1) The sensory division of the peripheral nervous system is also known as the ______?a) sympathetic divisionb) parasympathetic divisionc) autonomic nervous systemd) afferent systeme) efferent system
2) Which of these supporting cells has the same function as the Schwann cells?a) satellite cellsb) oligodendrocytesc) microgliad) astrocytese) ependymal cells
3) Which of these neurons is another classification for an interneuron (=association)?a) unipolarb) unisexc) bipolard) multipolar
4) The region where saltatory conduction occurs is called ______?a) dendritesb) cell bodyc) synaptic cleftd) nodes of Ranviere) synaptic vesticles
5) Which of these statements is FALSE about GRADED POTENTIALS?a) they vary in strengthb) they travel great distancesc) are triggered by neurotransmittersd) begin at the dendritese) all of these are true
6) Synaptic vesicles are stimulated to release their neurotransmitters by what ion?a) potassium (K+)b) calcium (Ca+)c) sodium (Na+)d) chloride (Cl-)e) magnesium (Mg++)
7) An IPSP would be caused by the movement of ______?a) sodium outb) potassium outc) potassium ind) sodium ine) calcium out
8) Which of these ion gates opens in response to a change in membrane potential i.e. Na+ and K+?a) leakageb) ligandc) mechanicald) voltage
9) Which of these of located on the postsynaptic membrane?a) receptorsb) synaptic vesiclesc) axon terminalsd) prgangloinic fiberse) astrocytes
10) A bundles of axoms in the CNS is a ______?a) tractb) ganglionc) nerved) nuclei
11) The region of the brain that contains the epithalamous is the ______?a) telencephlonb) diencephalonc) mesencephalond) metencephalone) myelencephalon
12) The cranial nerve that is responsible for taste and facial expression is ______a) trigeminalb) trochlearc) faciald) vestibularcochleare) hypoglossal
13) The layer of the meninges that connects directly to the brain is the ______?a) pia materb) arachnoid materc) dura materd) won't matere) epidural
14) The choroid plexes makes which of these ______?a) bone layerb) meningeal layerc) blood brain layerd) cerebral spinal fluide) circulatory system
15) The receptors involved in a stretch reflex would be ______?a) tendon organsb) muscle spindlesc) Meissner's corpuscled) Pacinian corpusclee) nocieceptors
16) Ipsalateral means that the nerves are ______?a) on different sides of the bodyb) one fiber is above the waist and the other is belowc) below the waistd) located on the same sidee) goes to an antagonist muscle
17) Movement up and down tracts of the spinal cord is known as ______?a) contra-lateralb) intersegmentalc) reciprocal innervationd) cross-extensore) elevation
18) Which of these statements is FALSE about the autonomic nervous system?a) the effectors are smooth and cardiac muscleb) they have one motor neuronc) they have interioceptorsd) the neurotransmitters they release include Ach and E
19) Which of these statements is TRUE about sympathetic nerves?a) they have a long preganglionic fiber and a short postganglionic fiberb) they emerge from the thoracic and lumbar regionc) they have terminal gangliad) they are part of the somatic nervous systeme) they are involved in the digestive process
20) Nicotinic receptors are examples of ______receptors.a) adrenergeicb) betac) cholinergicd) alphae) pain
21) Referred pain is the result of ______?a) the presence of encapsulated simple receptorsb) a doctor's billc) subdermal graded potentials that leave their myelin sheathsd) visceral and somatic nerves travel along the same pathwaye) psychomatic illness
22) Which of these are NOT cells of a tastebud?a) supporting cellsb) gustatory cellsc) stratified squamous cellsd) basal cellse) all of these are part of the taste bud
23) The hair cells of an organ or corti are attached to the ______?a) vestibular membraneb) scala tympanic) scala vestibulad) tectoral membranee) oval window
24) Which of these sensory receptor types monitor vibration?a) thermoreceptorsb) photoreceptorsc) nociceptorsd) chemoreceptorse) mechanorceptors
25) Which of these is located in the anterior horn?a) sensory neuron cell bodiesb) sensory neuron axon terminalsc) CSFd) motor neuron cell bodiese) motor neuron axon terminals
26) The type of receptors that are in your nose for smell are ______?a) thermoreceptorsb) photoreceptorsc) nociceptorsd) chemoreceptorse) baroreceptors
27) Which of these is NOT a special sense?a) equilibriumb) visionc) hearingd) smelle) taste
28) The connective tissue layer around a single fascicle is the ______?a) epineuriumb) perineuriumc) endoneuriumd) perimysiume) epimysium
29) Which of these is NOT a part of the vascular tunic?a) choroidb) ciliary bodyc) ganglion layerd) ciliary musclee) iris
