Conversion of Hammond Concise Atlas of World History 6th edition to Oxford Atlas of World History 2007 edition
Module-Lesson / Hammond Concise Atlas 6th edition / Oxford Atlas 2007 edition
1- 1 / Chronology Chart and Index / Foreword and Index
1- 4 / p.2-3 Human Origins / 12, 16-17 Ancient World, The Human Revolution
1- 6 / p.2-3 Human Origins / 12, 16-17 Ancient World, The Human Revolution
1- 6 / p.4-7 The Ice Ages, From Hunting to Farming / 17-27 The Human Revolution, Hunting to Farming
1- 7 / p.6-7 Hunting to Farming / 12-13 The Ancient World (general) 18-27 From Hunting to Farming (specific regions)
1- 7 / p.14-15 Development of Europe, 6000-300 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
1- 9 / p.10-11 Prehistoric Africa and Australia / 22-23 From Hunting to Farming: Africa 10,000 BC- 500 AD
26-27 From Hunting to Farming: Australia and the Pacific 10,000 BC- 1000 AD
1- 9 / p.12-13 Peoples and Cultures of the Americas / 24-25 From Hunting to Farming: The Americas 12, 000- 1000 BC
32-35 Civilizations in Mesoamerica 1200 BC- 700 AD and Cultures in South America 1400 BC- 1000 AD
84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
1- 10 / p.16-17 Egypt and Mesopotamia 3500- 1600 BC / 28-30 The First Civilizations: Mesopotamia and the Indus Region 4000-1800 BC
1- 11 / p.8-9 Early Cultures of Asia / 30-31 The First Civilizations: China 1700-1050 BC
50-51 Peoples of Central Asia 6000- 500 AD
1- 11 / 10-11 Prehistoric Africa and Australia / 22-23 From Hunting to Farming: Africa 10,000 BC- 500 AD
26-27 From Hunting to Farming: Australia and the Pacific 10,000 BC- 1000 AD
1- 13 / 16-17 Egypt and Mesopotamia 3500- 1600 BC / 28-30 The First Civilizations: Mesopotamia and the Indus Region 4000-1800 BC
1- 14 / 20-21 Near Eastern Empires 1600-330 BC / 38-39 Empires and Traders 1200-600 BC
42-43 The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
1- 21 / 18-19 The First Civilizations of Europe 3000-600 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
1- 47 / 8-9 Early Cultures of Asia / 30-31 The First Civilizations: China 1700-1050 BC
50-51 Peoples of Central Asia 6000- 500 AD
1- 52 / 8-9 Early Cultures of Asia / 30-31 The First Civilizations: China 1700-1050 BC
50-51 Peoples of Central Asia 6000- 500 AD
1- 52 / 12-13 Peoples and Cultures of the Americas / 24-25 From Hunting to Farming: The Americas 12, 000- 1000 BC
32-35 Civilizations in Mesoamerica 1200 BC- 700 AD and Cultures in South America 1400 BC- 1000 AD
84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
1- 53 / 20-21 Near Eastern Empires 1600-330 BC / 38-39 Empires and Traders 1200-600 BC
42-43 The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
1- 65 / 20-21 Near Eastern Empires 1600-330 BC / 38-39 Empires and Traders 1200-600 BC
42-43 The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
1- 67 / 18-19 The First Civilizations of Europe 3000-600 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
1- 69 / 20-21 Near Eastern Empires 1600-330 BC / 38-39 Empires and Traders 1200-600 BC
42-43 The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
2- 3 / 6-7 From Hunting to Farming / 12-13 The Ancient World (general) 18-27 From Hunting to Farming (specific regions)
2- 3 / 16-17 Egypt and Mesopotamia 3500- 1600 BC / 28-30 The First Civilizations: Mesopotamia and the Indus Region 4000-1800 BC
2- 4 / 8-9 Early Cultures of Asia / 30-31 The First Civilizations: China 1700-1050 BC
50-51 Peoples of Central Asia 6000- 500 AD
2- 4 / 14-15 Development of Europe, 6000-300 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
2- 4 / 18-19 The First Civilizations of Europe 3000-600 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
2- 6 / 12-13 Peoples and Cultures of the Americas / 24-25 From Hunting to Farming: The Americas 12, 000- 1000 BC
32-35 Civilizations in Mesoamerica 1200 BC- 700 AD and Cultures in South America 1400 BC- 1000 AD
84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
2- 8 / 20-21 Near Eastern Empires 1600-330 BC / 38-39 Empires and Traders 1200-600 BC
42-43 The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
2- 9 / 14-15 Development of Europe, 6000-300 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
2- 9 / 22-23 The Greek World 497-185 BC / 40-43 Classical Greece 750-400 BC and The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
2- 13 / 22-23 The Greek World 497-185 BC / 40-43 Classical Greece 750-400 BC and The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
