What is Media?
To understand exactly what the media is, it is important to define the term “media.” Even more specifically, you should know about the mass media. Although many different meanings and interpretations may exist for the term “mass media,” for our use, we can say that the mass media is a group that constructs messages with embedded values, and that disseminates those messages to a specific portion of the public in order to achieve a specific goal. If that definition scares you, don’t worry, we’re going to break it down into individual parts.
“A group” – When referring to the mass media as a “group” we are talking about newspapers, movie studios, television networks, radio stations and other media corporations as part of this group of people and companies related to what we call “the media.”
Obviously this group has changed over the years. In the beginning of civilization we only had the ability to transmit messages from person to person, through words in the form of stories and conversation. Later, humans developed written language and messages were recorded on some sort of surface. This method further evolved with the capability to copy written messages over and over again. In the twentieth century we began using electronic media. At first, radio was the electronic media of choice. This later evolved into television, and eventually into the internet.
“that constructs messages with embedded values” – The media do not only create messages, but they create messages with hidden meanings. It’s impossible to find any message in the media (or even with people we know personally) that doesn’t have a subjective view. No part of the media is always objective and unbiased (without opinion) , including the news media.
This part of the definition contains important information. If we know that all media messages have hidden meanings, this should immediately be a reason to analyze the media and criticize the message before accepting it. What if the embedded values in the media message don’t match your own? This is where problems of controversy arise.
Notice that the word “constructs” was used instead of a word like “creates” or “produces.” The idea that media messages are constructed means that one or more persons made a conscious effort to build the message you are viewing, listening to or reading. For example, in a photograph, the photographer uses specific techniques to make the subject more emotionally engaging to the viewer.
“and that disseminates those messages” – In order for the media to be the media, and not someone’s personal journal that no one else reads, the messages brought forth in the media must be circulated. In other words, the messages created by journalists, television writers, film directors and even musical artists must be put into society to be consumed.
This part of the definition doesn’t limit media by the number of people able to view the message. For example, a large newspaper with a circulation of one million copies each day is as much a part of the mass media as a person who writes an internet blog with only five people reading it. Both methods use their intended medium to spread the message into society.
“to a specific portion of the public” – Since we know that media messages are constructed , and that they have embedded values, it is also important to know that the people and companies creating these messages target them to a specific part of the public. The most obvious example is a local newspaper. If you live in Wichita, Kan., it’s very unlikely that you will be interested in news happening in South Bend, Ind. Due to the proximity (closeness) the people and companies creating the messages know they should target the people most interested in reading their messages.
Proximity is only one method the media uses to target and segment its audience. As we’ll see, the media also separates based on ethnicity, nationality, religious beliefs, political beliefs, gender, class, and almost any other sub-culture you can think of.
An example of this extreme segmentation is in the world of magazines. The reason thousands of magazines are available for purchase is because magazine publishers know there is a target market for each magazine. A target market is the specific portion of the public likely to be interested in the message.
“in order to achieve a specific goal” – This last part of the definition is perhaps the most important of all. The media constructs a message, delivers it to the public and targets specific people in order to achieve an end result. The end result is ultimately meant to sell you something: either a product or service, or an idea.
The media is a business selling a product (the message), to a set of consumers (the audience). An example of the media’s intent to sell a product or service, is the commercials we watch between segments of our favorite television shows. Those commercials have the intention of selling you a product or service. An example of the media’s intent to sell an idea is the television show between the commercial segments. The television show appeals to your sensibilities and in turn it sells you a lifestyle.
Imagine a world where you receive thousands of messages a day. These messages are not only from your friends and family, but from strangers who want to sell you something. Maybe the strangers want to sell you one of their products or services, or maybe they want to sell you ideas they believe in. Imagine if these messages were hidden in plain sight, but you weren’t aware of them.
This isn’t a world that needs to be imagined, but is in fact the world in which we live. The strangers we just imagined aren’t strangers at all, but instead familiar faces, phrases, and logos we know and love. The strangers come in the form of advertisements, television programs, newspaper articles, and even musical lyrics.
These messages from strangers we’re imagining come to us in a form called media. Media messages are all around us and impossible to avoid. Each day, we’re bombarded by thousands of these messages, whether we realize it or not. They might be as obvious as a television commercial or television program, or as subtle as a bottle cap or an internet article.
With so many media messages hitting us from every angle, it’s important to realize that there is an intended purpose for each of them. The people responsible for the message you’re viewing use creative techniques to get your attention. They make you become interested in their message, although you may not have originally paid attention to it.
This is why it’s so important for us to not accept these media messages at face value, but instead to be critical of each and every one before accepting it. This is because although many media messages may seem harmless, some messages may pose a threat to you individually, or to society as a whole.
Media literacy gives us the skills to analyze media, and decide whether we will accept the messages being offered, or reject them.