencesandformeremployers,withoutliability,tomakefullresponsetoanyinquiriesinconnectionwiththisapplicationforemployment. Iagreeto submittoa physicalexam,criminalandcreditbackgroundinvestigation,and/orscreeningfor illegalsubstancesuponconditionalofferofemployment.Iunderstandthatthis documentisNOTanofferofemployment,andthatan offerofemployment,iftendered, doesNOTconstituteacontractforcontinuedguaranteedemployment.Iunderstand thatstaffemployeesofDublin United Methodist Churchserveat-will,andtheemploymentrelationshipmaybeterminatedatanytimebyeitherparty,foranyornoreason.
If employed,Iwillberequiredto furnishproofofeligibilityto workintheUnitedStates. Iunderstandthatif employedonatemporarybasis,I wouldbepaidforhoursworkedonly,andwouldbeineligibleforbenefitsincludingpaidtimeoff.If employedonaregular,benefits-eligiblebasis,IunderstandthatI wouldbe offereda benefitpackage,if applicableatthetime.
IunderstandthatanybenefitsI receivemaybesubjecttochangeordiscontinuationatanytimewithoutpriornotice.Iunderstandthatthefirst90daysofregularemploymentrepresenta provisionalperiodduringwhichmyemploymentmaybeterminatedwithout rightofappeal.
Applicant's Signature:______Date:______
Please return this completed application to Dublin United Methodist Church by surface mail or email. If you have further questions, please contact the church office.
P.O. Box 577, (GPS: 424 East Main Street), Dublin, VA 24084, (540) 674-5128
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