2- 13 / 24-25 Trading Links of the Ancient World / 52-53 Eurasian Trade 150 BC- 500 AD
2- 16 / 22-23 The Greek World 497-185 BC / 40-43 Classical Greece 750-400 BC and The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
2- 19 / 30-31 The Roman Empire 264 BC- 565 AD / 54-57 The Roman Empire 500 BC- 400 AD and Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire 100-500 AD
2- 20 / 26-27 The World Religions 500 BC- 500 AD / 44-45 The Birth of World Religions 1500 BC- 600 AD
2- 61 / 32-33 The Barbarian Invasions / 56-57 Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire 100-500 AD
2- 61 / 30-31 The Roman Empire 264 BC- 565 AD / 54-57 The Roman Empire 500 BC- 400 AD and Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire 100-500 AD
2-65 / 10-11 Prehistoric Africa and Australia / 22-23 From Hunting to Farming: Africa 10,000 BC- 500 AD
26-27 From Hunting to Farming: Australia and the Pacific 10,000 BC- 1000 AD
2- 65 / 12-13 Peoples and Cultures of the Americas / 24-25 From Hunting to Farming: The Americas 12, 000- 1000 BC
32-35 Civilizations in Mesoamerica 1200 BC- 700 AD and Cultures in South America 1400 BC- 1000 AD
84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
2- 66 / 10-11 Prehistoric Africa and Australia / 22-23 From Hunting to Farming: Africa 10,000 BC- 500 AD
26-27 From Hunting to Farming: Australia and the Pacific 10,000 BC- 1000 AD
2- 66 / 14-15 Development of Europe, 6000-300 BC / 20-21 From Hunting to Farming: Europe 8000-200 BC
2- 67 / 28-29 India and China: The First Empires / 46-49 First Empires in India and First Empires in China
2- 68 / 28-29 India and China: The First Empires / 46-49 First Empires in India and First Empires in China
2- 69 / 8-9 Early Cultures of Asia / 30-31 The First Civilizations: China 1700-1050 BC
50-51 Peoples of Central Asia 6000- 500 AD
2- 69 / 22-23 The Greek World 497-185 BC / 40-43 Classical Greece 750-400 BC and The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
2- 69 / 24-25 Trading Links of the Ancient World / 52-53 Eurasian Trade 150 BC- 500 AD
2- 70 / 24-25 Trading Links of the Ancient World / 52-53 Eurasian Trade 150 BC- 500 AD
2- 70 / 26-27 The World Religions 500 BC- 500 AD / 44-45 The Birth of World Religions 1500 BC- 600 AD
2- 73 / 26-27 The World Religions 500 BC- 500 AD / 44-45 The Birth of World Religions 1500 BC- 600 AD
2- 73 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 3 / 26-27 The World Religions 500 BC- 500 AD / 44-45 The Birth of World Religions 1500 BC- 600 AD
3- 3 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 5 / 28-29 India and China: The First Empires / 46-49 First Empires in India and First Empires in China
3- 6 / 26-27 The World Religions 500 BC- 500 AD / 44-45 The Birth of World Religions 1500 BC- 600 AD
3- 6 / 30-31 The Roman Empire 264 BC- 565 AD / 54-57 The Roman Empire 500 BC- 400 AD and Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire 100-500 AD
3- 8 / 20-21 Near Eastern Empires 1600-330 BC / 38-39 Empires and Traders 1200-600 BC
42-43 The Achaemenid and Hellenistic World 600-30 BC
3- 9 / 50-51 China and its Neighbors 618- 1644 / 72-73 East Asks in the Tang Period 618-907 and
86-87 East Asia 907-1600
3- 10 / 10-11 Prehistoric Africa and Australia / 22-23 From Hunting to Farming: Africa 10,000 BC- 500 AD
26-27 From Hunting to Farming: Australia and the Pacific 10,000 BC- 1000 AD
3- 10 / 12-13 Peoples and Cultures of the Americas / 24-25 From Hunting to Farming: The Americas 12, 000- 1000 BC
32-35 Civilizations in Mesoamerica 1200 BC- 700 AD and Cultures in South America 1400 BC- 1000 AD
84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
3- 10 / 60-61 African States and Empires 900-1800 / 80-83 States and Trade in West and East Africa 500-1500
136-137 Africa 1500-1800
3- 11 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 11 / 42-43 The Byzantine World 610-1453 / 66-67 The Byzantine Empire 527-1025
96-97 The Decline of the Byzantine and Rise of the Ottoman Empires 1025-1500
3- 13 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 15 / 40-41 The Islamic World 632-1517 / 68-69 The Spread of Islam 630-1000
88-89 The Muslim World 1000-1400
3- 16 / 50-51 China and its Neighbors 618- 1644 / 72-73 East Asia in the Tang Period 618-907 and
86-87 East Asia 907-1600
3- 17 / 34-35 Germanic Kingdoms of Western Europe / 74-75 Frankish Kingdoms 200-900
3- 19 / 36-37 Invasion and Recovery: Europe 814-1149 / 78-79 The Vikings 800-1100
3- 19 / 44-45 Early Russia 862-1245 / 70-71 The First Slavic States 400-1000
