3-14-16 Booster Club Meeting
Present: Kelly, Lisa, Dee, Jim, Mike, Joe, Ashley, Nikki, Jim, Carrie, Tammy, David, Tamera, Sandy
Old Business
- Todd ordered new sound system, was not present to discuss specifics
- Helmets: delivered to school and will be handed out to girls soon.
New Business
- Captain’s practice info posters were put up at VVMS by Lisa Leicht
- Program info sent to BFA for 7th & 8th graders, letting them know they can play for Kennedy
- Nikki will send out an email, after teams are established, asking for parent volunteers from each team to relay info to Mike Kopischke (stats, important details) for the Web page. Also asking for volunteers to learn the sound system for Varsity home games.
- Discussion on fence cap installation – will it be done by first game? John from the city should be working with Todd to get those installed.
- Meat raffles – 18th is covered but the 25th is open. May have to give that one up if it doesn’t get covered.
- ESP fundraiser – Sign-up Genius will be out soon for parents to fill spots to help. Girls will be encouraged to come and serve food and clean up. Will need to leave VFW when band starts and bar opens.
- Culver’s fundraiser is fully “staffed” by the players. Unfortunately it is the same night as the Jefferson steak fry, which will mean less Jefferson folks to come eat at Culvers.
- “Bat Girl” position – jersey ordered. Girls who went to winter clinics will be able to take turns with this role during Varsity home games. Will need to check roster for names/contact info.
- Party room is reserved at Davanni’s this Friday at 5 pm for all players.
- Ashley’s “coaches notes:”
- 48 girls at try-outs!! Girls were excited!
- Schedule is on-line, with the exception of game vs Mpls SW on April 11
- Ashley has been able to make some changes with certain teams so that all 3 teams play at the same site. Robbinsdale-Cooper, Jefferson and Chanhassen. Girls will be able to watch other teams play, as well as coaches and parents.
- Even with the larger number of girls coming out, Ashley will still stick with 3 teams this year. “B” games have already been determined for other schools, although Ashley will talk to Matt Hanson to try and schedule a few games during the season with certain teams. TBD.
- We can plan for 4 teams next year
- Being that the teams will be bigger, playing time could be limited for some players. Varsity will play to win and make it to State. Junior Varsity will have a bit more flexibility for rotating girls in for playing time, especially if they are ahead. Girls also might be used for specific situations/skill sets – ex: pinch running.
- Jerseys and pants – will there be enough with the larger numbers? Carrie will send uniform sizes/amounts to Ashley to see how well they fit the actual needs of girls participating. Carrie will need to order soon if more are required. Booster club will vote on dollar amount via email depending on needs.
- Booster By-laws – Nikki distributed a copy of by-laws she created through input from a couple of parents and a looking at a variety of by-laws from other clubs and selecting the laws that are most relevant to our club. Paper copies were handed out. Further discussion/voting on changes can be done at future meetings.
- Motion made for treasurer to resubmit paperwork/etc.. to get updated 501(C)3 number. Seconded. Passed.
- Meeting adjourned.