30) Your eyes are supported by which of these structures?a) palpebral fissureb) caruncle of the medial canthic) tarsal plated) cilliary membranee) conjuntiva
31) Which of these is part of your inner ear?a) pinnab) incusc) tympanic membraned) semicircular canalse) oval window
32) Which of these ear structures is connected to the round window?a) scala mediab) scala tympanic) scala vestibuid) cochlear nervee) external auditory meatus/canal
33) Which of these cranial nerves is responsible for production of saliva?a) trigeminalb) vestibulocochlearc) faciald) hypoglossyle) glossopharngeal
34) Which of these eye structures produces aqueous humor?a) conjunctivab) choroidc) optic nerved) ciliary processe) ciliary muscle
35) Which of these would NOT be controlled by the sympathetic nervous system?a) lacrimal glandsb) sweat glandsc) erector pilid) kidneyse) blood vessels
36) BONUS QUESTION OF THE SEMESTER: How many spinal nerves do you have?a) 27b) 29c) 31d) 33e) 16
1) Which of these neurons is another classification for SENSORY?a) unipolarb) unisexc) bipolard) multipolar
2) Which of these neurons is another classification for EARS EYES?a) unipolarb) unisexc) bipolard) multipolar
3) The region where ACTION POTENIAL STARTS is called ______?a) dendritesb) cell bodyc)axon hilluckd) nodes of Ranviere) synaptic vesticles
4) Which of these statements is true about action potential?a) they have one strengthb) they travel great distancesc) all or noned) begin at the axon hillocke) all of these are true
5) An EPSP would be caused by the movement of ______?a) sodium outb) potassium outc) potassium ind) sodium ine) calcium out
6) Which of these ion gates opens in response to CHEMICALSa) leakageb) ligandc) mechanicald) voltage
7) Which of these ion gates opens in response to PRESSURE OR VIBRATION?a) leakageb) ligandc) mechanicald) voltage
8) Which of these of located on the presynaptic membrane?a) receptorsb) synaptic vesiclesc) axon terminalsd) prgangloinic fiberse) astrocytes
9) A bundles of axoms in the PNS is a ______?a) tractb) ganglionc) nerved) nuclei
10) A cluster of cell body in the CNS is a ______?a) tractb) ganglionc) nerved) nuclei
11) A cluster of cell body in the PNS is a ______?)a) tractb) ganglionc) nerved) nuclei
12) The cranial nerve that is responsible for facial sensation and chewing is ______?a) trigeminalb) trochlearc) faciald) vestibularcochleare) hypoglossal
13) The cranial nerve that is responsible for visceral sensation and movement is ______?a) trigeminalb) trochlearc) vagusd) vestibularcochleare) hypoglossal
14)The cranial nerve that is responsible for moving the tongue is ______?a) trigeminalb) trochlearc) faciald) vestibularcochleare) hypoglossal
15) The receptors involved in a flexor reflex would be ______?a) tendon organsb) muscle spindlesc) Meissner's corpuscled) FNNEe) nocieceptors
16) reciprocal innervation means that the nerves are ______?a) on different sides of the bodyb) one fiber is above the waist and the other is belowc) below the waistd) located on the same sidee) goes to an antagonist muscle
17) Crossed extensors means that the nerves are ______?a) on different sides of the bodyb) one fiber is above the waist and the other is belowc) below the waistd) located on the same sidee) goes to an antagonist muscle
18) nerves extended down are known as ______?a) contra-lateralb) cauda equinac) reciprocal innervationd) cross-extensore) elevation
19) Mechore receptors are examples of ______receptors.a) adrenergeicb) pressurec) cholinergicd) alphae) pain
20) Which of these ear structures is connected to the oval window?a) scala mediab) scala tympanic) scala vestibuid) cochlear nervee) external auditory meatus/canal
21) Which of these is part of your outer ear?a) pinnab) incusc) eustachind) semicircular canalse) oval window
22) Which of these is part of your middle ear ear?a) pinnab) incusc) tympanic membraned) semicircular canalse) oval window
23) Which of these is located in the PRG?a) sensory neuron cell bodiesb) sensory neuron axon terminalsc) CSFd) motor neuron cell bodiese) motor neuron axon terminals
51) postcentral gyrus52) recticular activating system53) midbrain54) hypothalamus55) precentral gyrus56) cerebellum57) occipital lobe58) medulla oblongata59) corpus callosum60) thalamus
/2) connect right and left cerebral hemispheres3) respiratory and cardiovascular centers4) body motor area5) monitors cobalt concentrations in the blood1) thirst and hunger center6) vision sensory area7) body (somatic) sensory area8) turns eyes and head to visual/auditory stimuli9) balance and equilibrium10) crude perception11) region = altering center