Dying Monofilament i.e. fishing line, nylon



  • WashFast Acid Dye can be purchased at:

  • WashFast Acid Dyes are designed to dye protein fibers such as wool, silk, angora, mohair, alpaca and nylon


  • Monofilament comes in different weights. The larger weights, or thicker strands can be found in the form of fishing line. The smaller weights, or thinner strands can be found in the sewing department with the threads.
  • If choosing to dye only a small amount of the spool, or shaping the monofilament, an object is needed to wrap the monofilament around.


  • Pan large enough for the amount of monofilament to be dyed and the dye bath.
  • Hotplate to heat the dye bath.
  • Measuring utensils: cups, teaspoons etc.
  • Tongs to remove object from dye bath
  • Gloves, old clothes, old sponge or rag
  • Dowel rods, old credit cards, any other heat resistant material that the monofilament can be wrapped around or attached too. This object will determine the shape of the nylon so if a curly spiral is desired, a dowel rod can be used.
  • Clothes pin optional for multi-color dying
  • Glass for storing the dye.
  • Rubber gloves

* Utensils used for dying should not be used for food preparation
*Do not use metals. I believe it reacts with the dye and interferes with the coloring process. Use wood, plastic, glass. Be
sure your pan is glass or coated with Teflon.


1. Dissolve the dye by measuring ½ tsp. of dye and adding to 2 cups boiling

water. Turn dye bath down to a simmer.

2. Add the monofilament

3. Simmer for 30 minutes

4. Rinse the monofilament


1. Wrap monofilament around a plastic card or dowel rod (depending on shape you want)

and tie off at ends so monofilament does not come off.
2. Bridge the pan with a dowel rod using 2 clothespins to counter weight and hold in place.

(see image of pan above)

3. Using tape, clothespin or anything else that holds it in place, attach the plastic card or

dowel rod to the dowel rod that spans the pan. Be sure the suspended object is

submerged in the dye bath to your desired depth.

4. Follow steps 1-4 under “procedure.”

5. Turn object holding monofilament around and repeat “multi color procedure”

* The leftover dye bath can be stored for a maximum of 6 months.

*The strength of color is determined by the concentration of dye in the dye bath. Use the above measurement for the

strongest color. If a weaker color is desired add more water to

the dye bath to weaken the solution. Simmer for 30 minutes.

* Use in a ventilated area.

* The dye bath stains. Wear gloves


  • Do not store in yogurt cups or anything that leaks, glass jars are best. Can see color and does not melt plastic.
  • Wood floats so any wood used for shaping may need to be weighted
  • Simmering the dye inside gave me headaches, use outside if at all possible
  • Once monofilament has been formed, it resists being formed a second time but you will loose the previous shape if put in hot water a second time
  • Dye color can be mixed in solution. It can also be mixed on the nylon by 2 different dye baths. Dye light color first.

*Information compiled by Kelley Eggert