SAMPLE Agreement between Coach and Teaching Staff
This agreement describes the responsibilities that each share in this partnership.
The Coach agrees to:
1. Develop an individualized plan with the teaching staff that includes early literacy-related goals related to improved child outcomes, steps for achieving goals, and the Coach’s and teaching staff’s responsibilities related to each step.
2. Engage teacher in ongoing evaluation of progress toward goals.
3. Schedule, plan, and facilitate weekly onsite visits and coaching meetings with teaching staff. Incorporate observation and conferencing into visits regularly. Model early literacy teaching practices and co-teach with teaching staff according to the plan.
4. Provide other forms of support in relation to teacher goals (e.g., sharing resources, collaborative planning, and journaling).
5. Recognize the value of the teacher’s time by keeping appointments and honoring start and ending times for meetings.
6. Keep work with the teaching staff confidential, sharing only the general information. Obtain teaching staff’s explicit permission to share information with others.
The teaching staff agrees to:
1. Actively engage in assessing needs and strengths, asking questions, listening, and identifying goals and means to achieve those goals in collaboration with the Coach.
2. Be open to being observed at work and receiving feedback about teaching practices.
3. Apply and analyze new teaching and early literacy practices with the support of Coaches.
4. Engage in reflective dialogues with Coaches.
5. Identify issues and problems and work together to resolve them.
6. Arrange availability for weekly onsite visits and meetings with the Coach.
7. Fulfill responsibilities agreed to in the planning process in a timely way.
8. Contribute to ongoing assessment of progress toward goals.
I have read the Coach and Teaching Staff Agreement. I have had an opportunity to ask questions about the responsibilities that are described in the agreement. I understand my responsibilities as a Coach or member of the teaching staff. I agree to uphold my part.
Signature—Coach Date Signature—Teacher Date
Signature—Assistant Teacher Date Signature—Classroom Aide Date