Application for an Internship in the
Office of U.S. Representative Ted Poe (TX-2)
2412 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Full Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _____________________ E-mail: __________________
Do you/have you ever lived in Texas? If so, where? ___________________
Seeking internship in (circle one): Spring Summer Fall
College: ______________________ Graduation Date: __________________
Major(s): ______________________ GPA: ____________________________
Desired Start/End Date of Internship: ________________________________
Daily Availability During Internship: _______________________________
Required Questions (Please limit your responses to the space provided)
Why would you like to intern for Congressman Ted Poe?
What 3 federal issues interest you? Why?
What 3 elected officials – past and present – do you most admire? Why?
Candidates with strong oral and written communication skills are preferred. What experience do you have with both?
How would you categorize your political affiliation? Why?
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________
Please email your completed application, resume and a short writing sample (no more than 3 pages) to with “Internship” in the subject line.