Jefferson County Human Resource Management Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday April5, 2011
Present: Jennifer Jirsa, Jackie Prey, Ashley Burden, Faith Zoellick,Julie Rusch,Pat McCarthy, Beth Baldowin, Jan Gregg, and Bob Gregg Guest: Monica from Avon Hi Life
Absent: Maria Gonzalez, Eric Barber
Bobmoved to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2011 Board Meeting; Pat seconded the motion; the minutes were approved.
Sponsorship Update – Patrick McCarthy
- Have been in contact with Ryan from TalentWise. Pat will get the invoice to him to pay for the April sponsorship and meet with him Tuesday prior to meeting.
- No May sponsor yet.
- Group discussed that we should get feedback from previous sponsors.
Programming Update – Jackie Prey
- April meeting notice went out – currently 28 attendees enrolled to date. April meeting has been approved for HRCI 1.25 general recertification credits.
- Faith will send out notice again to remind on registering and to advise of the approval for credits. Jen will send to Fort and Johnson Creek Chambers too.
- We will continue to use Rivers Edge as caterer for breakfast. We can re-evaluate in the fall.
- May meeting topic is Worker’s Comp with M3.
Legislative Update – Bob Gregg
Legal Update is going out for April.
Communication Chair – Faith Zoellick
- Spring Newsletter sent to members April 1, 2011.
- Jen, Ashley and Faith to meet separately to discuss social networking for JCHRMA.
- Silver award for Chapter will be communicated to members by Jen at our Tuesday meeting. Then Faith will send a press release to local newspapers on the award.
Student Liaison – Ashley Burden
- HR Games – 3/4/2011: UW-W SHRM Chapter placed 2nd overall in the games! Had educational sessions on: Understanding the New Applicant Pool, FMLA, Selling Yourself to get a Job, Terminations, HR Law and Collective Bargaining.
- Scholarship – Rec’d 8 applications! Committee members reviewed applications and selected a recipient.
- Laura Sperger is a Junior HR Major with a 3.78 GPA. She is from Waupun, and was a "Silver Member" of SHRM this past semester. Her essays were outstanding, and under "Unusual Circumstances," she wrote:
"I am proud to be the first and only person in my family to pursue a degree after high school. Our annual income is hard to live comfortably with, therefore, I work during school breaks, and wherever else needed, to support 80% of my personal education."
- According to Jon, there was a group of four that had very strong essay answers. Laura clearly had the top GPA of the eight students. Others had more active involvement in the leadership of our SHRM chapter, but the stated criteria on the scholarship is "active membership in the UWW student chapter of SHRM," so the committee did not use that as a deciding factor.
- After confirmation from Jon that Laura has been notified, I will extend an invite, on behalf of JCHRMA, to Laura to attend the May 10th chapter meeting to acknowledge her.
- Spring Social – I will not be able to attend, but the invite was shared with the students. I will be following up with the students on 4/15/11 to see how many students are planning to attend for the RSVP count.
- SHRM® Assurance of Learning Assessment – First testing window is coming up 5/15/11-6/15/11. This assessment will help distinguish students applying for entry-level HR positions. When a student passes the exam they receive a certificate of learning informing hiring managers that they have sufficient knowledge to enter the workforce. This information will be in the upcoming Spring Newsletter.
- Board Recruitment
- On 3/10/11, sent e-mail to UW-W about the open vacancies on the board in hopes of recruiting graduating seniors or alumni.
- Pam Casey of the Oconomowoc School District – she could not make it tonight, but I’m hoping to recruit her to volunteer. I also have already let her know about the next Board meeting – hopefully she can attend that one.
- On 3/29/11, posted info on LinkedIn about open vacancies in the UW-W HR Alumni Group.
Certification Chair – Beth Baldowin
- Therewas a discussion on updating study materials. The materials we have are from 2009. Decision was made that we willorder new books when we have interested members. Beth will prepare a communication to be sent to members.
Treasurer Update – Jan Gregg
Current Checkbook balance is $8,970.33.
We have a $5,000 CD maturing next month, so I will review our checkbook balance and our upcoming expenses with Jen to decide what amount we will reinvest and still have fund available for the upcoming social, membership drive and summer program.
We have another CD maturing in late July.
Ann Lueth of First Bank in Oconomowoc will be at our May Board Meeting. She is a possible candidate for the Treasurer position for next year.
Diversity Update – Eric Barber
Not Present
Membership Update – Julie Rusch
- Craig Schmidt from Bethesda is the winner of the gift certificate as part of the Referral Program.
- Ambassador Program – haven’t heard any feedback.
- Patti Shea from Grande Cheese has volunteered to help with the summer mailing piece for membership materials.
- Julie went over the new structure on membership dues for the next program year. A motion was made by Bob and seconded by Jackie, all approved. With the addition of the SHRM national members tier and Business membership, this should help with goal of increased membership. Julie to have handout for chapter meeting and present the new structure.
President – Jen Jirsa
Old Business:
- JCHRMA website update completed last week. Send any feedback or suggestions to Faith and Jen. (“About us” section is currently blank).
- HC Reform DVD clarification on certification credits sent to those in attendance.
- Volunteer Day committee– Barb Schmit from Loeb, Craig and Melissa from Bethesda and Theresa from Custom Shoppe. Committee decided to have our group support Run for the Rock event in Lake Mills on Saturday, June 11th. Melissa will announce the details at our April meeting.
- Discussion regarding upcoming replacements for board member positions – some interest by members has been expressed.
- Mergers and Acquisitions DVD. Beth to review. She will lead. Session has strategic credits and will be offered to members after the May chapter meeting. Pat will be a back-up if Beth is not able to facilitate.
New Business:
- JCHRMA is in business 35 years. Fort Chamber offered recognition to the group at the May 10th Spring Banquet or the October Fall Banquet.
- Jeff Dodge from MATC offered to have a meeting after one of our chapter meetings regarding Ipads for business. Program called “Are you technically challenged?”
- Gold level for SHAPE Award – That will be our target for next year. Communication to chapter at meeting and then an e-mail out to the chapter to follow.
- Jane Berg is no longer the district director due to work commitments. Colleen Koerth is our new District Director.
- Membership survey results – Julie to share at our next meeting.
- Summer Program discussion – maybe have two topics. Legal updates are always well received. That would be about two hours. Other topics suggested were generational differences and social networking. Bruno is willing to allow us to use their facility as a meeting place.
- State Leadership Conference is August 4-5 at Heidel House in Green Lake, WI.
Being no further business, Jan moved to adjourn; seconded by Pat; meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Faith Zoellick
Communications Chair
The next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at Hi-Way Harry’s, 710 Clover Lane Johnson Creek
Please let Jen and Maria know your intent to attend.