Government of Andhra Pradesh

o/o The Managing Director,

FlatNo.501,NCL Kaveri-1Apartments,

D.No.10-2-289/115,Shanti Nagar,

Masab Tank, Hyderabad -028.

Present : Sri. D.Muralidhar Reddy, I.A.S.,

Managing Director

Circular Memo No: Swaccha Andhra/ IHT/2015-16Dated : 06-06-2015.

Sub: Swachha Bharat Mission – Urban Local Bodies in AP state –

Construction of Individual House-hold toilets (IHTs) for

prevention of open defecation –Mode of construction through

Slum Level Federations - Guidelines issues – Regarding.

Ref: 1.Govt. Memo no: 172/B2/2015 ofMA&UD (B2) Department

Dated 28.04.2015

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh aims at providing the best sanitation services for improving the cleanliness, health and hygiene.For this purpose, the Government of AP has established“Swachha Andhra Corporation” in January,2015for making open defecation free Andhra Pradesh. It was planned to achieve the same through a multi-pronged strategy by organising all stakeholders into a mass movement and to construct Individual Household Toilets (IHTs) to 2 lakhs families by giving a assistance of Rs.15,000/- each under 1stphase. The construction of IHTs will be taken up either through active Slum Level Federations or beneficiaries themselves. For effective implementation, the following additional guidelines for the construction of IHTs through Slum Level Federations(SLFs) are issued in continuation of the guidelines issued on the mode of Execution:

  1. Procurement Process:


a)The MD, Swachha Andhra Corporation will organise the meetings with manufacture companies of cement, PVC connections pipes, AC roofing sheet, Steel, Swatting Pans and traps at state level and fix the rates for supply of required materials.

b)He shall also see that the required materials are available with the Sanitary Marts to be established by the TLFs at town level (or) with the respective dealers at town level through the manufacturers.

c)Town Level Swachha Andhra Committees will identify the shops / suppliers/ agencies / go-downs to supply the required material of Bricks/metal/doors/RCC ring at reasonable prices.

d)The Town Level Swachha Andhra Committees will also identify the rural SHG groups having permit to supply the sand from the nearest reach to the particular town.

e)The MD,SACs and respective TLSCs shall intimate the respective SLSCs / beneficiariesabout the details of dealers/suppliers/shops/agencies/go-downs/Rural SHGs to procure the required materials. The respective SLSCs shall procure the materials accordingly at workable rates by giving advance indents.


a)The District Level Swachha Andhra committee will identify the

required number of masons/plumbers/labour town wide and fix the rates for the construction of each IHT and intimate to the respective TLSCs so that the details are available to the respective SLSCs / individuals.

  1. District level Urban Swachha Andhra Committee (DLSC):

The District Collectors are requested to constitute a“District Level Urban Swachha Andhra Committee(DLSC)” in their district for effective implementation of construction of IHTs. The DLSC will assist the Town Level Federations / Slum Level Federations in procurement of quality material at reasonable rates. Further, it will guide TLFs / SLFs in identification of man power and imparting trainings to them for construction of IHTs. The DLSCwillbe constituted with the following members:

  1. The District Collector - Chairman
  2. Commissioner of the District Head Quarter ULB - Member
  3. Executive Engineer (PH) - Member
  4. District Manager, Housing Corporation- Member
  5. 2 TLF Presidents among the ULBs- Members
  6. Project Director, MEPMA- Convener

The above 2 TLF Presidents in the DLSC will be appointed by the District Collector from the existing TLFs in the respective ULBs of the District.

