Tiered Attendance Interventions and Activities
Tier 1
(0-3 absences) / Activity / Person Responsible
Take accurate, timely attendancedaily / Teacher, administrator, attendance specialist
Update absences to tardies for late arrivals, based on policy / Teacher, administrator
Take satellite attendance each period (different colored sign-in sheets for each period in office, library, ISS, counselor, etc.) / Attendance specialist, administrator, satellite location designee
Show “Attendance Matters” webinar on compulsory attendance to all secondary students during advisory in August/September and again in January / Administrator, advisory teacher, DPS, PSS, campus designee
Mail home district attendance letter, based on policy / District, attendance specialist
Ensure School Messenger makes absence phone calls / District, attendance specialist
Hold conference with student after 3 absences / Advisory teacher, classroom teacher
Contact parent via phone or email after 3 absences / Advisory teacher, classroom teacher
Hang posters in building indicating when and where to submit attendance notes; include contact name and number / Attendance specialist, administrator
Hold class, team, or grade level attendance competitions with rewards (extended lunch or recess, attendance flag outside of room, pizza party, staff vs. student sport events, atten-DANCE, etc.) / Attendance committee, CST, leadership team, administrator
Set attendance improvement goal and share progress weekly with staff / Administrator
Have secondary students complete career interest inventories / Counselor (with DPS support)
Provide training in best practice attendance monitoring / Child study facilitator, DPS, administrator
Review new enrollee attendance / Registrar, administrator
Conduct attendance orientation forall new students / Registrar, attendance specialist
Tier 2
(4-9 absences) / Activity / Person Responsible
Conference with student and/or parent / Teacher, counselor, DPS
Provide daily check in/check out / Teacher, counselor, advisor, mentor
Provide targeted small group instruction (social skills, study skills, conflict management, etc.) / Counselor, social worker, CIS, advisor, mentor
Refer to campus attendance committee or CST / Administrator, DPS, attendance specialist, counselor, social worker, CIS, PSS
Assign weekly attendance contract / Administrator, teacher
Set monitor triggers in Grade Speed / Administrator, teacher, advisor, counselor, parent (divide student groups)
Conduct home visits / DPS, PSS, administrator, advisor
Send attendance warning letter home / DPS, attendance specialist, PSS, counselor
Present “Connecting the Dots” to parent and student / DPS, PSS, campus designee
Consult with probation officers / DPS, administrator
Assign Saturday school (if available) / Administrator, counselor, teacher, DPS w/principal approval
Assign mandatory tutoring groups/college test prep (SAT, ACT, ACC COMPASS)/Delta Lab / DPS w/administrator approval
Refer to campus support services (CIS, PSS, CARY, etc) / DPS, administrator
Refer enrolling students with attendance issues to DPS/administrator PRIOR to enrolling / Registrar
Show“Connecting the Dots” to enrolling students with attendance issues (and parent) / DPS, administrator
Refer withdrawals to DPS and/or administrator for next school enrollment counseling / PEIMS specialist
Tier 3
(10 or more absences) / Activity / PersonResponsible
BEFORE beginning of year schedule pick up, meet with students with history of attendance issues / DPS and administrator should plan with appropriate staff prior to first day of school
Invite parent and student to attendance workshop in lieu of a court truancy filing / DPS, counselor, administrator, PSS
Use campus-specific initiatives (TIPS, Premier, etc) / Administrator, DPS, counselor, CST members
Refer to CST for more intensive, comprehensive staffing (academics, behavior, attendance) / Teacher, counselor, DPS, PSS, CIS, SSS, social worker, attendance committee
Discuss alternative education programs (Premier, AYC, Austin Can, etc.) / DPS, counselor, administrator
Conduct home visits / DPS, administrator, SSS, social worker
Connect parent/family to community-based services (Crossroads, Life Changers, Project Hope, SafePlace, etc.) in lieu of truancy filing / PSS, Family Resource Center (FRC), CIS, Juvenile Case Manager from JP’s office, SSS, social worker
Assign community service, tutorials, college test prep, twilight school, etc. in lieu of truancy filing / Administrator, DPS w/administrator approval
Implement daily attendance contract / DPS, teacher, administrator, counselor
Refer to community service programs / DPS, counselor, FRC,CIS,SSS
Refer new enrollees with 10+ absences to DPSand administrator prior to enrollment / Registrar
Discuss alternative programs (in and out of district) with new students and parentsprior to enrollment / DPS, administrator, counselor
Refer withdrawals to DPS and administrator to facilitate attendance counseling at next school / PEIMS specialist, DPS , administrator
Initiate administrative withdrawals in coordination with DPS. Ensure follow-up meeting with student and family to address academic and truancy issues. / Administrator, DPS w/administrator approval
Submit documents for truancy court filing / Administrator, DPS, attendance specialist, PSS
Attend truancy court / Administrator, DPS, attendance specialist, PSS
Communicate with truancy PO and case worker / DPS, counselor, administrator, SRO
Re-file on students with 20+ absences / DPS, administrator
Austin Independent School District, Child Study System