Audition Application 2017
10073NAT Advanced Diploma of Acting
To be considered for this course you must be at least 19 years of age as of [enter date]. The course requires students to be in excellent health and to have a good command of spoken English.
TO APPLY- Complete all pages of this form, answering all questions (add extra pages if required).
- Attach a recent passport sized photograph to page 2(applications without photos will be returned).
- Send the completed form accompanied by a bank cheque, money order or credit card details for $60.00 to:
School Administrator
National Theatre Drama School
PO Box 1173
St Kilda South Vic 3182
(Please note the audition fee is non-refundable and person cheques or cash will not be accepted).
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?Once your application has been received you will be sent the monologue booklet and a designated audition time.
For the audition you must prepare two pieces from our booklet. Only one may be Shakespeare (you do not have to do a Shakespeare). You should also prepare a third piece of your own choosing, not from the audition booklet.
On the day of the audition you may be needed for both a morning and an afternoon session on your designated day. At the end of the day you will be told if you are required to attend a recall audition and will be advised when that will be. As part of this second round you will be asked to prepare a project for presentation to staff representatives as well as present your third audition piece. You will be advised of your success or otherwise at the end of that audition.
Term 1 will commence on Wednesday 15th February 2017.
PAYMENT DETAILSPlease tick the type of payment enclosed
Bank Cheque[ ]Money Order[ ]Credit Card[ ]EFT[ ]
The National Theatre accepts the following cards
Bankcard[ ]Mastercard[ ]Visa[ ]Amex[ ]
Credit Card No: / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _Expiry Date / _ _ / _ _
Card Holders Signature
Name on Card
Personal Details
Surname / Given Names
Suburb / State / Postcode
Home Ph / Mobile / Business Ph
Postal Address (if different from above)
Suburb / State / Postcode
Date of Birth / Age / Sex
Do you intend applying for the G&E Jones foundation scholarship? (Scholarship available to applicants from the Western Victoria Districts only) / Yes [ ]No [ ]Maybe [ ]
Do you intend applying for the Gerda Nicolson award? (available to applicants from Tasmania only) / Yes [ ]No [ ]Maybe [ ]
Emergency Contact Details
Surname / Given NamesContact Number / Relationship to you
Are you currently studying? (if yes give details)
Secondary Education Details
Name of School
Suburb / State / Postcode
Year Competed/or current year studying
Standard Reached
Do you intend to continue your academic study?
Tertiary Education Details
AwardDegree [ ]Diploma [ ]Certificate [ ]
What is your current occupation?
Please give details below of your employment history, whether related to theatre or not.
Financial Statement
The 10073NAT Advanced Diploma of Acting is a full fee-paying course with payments due at the beginning of each term. Please outline how you will meet the financial requirements of the course.
VET Fee Help
Do you intend to apply for VET Fee Help for part or all of your tuition fees?
Yes [ ]No [ ]Maybe [ ]Part [ ]All [ ]
Please document any previous study or training in Theatre, Film etc. and the standard achieved.
Please document any experience in Theatre, Film etc. and the standard achieved.
Please document any other skills or experience in Art, Music, Dance and related fields.
How did you hear about this course and the The National Theatre Ballet School?
Internet[ ] / Teacher(s)[ ] / Current/Former
Student[ ]
Attended a
Production [ ] / Advertisement[ ] / Theatre Signage[ ]
Other (please specify)
I have enclosed the required paperwork and am aware that the application fees for audition are non-refundable.
Applicants SignatureDate
Application Form 2017 NT-RTO-B DRAFT v1.0 .docPage 1 of 6
The National Theatre [RTO 3600 / Cricos 01551E]April 2016