Roles and Responsibilities:

a)They shall meet once in a week in a fixed day as a “Sanitation day” and discuss on various issues on Swachha Andhra programme including

  1. Conductingreview meetings with Municipal Commissioners on progress of construction of IHTs.
  2. Necessity of Community toilets and access the quantity and identification of spaces.
  3. Any other issues / items under SAM.

b)Ensure capacity building trainings to the SLFs, Engineers and MIS staff.

c)Identify the best SLFs in execution of IHTs work and provide awards and rewards to them.

d)The DLSC will guide the TLFs/SLFson formation of “Swachha Andhra Sanitary Marts” at District / Town level for purchase of required material by the SLFs / Individuals readily.

e)Fixing of Quality Control Agencies for certification of materials, either to the existing departmental Quality Control Cells available in the district in various Government Departments.

f)Identification of masteries / Labours / Plumbers at District / Town level for this purpose.

g)Monitor and ensure the release Government assistance to the beneficiaries / SLFs on time.

h)It shall be ensured that the training modules supplied by the Swachha Andhra Corporation shall be utilised for training the master trainers for both IEC and construction activity through PD , MEPMA.

i)It shall be ensure that the short film developed by the Swachha Andhra Corporation on the IHTs from start to end of construction shall be seen by all the SLFs/beneficiaries through PD , MEPMA.

  1. Project Directors of MEPMA:

1)PDs has to convene the meetings regularly under the Chairmanship of District Collector on this programme.

2)PDsare responsible for successful completion of the IEC activities for construction and usage of IHTs in their respective districts.

3)PDs shall extend full support to the SLFs in taking the IEC activity to the ground level.

4)PDs shall identify the 2 member Master Trainer teams one per each town with engineersfrom Housing department/ULBs or final year students from Engineering colleges. Executive Engineer (PH) & District Manager, Housing Corporationbeing the Members in DLSC shall depute their Engineers for imparting trainings to the Master Trainers from all ULBs in the District for construction of IHTs. Arrangements for Trainings shall be facilitated by PD, MEPMA with funds from A& OE charges of NULM project.

5)PDs shall identify the 2 member Master Trainer teams one per each town with 2 active CRPs from each town. They shall be trained through PDs MEPMA to impart trainings to the Slum level SwachhaAndhra Committees (SLSCs) on book keeping and finance management.

6)PDs shall impart training to the internal auditors and facilitate to appoint external auditors to audit the “Swachha Andhra Bank Account”of SLFsalso along with other accounts.

  1. Town Level Swachha Andhra Committees(TLSCs):

The Municipal Commissioners will be responsible for the successful implementation of this programme in their respective ULBs. The Commissioners of the ULBs shall constitute TSACs for construction of IHTs and to complete the project within the time schedule given by the Government. The committee may be constituted with the following members.

a)in case of Municipal Corporations:

  1. Commissioner-Chairman
  2. Additional Commissioner (concerned) -Member
  3. Chief Engineer / SE / Municipal Engineer- Convener
  4. Chief Medical & Health Officer-Member
  5. One of the TLFs President-Member

(Appointed by Commissioner)

  1. Project Director, UCD / TPrO / TMC-Member

Note:In case of bigger Corporations the Commissioners may constitute similar committees at Zonal / Circle level for effective implementation of this programme.

b)in case of Municipalities / Nagar Panchayat’s:

  1. Municipal Commissioner-Chairman
  2. Municipal Engineer-Convener
  3. Office Manager-Member
  4. Health Officer / Sanitary Supervisor

/ Sanitary Inspector- Member

  1. Town Project Officer / TMC-Member
  2. Town Level Federation (TLF) President-Member

Roles and Responsibilities:

a)Create awareness among the public at field level through Posters, Flexis, Banners, Hoardings, Slides in Cinema Theatres and issue news items in Local TV and newspapers.

b)Conducting orientation workshops, road shows and rallies for awareness at ULB / Ward/ Slum level by utilising volunteers.

c)Identification of households at ward level who are not having the toilets and finalization of beneficiaries for sanction of IHTs.

d)Preparation of separate beneficiaries listswith(i) beneficiaries who wish to constructIHTs on their own and (ii) beneficiaries who willing to construct IHTs through SLFs.

