- Narrative
- Letter writing
- Chronological report
- creating atmosphere, and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action
- selecting vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect the level of formality required mostly correctly
- using a range of cohesive devices including adverbials, within and across sentences and paragraphs
- managing shifts between levels of formality through selecting vocabulary precisely and by manipulating grammatical structures
- Spelling- Words with the
Words containing the letter-string
Words with ‘silent’ letters (i.e. letters whose presence cannot be predicted from the pronunciation of the word)
CORE TEXT –Tom’s Midnight Garden / Science
• Posing scientific questions
• Choosing an appropriate way to investigate a scientific issue
• Using their scientific knowledge and understanding to predict the outcome
• Relating the outcome to their original prediction
• Making systematic and accurate measurements from their observations
• Drawing conclusions based on the evidence
• Explaining and justifying their predictions, investigations, findings and conclusions
• Recording and communicating their findings accurately using the most appropriate medium and the appropriate scientific vocabulary and
• Repeating investigations, observations and measurements to check their accuracy and validity
• Identifying patterns in the results / Computing & ICT
- E-Safety-Using Email
- Children select appropriate tools to collaborate and communicate confidently and safely with others within and beyond their school.
- Children exchange and share ideas with a wider audience, and to evaluate their use of technology including the use of email, social networking, online gaming, and mobile phones and how they present themselves online.
Revision of the year 6 maths curriculum with emphasis on developing reasoning skills across all areas of maths
To Include:
•Use,read,writeandconvertbetweenstandardunits,convertingmeasurementsoflength,mass,volumeandtimefromasmallerunitofmeasuretoalargerunit. Also,viceversa,usingdecimalnotationtouptothreedecimalplaces.
P.S.H.E. & SRE
- To be able to define what stereotyping is
- To identify when stereotyping occurs
- Explore media – music, TV, film magazine etc. – portrayal of stereotypical images
Our theme for this term is:
Summer 1: AD 900-The rise and fall of empires
In this unit, the children will be studying three non-European civilisations:
• The Maya
• The Kingdom of Benin
• The Islamic empire
Summer 2: Bake it!
We are going to find out about science by making bread. What has bread got to do with
science? The processes involved in making bread can teach us how molecules behave in
different materials (solids, liquids and gases) and how these materials can be changed. / RE
Explore the Christian understanding of God and trinity
What do pupils think about God?
What philosophical questions do they have?
What does it mean to be a Christian?
How and why do Christians use the bible in church and at home? Investigate the bible.
What is the significance for Christians?
Geography 8 History
- Be able to find out about aspects of the past from a range of sources
- Be able to describe and identify reasons for and results of historical
- events, situations, and changes in the periods they have studied
- Be able to describe how the history of one country affects that of
- another
- Be able to place the events, people and changes in the periods they
- Develop the range and consistency of net games skills
- use and adapt rules, strategies and tactics, using their knowledge of principles of attack and defence
- know why warming up and cooling down are important
- Evaluate performances, explain what needs improving in their own and others’ work.
- Be able to respond to identified needs, wants and opportunities with informed designs and products
- Be able to gather and use information to suggest solutions to problem
- Be able to devise and use step-by-step plans
- Be able to consider the needs of users when designing and making
- Be able to select the most appropriate available tools and materials for a task
- Be able to work with a variety of tools and materials with some accuracy
- Be able to test and evaluate their own work and improve on it
Create complex rhythms and be able to hold your own part against another rhythm.
Create rhythms that work well together
Create a 4 part rhythm which sounds effective played together.
To create effective rhythms
To develop rhythmic skills and ability to create complex patterns.