In general, the following steps have been suggested for management in its preparation for negotiations:-

  1. Thorough study of the present agreement with a view to discovering sections or clauses that require modification.
  1. Close analysis of grievances in order to discover defective or unworkable clauses of the agreement.
  1. Consultation with lower Managers to gain experience of Collective Agreement troublesome clauses.
  1. Economic data on production costs.
  1. Consultation with other companies in the area who have Collective Agreements for the purpose of exchanging viewpoints and anticipating future demands.
  1. Use of attitude surveys to test reactions of employees to various clauses of the agreement that may require modification.
  1. Know the current Government ruling/policy on wages.
  1. Collection and analysis of economic data on issues likely to be of importance in the next negotiations. Included in this point is the general economic data, policy as it affects the company.
  1. Review union demands to re-plan your strategy.
  1. Examine the general economic, social and political order at present and how it affects the company.

A somewhat similar list for employee organisations has also been suggested:

  1. Careful analysis of the current agreement to note any flaws from the employee organisation's standpoint that may form the basis for new demands.
  2. Careful analysis of the nature and source of grievances as a guide for future negotiation proposals and as a means of discovering imperfections in the current agreement.
  1. Make comparison with Collective Agreement of similar industries.
  1. Consultation with Joint Negotiating Council Members on financial position of the company.
  1. Know the economic data of the company, ruling prices, source of revenue if not profit making company.
  1. Consultation with the general membership in all constituencies or branches for the purpose of sounding their suggestions.
  1. Collection and analysis of economic data on salaries and other issues likely to be important.
  1. Clear understanding of government policy on prices and incomes and how it affects the general membership of the Union.
  1. Examine current general economic, political and social order and how it affects the organisation you are negotiating with.
  1. Review management offers to re-plan your strategy.
  1. For both parties, preparation for negotiations should start soon after signing the current agreement and should be a year round exercise.