3- 19 / 52-53 Northern and Western Europe 930-1314 / 91 Holy Roman Empire
92-93 France, Spain, and England 900-1300
3- 21 / 40-41 The Islamic World 632-1517 / 68-69 The Spread of Islam 630-1000
88-89 The Muslim World 1000-1400
3- 24 / 60-61 African States and Empires 900-1800 / 80-83 States and Trade in West and East Africa 500-1500
136-137 Africa 1500-1800
3- 25 / 12-13 Peoples and Cultures of the Americas / 24-25 From Hunting to Farming: The Americas 12, 000- 1000 BC
32-35 Civilizations in Mesoamerica 1200 BC- 700 AD and Cultures in South America 1400 BC- 1000 AD
84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500 AD
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
3- 25 / 62-63 America on the Eve of European Conquest / 84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500 AD
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
120-121 Spain and the Americas 1492-1550
3- 26 / 34-35 Germanic Kingdoms of Western Europe / 74-75 Frankish Kingdoms 200-900
3- 26 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 26 / 42-43 The Byzantine World 610-1453 / 66-67 The Byzantine Empire 527-1025
96-97 The Decline of the Byzantine and Rise of the Ottoman Empires 1025-1500
3- 26 / 58-59 Medieval Trade Routes 1000-1500 / 100-101 The Economy of Europe 950-1300
3- 27 / 40-41 The Islamic World 632-1517 / 68-69 The Spread of Islam 630-1000
88-89 The Muslim World 1000-1400
3- 28 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 28 / 52-53 Northern and Western Europe 930-1314 / 91 Holy Roman Empire
92-93 France, Spain, and England 900-1300
3- 29 / 46-47 Mongol Empire 1206-1696 / 98-99 The Mongol Empire 1206-1405
3- 30 / 38-39 Christianity and Judaism c. 600-1500 / 62-63 Religions of the Medieval World 600-1500
3- 31 / 51 China under the Ming 1368-1644 / 138-139 Ming and Manchu Qing China 1368-1800
3- 31 / 51 Southeast Asia 500-1500 AD / 64-65 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia 500-1500
3- 32 / 48-49 The Muslim Resurgence / 88-89 The Muslim World 1000-1400
3- 33 / 56-57 14th Century Europe / 106-107 Europe 1350-1500
3- 34 / 72-73 New Monarchy in Europe 1453-1547 / 106-107 Europe 1350-1500
146-147 European States 1500-1600
3- 35 / 62-63 America on the Eve of European Conquest / 84-85 Civilization in Mesoamerica and South America 500-1500 AD
108-109 Cultures in North America 500-1500
120-121 Spain and the Americas 1492-1550
3- 35 / 64-65 European Voyages of Discovery 1487-1780 / 116-117 The European Discovery of the World 1450- 1600
3- 41 / 74-75 The Reformation of Europe 1517-1648 / 154-155 The Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Europe 1517-1648
3- 42 / 76-77 Western Europe 1558-1648 / 146-147 European States 1500-1600
3- 43 / 48-49 The Muslim Resurgence / 88-89 The Muslim World 1000-1400
3- 43 / 82-83 The European Economy 1500-1815 / 107 Economy After the Black Death (chart)
128-131 The Growth of the Atlantic Economies and The Rise of European Commercial Empires
3- 44 / 86-87 The Struggle for Empire / 130-131 The Rise of European Commercial Empires
3- 44 / Your Study Guide may show p. 168-169 Early Modern Muslim Empires (this is incorrect)
See pages 40-41 The Islamic World, and
48-49 Early Modern Muslim Empires / 630-1000 The Spread of Islam
88-89 The Muslim World 1000-1400
3- 45 / 60-61 African States and Empires 900-1800 / 80-83 States and Trade in West and East Africa 500-1500
136-137 Africa 1500-1800
3- 46 / 78-79 Germany and its Neighbors 1648-1806 / 174-175 The Habsburg Empire: Expansion and Decline 1700-1918
3- 47 / 66-67 European Expansion Overseas 1493-1713 / 116-117 The European Discovery of the World 1450-1600
3- 47 / 68-69 Colonial America 1519-1783 / 124-125 The Colonization of North America and the Caribbean 1600-1763
3- 48 / 68-69 Colonial America 1519-1783 / 124-125 The Colonization of North America and the Caribbean 1600-1763
3- 48 / 86-87 The Struggle for Empire / 130-131 The Rise of European Commercial Empires
3- 49 / 112-113 Australia and New Zealand from 1788 / The Development of Australia and New Zealand since 1790
3- 51 / 78-79 Germany and its Neighbors 1648-1806 / 174-175 The Habsburg Empire: Expansion and Decline 1700-1918
3- 51 / 82-83 The European Economy 1500-1815 / 107 Economy After the Black Death (chart)
128-131 The Growth of the Atlantic Economies and The Rise of European Commercial Empires
Conversion of Hammond Atlas of World History Readings to Hammond Concise Atlas of World History
