Chesterfield Cycle Campaign Meeting

14th January 2014


Present-Alastair Miekle, Joe Clark, Megan Cook, Barry Kay, Chris Allen, Nigel Vernon, Paul Balderson, Barbara Sansome.

Apologies-Pam Kay.

Minutes of the last meeting (November 2013):

The minutes were accepted as a true record.

Matters arising:

No correction has been printed in “Wings” magazine regarding the article by Natascha Engel. JC will contact the editor again to get one put in or will write a letter to the magazine. We will invite her to come at talk at one of our meetings.

PB has reported online about the hedgerows along the cycle path by B&Q, but nothing has been done.

JC has written a letter to councillors in Dronfield about cycle infrastructure in Dronfield, the letter needs to be sent.

Membership report:

288. We will now do a second reminder by email, if we have the person’s email address, to save postage.

Treasurer’s report:

No report.

Secretary’s report:

Tapton Lock café will now be open on Monday and Tuesdays during the winter.

The canal towpath has had tacks, scattered near the Hub, in November. DCC picked them up. Danny Duce had a puncture from these tacks. Please report any problems you have.

A new closed road circuit is to be built next to the multi sports arena (velodrome) in Derby. AM circulated an email to get support. AM immediately got an email saying there was an opposing view as it is in a nature reserve.

The Derbyshire Times rang AM for a comment on the plan to reduce the speed limit on the M1 to 60mph. He was out so did not give a comment.

AM got an email in charge of “cycle strategy for Peak Park”. There will be an online consultation. Steve Bright thinks there should be better infrastructure from Chesterfield to the peak or else people will drive out there.

AM met Lee Wright for a site visit at West Bars. They will move the drop kerb nearer to the junction and move the path to avoid the cycle parking. AM agreed to the changes.

AM has been asked to meet Mick Blythe at the town hall on Thursday to discuss the new leisure centre. The planners have agreed to put a shared path from the Park Road end. AM believes the cycle entrance from Boythorpe Avenue it is dangerous.

Webmaster: no report


Avenue Site-We have asked for a direct route onto the site, it is convoluted on the plans. Anna Chapman has agreed to look at it. CA is also looking into it. The infrastructure needs to be put in now. We will talk to Natascha Engel about it as is in her area, will can discuss it with her if she comes to our meeting.

HV3-this was discussed at the last cycle liaison meeting and it seems to have been put on hold.

The station link infrastructure should be put in this year. This will run from B&Q to the station.

Hipper Street South has had the path widened and the dropped kerbs have been realigned.

We would like to do more ride leaflets; Hayley Barnett can do the graphic design and layout. We need someone who can a computer programme and put the open street map into it and then superimpose the route on top of this. BS will see if any of the students at her college could do this as a project.

Events coming up:

May 5th 2014-Mayday, venue T.B.C., we will have a stall.

Sunday June 22nd-Tapton Lock are running a bike week family quiz. Ride from Tapton Lock to Brimmington and collect clues. It would be good to have a stall there.

20-22nd June 2014-their will be an English version of “L’eroica” at Bakewell, which will involve classic bikes pre 1986, organised by Nonnas.

28-29th June-Canal festival with a cycle theme.


Nicola Peck need more material for the newsletter, please contact her if you have anything to contribute.

Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 11th February 2014, 7.30pm at The Market Hall, Chesterfield.