Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab.

Right to Information Act, 2005

17 Manuals

UPDATED TILL: 8th June-2015

Manual No. / Name of Manual / Page No.
1 / Particulars of Organization & Functions of Department / 3
2 / Powers and duties of Officers and Employees / 7
3 / The procedure followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability / 8
4 / The norms for the discharge of functions. / 11
5 / The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records under its control/used by its employees for discharging its functions / 12
6 / Categories of documents that are held or which are under control. / 13
7 / Arrangement for the consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or administration thereof. / 14
8 / Statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies constituted as part of Department / 17
9 / Directory of officers and employees of Department / 18
10 / The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation / 75
11 / The budget allocated to the Department including proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement etc / 127
12 / The manner of execution of subsidy programmes. / 129
13 / Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by the Department / 131
14 / Details in respect of the information available in electronic form. / 132
15 / The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use. / 133
16 / The designation and other particulars of the Appellate Authority/ Public Information Officer/A.I.P.O. of Department / 134
17 / Any other useful information as may be prescribed / 136

1st Manual

Particulars of Organization & Functions of Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab

  1. Introduction

The Department of Soil and Water Conservation was established as a independent department in the year 1969, Earlier it was a wing of Agriculture Department. The Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Punjab is headed by Chief Conservator of Soils, Punjab and has it’s Headquarters at Chandigarh. There are total 5 posts in the rank of Conservator of Soils with 1 post in the rank of Conservator of Soils (HQ) at Chandigarh and 1 post of Conservator of Soils designated as Director Technical (State Land Use Board). Also, 3 posts of Conservator of Soils are in the field and they control territorial circles in their jurisdiction. Under the Conservator of Soils,there are 3 or 4 officers in the rank of Divisional Soil Conservation Officers. Each Divisional Soil Conservation Officer controls 3 or 4 Sub-Divisional Soil Conservation Officers. Apart from it, there is one Soil Survey Division, one Machinery Division and one Training Institute each headed by a Divisional Soil Conservation Officer.

  1. Functions of the Department

The functions of the department have been defined in the Soil Conservation Rules issued by the Punjab Government. According to these rules, the department has been entrusted with the task of administration of the Punjab land improvement scheme act 1963 as Annexure-2 and rules framed under this Act.

Important Functions/Activities of Department are

Conservation of Irrigation Water

To minimize the Conveyance & Application Losses of irrigation water

Increasing Conveyance Efficiency by providing Underground Pipeline conveyance systems on tubewells and water outlets;

Increasing Water Application Efficiency

Promoting less water intensive crops,

Sowing & Planting methods,

Precision/ Laser leveling for uniform application of water,

Paddy transplantation at optimum time,

In-situ Moisture conservation

Watershed Management

Rainwater Harvesting

Ground Water Recharge

Rainwater harvesting

Restoration of village ponds

Artificial recharge to ground water aquifer- Roof-top & surface water

Micro Water Resource Development

Base-flow in kandi area

Micro-lift Projects

Consumptive Use of brackish water & sweet water

Micro Irrigation- Drip, Micro-sprinkler, Sprinkler Irrigation

Reclamation of degraded soils

Erosion Control in the kandi region

Development of patches of sandy soils in the Central & South-western districts

Reclamation of Marshy & water-logged and seasonal water-logged areas

Development of ravenous areas along the river banks

Chiseling & Deep Ploughing in impervious soils

Promoting Organic farming

To promote optimum fertigation through Drip systems.

Human Resource Development

Community organization and their Capacity building for managing the soil & water conservation structures

Management of soil & water resources

Training & Extension

  1. Duties

Punjab has a total geographical area of 50.36 lacs hectares. Out of which, 42.68 lacs ha area is under cultivation. The soils in the State of Punjab is facing severe degradation because of many reasons, which includes soils erosion, raising water table, salt affected soil, over use of chemical etc. About 39% of the Soils in the State are degraded..

This department is serving the state since the year 1969 for conservation of 2 important natural resources of soil & water. Till date, the department, through various Govt. of India/State schemes, has benefited 746637 hectares of land by way of various activities like Land leveling, Bench Terracing, Underground Pipeline Systems, Contour bunding, Gully Reclamation, Waste land development, Watershed Management, Water Harvesting Structure, Tapping of Hill Seepage, Lift irrigation schemes including Hydrams, Field Drainage, Drip Irrigation etc. These works are also helping to save approx. 329 Million Cubic Metres (MCM) of water every year. In the absence of these works, the surface & ground water resources would have suffered greater losses as this quantity of water was to be drawn out of them only.

The implementation of watershed development schemes by department has helped in checking soil erosion resulting in increased land productivity. The harvesting of rain water helped in conserving the moisture in-situ and recharge the ground water. Water availability for human consumption, livestock and irrigation is also augmented. The underground water level which is fast depleting has been checked. For judicious use of precious ground water, improved on farm water management practices are propagated. Sprinkler irrigation system is being promoted by providing subsidy incentive. In order to improve on farm water conveyance by reducing evaporation and seepage losses from field channel and to avoid labour intensive process of maintenance of open channels, under ground pipelines system of water conveyance is being promoted, Drip/Sprinkler Irrigation systems are being promoted by providing subsidy incentives.