e)In case of construction through SLFs, consent letters shall be collected from the concerned individuals with the help of respective SLFs.

f)They shall see that sanction / work ordersare issued by respective Commissioners to the concerned SLFs.

g)They shall also see that directions are issued to the Engineersfor

  1. givingmarking to the IHTs to be constructed by both SLFs / Individuals
  2. Supervision of quality of construction
  3. Geo-tagging the photos showing IHTs along with respective beneficiary at all stages of construction i.e. pre-construction(after marking),during the construction(basement level) and after completion of toilet.
  4. Uploading the data in the MIS platform of Swachha Andhra Corporation.

h)3 day training may be given to the SLFs dulyfollowing the training modules issued by the Swachha Andhra Corporation in respect of toilet models/construction procedureincluding playing of short film on construction of IHTs through the Master trainers developed by the PD,MEPMA. The training includes the training on book keeping / financial management following the training modules developed by MEPMA through the Master trainers developed by the PD ,MEPMA

i)TLSC may facilitate the TLFs to establish “Swachha Andhra Sanitary Marts” at ULB / Zonal / Circle level for stocking and supply the required and qualitative materials for the construction of IHTs, so that SLFs/individuals will get the quality material at reasonable rates and in time.

j)It may also facilitate the TLFs to obtain the bank loan / credit facility for establishment of “Swachha Andhra Sanitary Marts”.

k)The committee shall guide the SLFs/individuals so that 4’x4’ IHTs are constructed for more comfort, but shall ensure that minimum of 2’6” x 3’0” size of IHTs are constructed.

l)Itshall ensure that people’s estimates are available tothe beneficiaries / the SLFs.

m)Ensure release of Government assistance to the beneficiary / SLF on time.

n)It shall see that sanction of IHTs are given, on top priority, to the households having aged persons, differently abled persons and lactating mothersetc. Priority may also be given to those HHs having water service connections.

o)The TLSC may facilitate construction of IHTs through contributions / assistance received under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds and from NGOs and Clubs etc.

p)Identification of the best performed SLFs in completion of IHTs in time qualitatively.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities of Town Level Federations (TLFs) :

1)They shall ensure that all the Households who are not having toilets shall construct their IHTs on their own or through SLFs. It is their social responsibility to success this programme.

2)They shall participate actively in the awareness programmes conducted by the respective ULBs.

3)They shall inspire the people at town level to construct the IHTs.

4)If there are any ground level problems to the SLFs in construction of IHTs, they shall bring to the notice of the Commissioner / TSAC.

5)They may start / establish “Swachha Andhra Sanitary Marts”at ULB / Zone / Circle level for stocking and supply the required and qualitative materials for the construction of IHTs, so that SLFs and Individuals will get the materials at reasonable rates and in time.

6)Funds for the establishment of these “Swachha Andhra Sanitary Marts” can be mobilised from TLFs / SLFs corpus / credit from the Banks.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities of Slum Level Federations (SLFs)

a)The short listed SLFsselected by the TLSC will act as a bridge between the Govt. and the beneficiaries and ensure that all the households will have qualitative IHTs.

b)SLFs shall play key role in taking the IEC activities to the ground level so that the members of the Slum level Swachha Andhra Committees and the actual beneficiaries will get full awareness on necessity/construction models/usage/budget etc.

c)The CRP master trainers shall play the short film supplied by SAC in the training programmes for at least 40 beneficiaries.

d)SLFs shall open a separate Swachha Andhra Bank Account for this purpose after taking resolution in the SLF and maintain accounts properly.

e)All the issues raised by the beneficiaries like cost of construction/size/treatment system either 2pit or septic tank etc. shall be discussed in the SLF meetings and resolve themselves amicably.

f)Before starting IHTs the SLF shall prepare implementable / real action plan as per the local situations, availability of material, man power etc.

g)In case of the expenditure over the Government assistance of Rs.15,000/-, SLFs shall ensure that the excess amount shall be deposited in the Swachha Andhra Bank account by the concerned beneficiaries.

h)SLFs shall see that IHTs are completed as per the timelines given by the Government by identifying experienced Masons and labours in advance.

i)Stock register and separate cash book shall be maintained in the SLF for this programme. Record progress of the work along with details of beneficiary, dates and payments shall also be maintained at every stage i.e. a) before construction, b) during construction and c) after completion.

j)The “Swachha Andhra Bank Account” will be audited by internal and external auditors as the case of SLF account.

