RETURN THE FORM TO: Torpoint Football Club/Tel 01752812889
Torpoint Football Club is available for public hire under the rules and regulations of their constitution. The Club Chairman is responsible for ensuring the constitution, rules and regulations are upheld on behalf of The Football Club.
Agreement to hire is between Torpoint Athletic Football Club and the hiring party as detailed below and is completed following the signing of this form. Please ensure you read and understand the attached conditions of hire.
Event TypeEvent Date
Start Time
Finish Time
Hirer Name
Full Address
16th, 17th & 18thParty's refer to point 6 Conditions of Hire
Contact No
Hirer Signature
Hire CostDate Paid
Date approved by committee
NOTE: TERMS & CONDITIONS MUST BE SIGNED BY THE HIRER BEFORE ANY BOOKING WILL BE AGREED.The charge for venue is a cash deposit of £50 which is refundable provided that no damage/incidents occurred during the event, and that the premises are left in a presentable state at the end of the event. This at the discretion of the club management committee.
- Applications for hire must be made in writing on the form supplied by Torpoint Football Club; Bookings are not confirmed until full payment is received.
- Hiring entitles you to membership of the club for the duration of the hire. All guests that you invite will be under your membership and therefore your responsibility. Should you wish to extend your membership it is only £3.00 for one year from August to July.
- The person who signs the application form is the hirer.
- Booking confirmation will have to be passed by the committee, on completion of this process the hirer will then be contacted by The Bar Manager to confirm or refuse the application. If the application is refused, payment will be returned in full.
- The hirer will be responsible for any loss or damaged incurred for the duration of the hire.
- All 16th, 17th & 18thBirthday Parties will require two SIA Registered Door Supervisor for a minimum hire of 4 hours, this at the expense of the hirer. Please contact Bar manager for quote & total costs.
- The hirer shall at the expiration of the period of lease leave the club in an orderly state, otherwise you will be asked to pay an additional charge. Also ensure that all persons attending will depart in an orderly manner without disruption to the neighbours of the club.
- The hirer accepts responsibility for property left on the premises before, during and after the hire.
- The club will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to or injury which may be incurred by or be done or happen to any person or persons entering into the facility hired, during the hiring or in connection therein arising from any cause whatsoever, or for any loss due to any breakdown of machinery, failure or supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire, act of God, which may cause the club to temporary close or the hiring be interrupted or cancelled, and that the hirer shall indemnify the club against any claim which may arise out of the hiring or which may be made by any person entering into the club during the hiring in respect of any such loss, damage or injury.
- It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure drinking glasses are not taken outside into the car park and that children are supervised in the confines of the car park.
- No alcohol, soft drinks or food are allowed to be brought into the club. These must be purchased from the clubhouse bar and club caterer if anybody is seen bringing any in it will be confiscated until your departure.
- No furniture or fittings or equipment shall be moved by the hirer and no banners, pictures, balloons etc shall be put on the walls or ceilings of the club.
- Noise levels. TAFC places great emphasis on the Hirer’s responsibilities in this matter and if you have a request from Staff to reduce noise levels you must do so immediately. If the request is not acceded to immediately you will be asked to terminate your hire and Police assistance may be called upon.
- The cost of Hire is a £50 cash deposit which is refundable providing no damage is made to the club or its contents.
Bookings cancelled between 30 and 14 days of the event will receive half of the deposit back and Bookings cancelled after 14 days before the event will not receive any of the deposit back.
- There is an additional non refundable hire charge for children’s parties of £50 for a 3 hour hire which includes jugs of fruit juice. These Parties will only be held in the Neil Bartley Bar & food can be brought into the club for these parties only.
- TAFC car park. Damage to vehicles in the car park and the use of the car park is entirely at the risk of vehicle owners in respect of loss, theft from or damage to their vehicles. Please note, car park barrier will be closed & locked at the end of every evening and will reopen the next day.
- Please be aware, if you leave your vehicle overnight at the club car park on a Saturdayyou will not be able to collect it until after 1800hrs on the Sunday when the club reopens.
I/We (print name) ......
Signature ......
Date: ......
Agree to abide by the conditions of hire set out above