The duties and responsibilities of officers/officials of the department have been defined in the Punjab Soil Conservation Rulesas Annexure-3.

** Organization chart of Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab is enclosed as Annexure-1

2nd Manual

Powers and duties of officers and employees of Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab

Officers and Employees of Department exercise the powers and duties as provided in the Punjab Civil Services Rules andPunjab Financial Rules.

*There are no separate set of Rules of Department for Performing Duties and Exercising Powers by its Officers and Employees

3rd Manual

The procedure followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability

The Following Rules & Procedures Apply For Soil Conservation Schemes

1Soil Conservation included construction of bunds, drainage trenches, Watt-bunds, outlets, land leveling, Bench terracing etc. etc.

2The Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer will function as the Drawing and Disbursing and collecting officer. He will, in addition, prepare plans and estimates of Soil Conservation projects being a technical officer.

3The Divisional Soil Conservation Officer will be the Controlling Officer. He is a technical officer and will accord technical sanction to the plans and estimates prepared by the Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer, upto a sum of Rs. 50,000/- in each case.

4Chief Conservator of Soils, Punjab will be overall incharge of the Soil Conservation works programme in the State. He would also accord technical sanction for plans and estimates of Soil Conservation project up to any amount each case. Financial Sanction for scheme which cost more than Rs. 15,00,000/- would be submitted to Government for approval.

5Soil Conservation Officer will be incharge of some centres and theywork under the guidance and general supervision of Sub DivisionalSoil Conservation Officer. They will carry on the scheme as technically approved by competent authority, supervise the work make payments on first and final bill forms.

6Soil Conservation Officer will be assisted by the Agricultural Sub-Inspector/ Surveyor and certain portion of the centre under their charge will be allotted to each of them. Then Agricultural Sub Inspector / Surveyor will survey the scheme. Measurement books by giving complete details about the work, location etc. etc. and write first and final bills.

7The labourers will be engaged on piece-work system i.e. the labourers will be required to carry out earth work at the particular rate per 1000cft. These rates will be generally at par with the rated prevailing in the villages. These rates will be duly approved the Chief Conservator of Soils, Punjab. Each year, a schedule of rates will be prepared and before an approval is given, the Chief Conservator of Soils, Punjab should satisfy himself that these rates are not higher than the P.W.D. schedule of rates for similar items of works in that region. Copy of the approved schedule of rates should be sent to the Accountant General, Punjab for audit purposes.

8The Agriculture Sub-inspector/ Surveyor will prepare the first and final bill.

9The percentage of check to be carried out by the officers of the Soil Conservation Wing is as follows:-

i)The Soil Conservation Officer should check at least 25% of the measurement.

ii)The Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer should check at least 10% of the measurement monthly.

iii)Divisional Soil Conservation Officer should check 2½% of the measurement.

In the case of Soil Conservation Officer the percentage check to be carried out by them should in respect of each payment made by them on 1st and final bill. They should exercise the check before the actual payment is made by them

The 10% check to be carried out by Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer should be in respect of the amount of work done and paid for in the sub-division in a month. For instance if the total expenditure on Soil Conservation work in sub-division (incharge of an Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer) is to be Rs. 10,0000/-. The check to be exercised by the Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer should be aggregate to Rs. 1,000/- worth measurement recorded and paid for the sub-division during the month.

The check may be exercised by them even after the payment is made for the work. Only in respect of bills costing Rs. 2,000/- or more. Pre-check to the extent of 10% has necessarily to be carried out before the payment is made. It may be mentioned in this connection that there should be only on bill on a work during the period of forth night.

In the case of Divisional Soil Conservation Officer, the percentage check to be exercised by them should aggregate to the 2½% in respect of the Soil Conservation Work done and paid for in their division. The check should be carried out within three months of the date of the payment by the Soil Conservation Officer.

10Complete record of accounts will be maintained by the Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officer in the cash book and the accounts bill be audited by the Accountant General, Punjab. The forms that will be used for maintaining the accounts of Soil Conservation Schemes are detailed below:-

Sr. No. / No. Item / Particulars of forms
1. / 2. / 3.
1. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 1 / Memo. Of the review of Registers etc.
2. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 1 / Half yearly balance return of stock
3. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 12 / Account of receipts of tool and plants
4. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 13 / Account of issues of tools and plants
5. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 14 / Yearly register of tools and plants
6. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 18 / Muster Roll Part I nominal roll
7. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 18 / Muster Roll Part II Register of Arrear of wages due to work people.
8. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 19 / Casual labour roll.
9. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 20 / Measurement books.
10. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 21 / Register of measurement book Part I for ordinarily measurement books
11. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 21 / Register of measurement book Part II for Standard measurement books
12. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 22 / First and final bill.
13. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 26 / Hand receipt
14. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 29 / Pay bill of work charged establishment.
15. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 34 / Works slip.
16. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 44 / Consolidated Treasury receipt.
17. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 45 / Report of stores.
18. / D.F.R. (P.W.) 42 / Register of miscellaneous recoveries.
19. / D.F.R. suitable form / Abstract of payment for daily labour register of bills.