  1. Slum Level Swachha Andhra Committees (SLSCs) – SLF wise:

Each SLF shall identify 3 active members among themselves and form a “Slum Level Swachha Andhra Committees (SLSCs) – SLF wise” for construction of IHTs and monitoring their usage and functioning for atleast a period of 6 months. The members may not be the OB members of SLF and anybody who is having leadership qualities, experience in construction and able to spare time for this programme.

a)The members in the SLSCsshall take equal responsibility for any mistake happens in the construction (if so). Hence, the members shall take this programmenot as an activity income generation but as a social activity and self-respectfor them and to their community.

b) SLSCs shall visit door to door as per the list of beneficiaries given by the respective Commissioner and discuss in detail onthe location, construction model and extent of Government assistance for the construction of IHTs.

c)At first the Committee shall estimate the quantity of materials and number of masons and labour for the total IHTs entrusted to them with the help of the Engineers /TLSC/TLF.

d)The “SLSCs” may purchase the required materials directly from the Sanitary Marts established by the TLFs. In case of Sanitary Marts not established in an ULB, they can be procured from the shops, agencies / go-downs available in the ULB as per the guidance of respective TSAC.

e)“SLSCs” shall construct the IHTs as per the models given by Swachha Andhra Corporation duly taking the interest / preference of the beneficiaries.

f)The suggestions on quality of construction of IHTs given by the concerned ULB Engineers / any other Engineers deputed by the respective Commissioner /SAC / MEPMA shall be followed.

g)“SLSCs” shall report and discuss on the work progress in the respective SLF meetings.

h)SLSCsshall motivate the beneficiaries so that the IHTs will be functioned properly and inculcate the habit of usage of toilet by all the members of the family through frequent inter actions and visits.

i)SLSCs shall monitor the IHTs continuously for at least 6 months on the behaviour change of the community in usage and maintenance of the IHTs

  1. Incentive to SLFs:

a)The required amount to SLF will be released by the SAC directly to the SLF account for incidental expenses incurred in doing the I.E.C. activities and other office expenditure like playing film to beneficiaries and stationary etc.

b)The SLF will get incentive amount Rs.300/- per each IHT their construction and usage in the following two instalments.

  1. First instalment: Rs.240/- will be released to the SLF account after completion each IHT @ Rs.80/- each of SLSC members.
  2. Second Instalment : Rs.60/- will be released to the SLF account after 6 months afterensuring usage of toilets by the beneficiary and his family @ Rs.20/- each o SLSC members.

c)Award also will be given the best performed SLFs in execution of IHTs.

  1. Timelines:

S. No / Subject / Time schedule
1 / Formation of District Level / Town level Swachha Andhra Committee by the Municipal Commissioner / 8.06.2015
2 / Formation of Slum Level Swachha Andhra committees at each SLF level / 09.06.2015
3 / Identification of Master trainers for both construction and book keeping by PD,MEPMA / 10.06.2015
4 / Training to the master trainer teams for both construction and book keeping / 12.06.2015 & 13.06.2015
5 / Training to the all Slum level Swachha Andhra Committees by the master trainers / 15.06.2015 to 17.06.2015
6 / Commencement of IHTs by SLSCs / 21.06.2015

Necessary construction manual for IHTs and a model Tripartite Agreement in Telugu are enclosed here with for Guidance.