Topic 1 RE- TEST

1. If a human system fails to function properly, what is the most likely result?

(1) a stable rate of metabolism

(2) a disturbance in homeostasis

(3)) a change in the function of DNA

(4a change in the method of cellular respiration

2. In the 19th century, a French scientist wrote, "All vital mechanisms, however varied they may be, have one object, that of preserving constant conditions of life in their internal environment." Today this concept is referred to as

(1) movement(2) homeostasis (3)transport(4) reproduction

3. The diagram below represents levels of organization in living things.

Which term would best represent X?

(1) human(2) organelle(3) stomach(4) tissue

4. In plants, simple sugars are least likely to be

(1) stored in the form of starch molecules

(2) linked together to form proteins

(3) used as a source of energy

(4) broken down into carbon dioxide andwater

5 .Which row in the chart below best describes the active transport of molecule X through a cell membrane?

6. Light energy is converted to chemical bond energy in organelles called

(1) ribosomes(2) mitochondria(3) vacuoles(4) chloroplasts

7. Gland A secretes hormone A, that stimulates(causes)gland B to release hormone B.

As the level of hormone B in theblood increases, the level of hormone A decreases. This is an example of

(1) feedback(2) excretion(3)enzyme action(4) active transport

8. Which sequence of terms represents adecrease from the greatest number of cellsto least number of cells present?

(1) organ tissue  organism

(2) organism  organ  tissue

(3) tissue  organ  organ system

(4) tissue organism organ system

9. A new animal species is discovered. It is like all other animal species in that the smalleststructure that carries on basic life functions is

(1) a system(2) ) a tissue(3) an organ(4) a cell

10. Cellular communication is illustrated in the diagram below.

Information can be sent from

(1) cell A to cell B because cell B is able to receive signal 1

(2) cell A to cell B because cell A is able toreceive signal 2

(3) cell B to cell A because cell B is able to receive signal 2

(4) cell B to cell A because cell A is able to receive signal 1

11. The root-like structures of fungi penetrate a source of food, secrete enzymes, and absorb the end products.

These activities are all involved in the process of

(1) photosynthesis(2) coordination(3)digestion(4) excretion

12. In the diagram below,which structureperforms a function similar to a functionof the human lungs?

(1) 1(2) 2(3) 3 (4) 4

13. In the illustration below, a food particleis moved across the cell membrane fromthe external environment. Anotherfunction of the cell membrane is

(1) digestion of food

(2) making protein

(3) releasing energy

(4) removal of wastes

14. Active transport is different from diffusion in that active transportinvolves

(1) the movement of molecules from highconcentration to low concentration

(2) the use of energy

(3) the use of ribosomes

(4) a process that occurs only in the cellsof simple plants and animals

15. Which letter in the diagram belowindicates an organelle that functionsprimarily in the synthesis of a protein?

(1) A(2) B(3) C(4) D

16. In the diagram of a single-celledorganism shown below,the arrowsindicate various activities taking place.

Which systems perform these sameactivities in humans?

(1) digestive, circulatory, and immune

(2) excretory, respiratory, andreproductive

(3) respiratory, excretory, and digestive

(4) respiratory, nervous, and endocrine

17. Communication between cells is affected if there is decreased ability to produce

(1) digestive enzymes and gametes

(2) antibodies and chloroplasts

(3) hormones and nerve impulses

(4) antibiotics and guard cell

18. Organ systems of the human body interact to maintain a balanced internal environment. As blood flows through certain organs of the body, the composition of the blood changes because of interactions with those organs. State one change in the composition of the blood as it flows through the respiratory system. [1]


Just like complex organisms, cells are able to survive by coordinating variousactivities. Complex organisms have avariety of systems, and cells have avariety of organelles that work togetherfor survival. Describe the roles of twoorganelles. In your answer be sure toinclude:

• the names oftwo organelles and thefunction of each [2]

• an explanation of how these twoorganelles work together [1]

• the name of an organelle and the name of a system in the human bodythat have similar functions [1]


Describe one example of diffusion in the lungs of human body.In your description besure to:

• identify the lung part where diffusion takes place [1]

• Identify a substance that diffusesthere [1]

• identify where that substance diffuses from and where it diffusesto [1]