Page 1 of 6 –Performance-Based Learning Plan

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

The HelenBaderSchool of Social Welfare Field Program


Field Course (please check): 421 422 423

721 722 821 822 921

Student Name: Ima S. WorkerStudent ID000 - 00 - 0000

Agency Wherever Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinic

Agency Address 0000 S. Wherever Drive / Milwaukee, WIAgency Phone 000 - 000 - 0000

Agency Fax 000 - 000 - 0000

Agency Field Instructor S. Freud, MSW, LCSWField Instructor Email University Field Liaison (select)

Semester Fall Spring Summer

Weekly Schedule @ Agency:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM / 9 AM - 5 PM / 9 AM - 1 PM

Field Semester at this Agency: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Student will begin this semester on 01 - 28 - 0000 and end this semester on 05 - 28 - 0000

(date) (date)

(*Please consult with assigned Field Liaison if dates vary from those designated on UWM Semester Calendar)

Weekly supervision day and time: Monday 10 AM - 11 AM

(The school requires scheduling a minimum of one-hour of individual supervision per week.)

Group supervision time (if applicable): Not Applicable

Mid-Term Evaluation Due Date

(421/422/423 at 125 completed hours; 721/722 at 130 completed hours; 821/822 at 160 completed hours)03 - 28 - 0000 (fill in date due)

Final Evaluation Due Date

(421/422/423 at 256 completed hours; 721/722 at 260 completed hours; 821/822 at 320 completed hours)05 - 28 - 0000(fill in date due)


The Learning Plan identifies the learning objectives mutually agreed upon between the student and Field Instructor at the beginning of each semester. This plan should serve as a map for the student’s learning experiences and expected performance for the semester. You should be as specific as possible when developing the learning plan, and amend the plan as necessary throughout the semester. The plan should be developed in conjunction with the field education course objectives located on the field website.

The following table identifies the primary learning objective categoriesfor the field education course. More detailed information related to each objective is located on the Field Department website located at the above-referenced weblink. On the table below identify your learning activities for the semester. The evaluation criteria utilized for the evaluation of student performance at mid-term and end of the semester are consistent with the social work objectives for this course.

Learning Objective Categories / Agency responsibilities, duties and expectations that address the Learning Objectives / Written Assignments (assignments totaling 5 points submitted to Field Instructor for discussion in supervision and submitted to the Field Liaison; ½ of field assignments due to Field Liaison by mid-term)
Select from the Assignment List
Students do not have to have assignments listed for every objective category.
1)Professional Development / Student will use supervision toevalu-ate written progress notes and assess-
ments for meeting professional standards.
Student will demonstrate the ability to
identify the presence of personal stress experienced in working with clients who have chronic behavioral health issues.
Student will explore and develop specific strategies in supervision
for preventing and addressing the
personal stress experienced in working
with clients who have chronic behavior- al health issues (including how to respond to client resistance / inability to change).
2)Social Work Values and
Ethics / Student will demonstrate the ability to
identify specific situations in supervis- ion in which clinical social workers have a statutory responsibility to break
confidentiality such as cases of child
abuse and imminent danger of harm to
self or other.
Student will demonstrate the ability in supervision to develop a plan for processing her own resistance / anxiety in examining issues with clients that may necessitate breaking confi- dentiality such as potential lethality to
self or other. / Position Paper Related to Ethics in
Social Work Practice on the Statutory Requirements for Breaking Confiden-
tiality (4 pages for 1 point)
3)Diversity / In supervision, student will demon-
strate the ability to identify, contain, and respond to her internal reactions of working with clients who may disturb
her because of differences in race, religion, age, values, work ethic, or
socio-economic status.
Student will demonstrate the ability to
describe how the inability to work be-
cause of chronic behavioral health
issues can exacerbate symptoms of
a DSM diagnosis.
4)Populations at Risk and
Social and Economic Justice / Student will demonstrate the ability to
describe how to evaluate the effective-
ness of the Skills Training Group for
clients with a Borderline Personality
Disorder through weekly reviews of the Diary Cards of clients in the group.
5)Human Behavior and the
Social Environment / Student will demonstrate the ability to describe how the issues of child abuse and neglect contribute to development of chronic behavioral health issues in clients treated at this clinic.
Student will demonstrate the ability to
describe how evidence-based clinical treatment interventions used at this clinic are designed to clinically respond to the effects of child abuse and neglect experienced by clients.
6)Social Work Practice Skills / Student will co-facilitate with Field Instructor an eight-week Dialectical Behavioral Health Skills-Training Group for clients with a Borderline
Personality Disorder.
Student will demonstrate the ability to
describe the clinical symptom basis
for the DSM diagnosis of each client presented by the student during case control in supervison.
Student will demonstrate the ability to
evaluate and describe the client's status on Axes I - V foreach case presented by the student during case control. / Use of the DSM - IV (including Axes
I - V) in a Written Assessment of a
Client (2 points)
7)Social Welfare Policy and Services / Student will demonstrate the ability to
describe the criteria that must be met
in order to secure pre-authorization for
treatmentin a Skills Training Group for clients with a Borderline Personality Disorder from an insurance company.
Student will demonstrate the ability to
describe the limitations and restrictions
to behavioral health treatment for receiving Title 19 coverage.
8)Research / During an in-service for clinical practicum students at this clinic, student will present the results of a literature search on the effectiveness of Skills Training Groups with clients
who have a Borderline Personality Disorder. / Group Presentation - Public Speaking Assignment on the Results of a
Literature Search on the Effectiveness
of Skills Training Groups for Clients with a Borderline Personality Disorder (2 points)


Student’s Signature:

Field Instructor’s Signature:

Field Liaison Signature (for major assignment):

Revised 11/14/08