


Weather and Climate IQuest: Student CaptureSheet

Go to the links to help you explore the wildandchangingworldof weather andclimate.Record youranswers onthis capture sheet.Before we getstarted,take afew minutes to thinkabout what you already

knowabout weather andclimate.Useyourbackground knowledgetoanswer the questions below to the bestof yourability.After youfinish the IQuest,you canlookbackatyourresponses andsee if yourknowledge has changed.

Go to nd takealook attoday’s weather inthe UnitedStates.

To find out the difference betweena“warning” anda“watch”,hereisashort(2:44) video clip from NOAA thatexplains the differences:

ThevideoNASA Con2ect: “Plane Weather”(7:09) discusses the basics of meteorology andthe impactof weather forecasting on aviation.Answer the questions below usingthe informationfrom the video at

Wewillnowmove onandlook at one of the variables aboutwhich wecollectdatawhenweare looking atthe weather:temperature.Beforewevisit the nextwebsite, answer these questions to the best of your ability:

Youcansee thedynamicmotionof the oceanicandatmosphericflowpatterns in the data animationhere:

We’ve spent time looking atweather,nowwewilltakeacloserlook atclimate. Watch this video called “Melting Ice, Rising Seas”(4:31)

Readthearticle called “Global Warming vs. Climate Change” at

Go to this site:“Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet”-

Hover over each of the vitalsigns(justunderthemaincycling images)andlook at the explanatory text that appears. Foreach of the vitalsigns, write thatinformationbelow.

Selectone of these vitalsigns tolearnmoreabout.Click toexpandandmakemore information visibleto answerthe following questions about the vitalsign youselect.For additionaldetails, click onthe “full vital sign”link atthe lowerrightof the pop-up box.