4th Manual

The norms set by the Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab for the discharge of its functions.

The department is headed Chief Conservator of Soils followed by Conservators and then Divisional Soil Conservation Officers followed by Sub-Divisional Soil Conservation Officers and then Soil Conservation Officers

The administrative Financial and technical powers have been decentralized at each level i.e Chief Conservator, Conservator, DSCO, SDSCO, SCO. These powers are exercised at each level depending upon the complexity and administrative aspects involved. The Chief Conservator of Soils is the overall authority for various Financial and technical aspects.

All the officers and employees of the department are accountable to state government, public and funding agencies.

The flow of funds for execution of works in this department is from the State Govt. and Central Govt. The execution of the works is carried out at the level of the DSCO and its staff. While executing the works, financial rules and instructions issued by the State Govt. and supervisory officers are kept in view.

5th Manual

The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

Department follows the Punjab Government Rules contained in the following books and is not goverened by any separate set of rules:

S.No. / Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records / Contents
1 / Punjab CSR Vol.-I, Part I / Service Condition Rules of Punjab Govt
2 / Punjab CSR Vol.-I, Part II / Service Condition Rules of Punjab Govt
3 / Punjab CSR Vol.-II / Service Condition Rules of Punjab Govt
4 / Punjab CSR Vol.-III / Service Condition Rules of Punjab Govt
5 / Punjab Financial Rules Vol.-I / Financial Rules Governing Govt Departments & Employees
6 / Common Schedule Rates-PWD. / Rates Approved by Punjab Govt for Material/Labour for carrying out various works
7 / Soil Conservation Scheme Rules / Rules Pretaining to carrying out works of Department as provided in Manual 3 of this document

Besides, the instructions issued by the competent authorities from time to time have to be strictly adhered to by the employees in the discharge of their duties
6th Manual

A statement of the categories of documents that are `held by Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab under its control.

S.No. / Name of Document / Custodian
1 / State Annual Action Plan / Department
2 / Guidelines on the schemes :
  1. National Watershed Development Programme for Rainfed Areas.
  2. Flood Prone Rivers Schemes.
  3. Micro Irrigation Schemes.
  4. Common Guidelines for Watershed Development
  5. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yogna (RKVY)
  6. Technology Development Extension & Training (TEDT)
/ Govt of India
3 / Annual Administrative Reports. / Department
4 / Citizen Charter / Department

7th Manual

The particulars of any arrangement that exists for the consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or administration thereof.

  1. The department formulates its programmes and schemes keeping in view the feedback received from the public. The department is regularly in touch with the public through field visits, awareness camps, demonstrations, training programmes, seminars etc. The problems faced by public is taken as priority for formulation of schemes
  2. The farmers form the base level of planning and play important role in execution of various schemes
  3. In the watershed programmes implemented by department panchayats of villages play the pivotal role. All the watershed based programmes are implemented by active participation of the stakeholders.
  4. It has participatory approach that seeks to secure close involvement of the user communities. The broad objective was the promotion of the overall economic development and improvement of the socio economic conditions of the resource poor sections of people inhabiting the programme areas.
  5. User Groups/ Self Help Groups are formed under watershed programmes from within the public.
  6. The feedback and problems relating to research is passed on to the research institutes for investigations and remedial measures.

List of Committees formed with consultation or representation from public are:

1.The District Micro Irrigation Committee: The DMIC is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ZilaParishad/District Rural Development Agency (DRDA)/Collector of the District having its members/ representatives from concerned Departments viz. Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Development, Irrigation and Water resources, Growers’ Association, Krishi Vigyan kendras (KVKs) and 15representative of the local lead Banks including the IA. The local Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) are involved in implementation of MI Scheme to the extent and manner considered appropriateby the IA keeping in view the capacity of the PRI. The District Horticulture Officer/ District Agriculture Officer is the Member Secretary of DMIC. The DMIC has followingfunctions:

  • Review and forward the Action Plan and forwards it to the Ministry of Agriculture through SMIC.
  • Mobilize credit requirement of the farmers for installing Micro Irrigation System through the Financial Institutions.
  • Monitor and review the physical & financial progress of implementation of MI Scheme.
  • Review the submission of utilization certificate by theIA.
  • Provide feed back to State Micro Irrigation Committee on monthly basis.

2.District watershedCommittees.: At the district level Watershed Committee monitors the programme. It monitors and tries to resolve shortcomings in the programme every fortnight. The Collector/DC, PIAs, district level relevant departments and people’s representative are a part of this committee. In addition Watershed Development Teams for each P.I.A., consisting of Block-level officials of various departments are formed.The president, Zila Panchayat is the patron of Watershed Committee at the district level. District and Gram Panchayats’ representatives are involved in watershed development activities at all levels. People representatives’ help is taken in PRA exercise and preparation of action plans also. Every Watershed Development Committee necessarily includes three to four Gram Panchayat members