ETP Research Advisory Forum - 5th September 2008
University of Strathclyde
Present:Professor Jim McDonald (Chair) (acting for Prof Paul Mitchell)
Professor Iain Bryden (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Patrick Corbett (HeriotWattUniversity)
Professor Peter Davies (University of Dundee)
Professor Stuart Haszeldine (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Bill Leithead (University of Strathclyde)
Ross Loveridge (Scottish Government)
Brian Nixon (Scottish Enterprise)
Simon Puttock (Energy Technology Partnership)
Charles Shields (Industrial Power Association)
Iain Todd (AberdeenRenewable Energy Group)
Apologies:Professor Peter Bruce (University of St Andrews)
Professor John Counsell (University of Strathclyde)
Professor Tom Crowley (University of Edinburgh)
Colin Imrie (Scottish Government)
Professor John Irvine (University of St Andrews)
Tom Lamb (Scottish Development International)
Professor Ian Main (University of Edinburgh)
Morag McCorkindale (AREG)
Professor Paul Mitchell (University of Aberdeen)
Jason Ormiston (Scottish Renewables)
Tom Read (Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Association)
Professor Merv Rose (University of Dundee)
Professor Mike Tyers (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Robin Wallace (University of Edinburgh)
Main Points Arising
Professor Jim McDonald welcomed everyone to the inaugural meeting of the ETP Research Advisory Forum (RAF) and then provided an overview of the ETP purpose, governance and current areas of focus. The Scottish European Green Energy Centre (SEGEC) was welcomed as the first Partner Member of the ETP.
RAF Terms of Reference
The main purpose of this first meeting of the RAF was to seek comments on the proposed Terms of Reference for the group and discuss opportunities to further develop each of the five focus areas. These are summarised below.
1. – ETP Priorities and Opportunities
•Proposed that the Scottish Trade Organisations (SRF, IPA, SHFCA etc,) could be used as a conduit between the ETP and energy related companies. Also noted that Scottish Enterprise had commissioned a study (via Atkins) to identify those companies most likely to engage in RD&D activities which would help the ETP to focus
•The ETP concept of a ‘front door’ to industry is similar to that of the Telford Institute that had successfully used key industrial players to help promote the value of the research pool. Engagement with key professional organisations was also seen as an important relationship for the ETP to develop
•Scottish Enterprise would be able to support the ETP’s engagement with industry, directly through its Account and Client managed relationships and also through its ongoing relationships with Scottish trade organisations
•The ETP proposal to hold some form of industry engagement workshops /roadshows received support, with the suggestion that holding separate events in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh would help attract companies. There would also be a need to target individual companies (1-1 meetings) and it was suggested that the existing Knowledge Transfer Partnership channels might be used to help promote the ETP message and lead to knowledge transfer opportunities for ETP academic partners.
2. – Multidisciplinary Working
- From a Telford Institute perspective there is likely to be opportunities for collaboration with the ETP, particularly in the area of renewables which is being discussed at a meeting in October. There is also the potential for an ETP member to engage with the Telford Institute Committee which meets quarterly
- The geosciences pooling (SAGES) has defined what it considers to be its ‘big research challenges’ and it was suggested that this is something that the ETP might consider. Having clarity on these challenges would also help focus conversations with other research pools and help identify potential new multidisciplinary work programmes
3. Strategic Partnerships
- It was suggested that the ETP should work with SDI and UKTI to develop a target list of potential new international relationships which the ETP could start to develop.
4. ETP Workshops
- The RAF supported the ETP proposal to hold a series of thematic workshops to bring together key researchers from across Scotland and elsewhere. Importantly these workshops should include time for information exchange but should also have a real focus on for example a research call or opportunity. This need for focus could also link to the ‘big challenges’ referred to above.
- It was agreed that the ETP would consider the big challenges and then seek RAF comment on these as well as the first 2/3 topic areas to be covered in the thematic workshops.
5. ETP Promotion
- Where appropriate, RAF members could help to raise the profile of the ETP by adding the ETP web link to their own web sites
- The ETP should consider taking stand space at leading conferences, e.g. All Energy, SRF conference, OTC and Offshore Europe and also consider the management of a conference session to further raise profile
- Individual discussions with the other Scottish research pools should continue to help raise ETP profile as well as identify potential collaborations
Other Business
Terms of Reference (review)
There was general agreement that the Terms of Reference for the RAF were appropriate and did not require changing at this point in time.
It was unfortunate that a number of RAF members were unable to attend this inaugural meeting. However the meeting reviewed the overall invitee list and agreed that this represented a good spread of researchers from energy and other pools, industry trade organisations and the public sector. Brian Nixon offered to approach Oil & Gas UK and the Industry Technology Facilitator (ITF) to invite them both onto the RAF.
Iain Todd highlighted AREG’s ongoing involvement with the Aberdeen offshore wind farm and the future opportunity for the ETP to be involved in its development.