Monday, January 5 - 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Central Public Library, Stevenson & Hunt Room - 251Dundas Street
1.Call to Order – Abe Oudshoorn, Chair
2.Mission Statement - The London Homeless Coalition exists to advise, shape and coordinate community responses to homelessness, and related needs to the London area.
3.Introduction of and Welcome to those in Attendance
Abe Oudshoorn, ChairGrant Martin, LondonCAReS
Brandon Agnew, LondonCAReSGeoff Bardwell, WesternUniversity
David Small, CMHA-MiddlesexGillian Hoyer, HuronUniversity (CMHA-Middlesex)
Daanish Khan, ESDC/Service CanadaBrian Hryhorchuk, ESDC/Service Canada
Cheryl Wituik, WRRC, StrathroyJessica Justrabo, CYN
Shelley Yeo, WCHMartha Connoy, Mission Services
Gordon Russell, Mission ServicesJaclyn Seeler, United Way
Nancy Powers, SA CoHAnne Harris, EMDC
Susan Macphail, CMHA-Middlesex/MSPJason Westbrook, Housing, Co
Mirella Bryant, YOUDerek Dilabbio, Independent
Jesse Helmer, Councillor, CoLJohn Thompson, St; John’s the Evanglist
Melissa Hardy-Trevenna, LSTARDeb Peckham, LHAC
Michelle Lynne Goodfellow, LMHCChris Loblaw, Independent
Trevor Johnson, Homeless Prevention, CoLJan Richardson, Homeless Prevention, CoL
Jan Regan, CoL, Recording Secretary
4.Approval of Agenda
Motion: To approve the agenda for January 5, 2015.
Moved:Melissa Hardy-Trevenna
Seconded: Grant Martin
5.Approval of Minutes of The General Membership Meeting December 1, 2014
Motion:To approve the minutes of the meeting on December 1 2014.
Moved:Melissa Hardy-Trevenna
Seconded: Grant Martin
6.General Announcements
i) Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Needs Assessment Project
The Unity Project has hired consultant Geoff Bardwell to conduct a consultation to examine and develop a ‘best practices’ service model for London’s emergency shelters to better serve LGBTQ individuals who are experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. Letters were circulated inviting shelter operators and community stakeholders to participate in the study. For more information contact 519-317-3171.
ii) London and Middlesex County Poverty Simulation
The London and Middlesex County Poverty Simulation event is being held by the Awareness Committee of the Ending Poverty Priority on February 26, 2015 (8:30am-12:30pm) for all BSW and MSW students at the School of Social work.On March 6, 2015 (9:00am-1:30pm) there will be an event for all influencers (media, government officials, etc).
The purpose of this event is to increase awareness of the barriers individuals experience in poverty. With collaboration from many organizations, community members, and institutions scenarios of been developed of real life experiences of individuals who experience barriers in poverty. Attendees will enact, on a small scale, what it’s like for individuals living with barriers for a month. The London Poverty Research Centre will be conducting the evaluation as well as publishing research on the development and experience of the simulation. A formal invitation will be sent to all individuals who identify they would like to be involved in these days. Please contact Jessica Justrabo at r further information.
Melissa reminded the membership to forward announcement information to Abe for posting to the London Homeless Coalition website.
7.Business Arising from December 1, 2014 minutes
7.1State of Homelessness in London
Abe provided an overview of the state of homelessness in London (attached) leading the membership into a discussion to identify areas of top priority for focus/advocacy for 2015.
7.2Priorities for 2015 – Brainstorming Session
The membership discussed and suggested various topics to be considered as top priorities starting in 2015 and moving forward. Ideas included:
- Memorial – to complete the remaining objectives identified in the project timeline
- OW Policy on Public Transit – local decision to eliminate the bus pass code and provide an extra $85 on the benefit cheque for eligible participants – challenges and implications this may cause for some participants
- Poverty Reduction Strategy
- Property Revitalization / Education Sessions
- Advocate for all orders of government to work together and adopt housing models that work as a basis for all communities in their effort to end homelessness
- Building Core Competencies Community Wide
- Advocacy – develop material such as what is the ‘Social Cost of Homelessness in London’ for all groups (ie. LHC, CYN, poverty awareness, etc) so that messaging is consistent
- Continued advocacy related to the $100 increase to the singles’ OW rate
Action: The Steering Committee will review the list and present recommendations for approval at the February meeting.
7.3Safe Streets Act – Repeal of the Act - Discussion
The Safe Streets Act, 1999, prohibits aggressive solicitation of persons in certain public places and the disposal of dangerous things in certain public places.
The Act has been criticized by many for targeting the poor and vulnerable and calls are being made on the Ontario government to repeal the law.
The membership discussed the issue of panhandling and efforts to minimize the activity, including a proactive response and engaging outreach, and partnerships and communication with local police.
It was suggested that the LHC may have an interest in creating public information to provide consistent messaging.
Action: The Steering Committee will review and present recommendations to the general membership.
7.4Safety in Housing for Mental Health/Addiction - Discussion
The Steering Committee, on behalf of the London Homeless Coalition, drafted and sent a letter to the Chief Coroner of Ontario requesting an inquest in to the death of an individual as a result of a fire at private sector housing with an unregulated service provider providing basic essentials. To date, no response has been received.
It was agreed to continue to monitor the issue and advocate where appropriate.
8.Standing Items
8.1Update from Steering Committee
As reported through the meeting.
8.2LHC Memorial Committee – Grant Martin
Work on objective #6 has been completed and all documents have been reviewed, updated and are now posted on the LHC website.
Work is set to begin on objectives 3, 4 and 5:
- To provide a gathering place for community recognition events following the death of a homeless individual;
- To hold community based memorial services following the death of a homeless individual; and.
- To hold public events.
Grant has announced that he is stepping down as chair of the Memorial Committee and the Committee is looking for a new chair. Rhonda Bates, LondonCAReS Admin Assistant will continue to record the minutes.
Members interested in serving on the working group and/or assuming the Chair role, are asked to contact Grant Martin at . The Memorial Committee meets the first Monday of each month starting at 9:00 am (prior to the LHC meeting).
8.3City Updates – Jan Richardson, Manager, Homeless Prevention
The Middlesex-London Health Unit issued a Cold Weather Alert as the meeting was in progress.
London’s Homeless Prevention System Implementation Plan is the community’s plan approved by the London Homeless Coalition and endorsed by all orders of government.
i)Community Plan Regarding Street Involved Sex Workers
Three consultations were held in November and December, to review the draft conceptual model with the goal of endorsing the Plan and moving forward in 2015 with an Implementation Plan. Rhonda Brittan, Public Health Nurse, MLHU has joined the Homeless Prevention Team for three months (January – March 2015) to move forward with the Implementation Plan. Thank you to all those who are participating.
ii)Centralized Intake and Evaluation Systems
Nicole Kovacs, Consultant, Kovacs Group Inc. has been retained to develop the Centralized Intake for emergency shelters and the Integrated Data Base.
iii)Homelessness Partnering Strategy
Jan welcomed Daanish Khan as London’s new HPS/Service Canada representative and thanked BrianHryhorchuk for his support in London.
The Homelessness Partnering Strategy is federal funding provided to the City of London, as the Community Entity, under the direction of the London Homeless Coalition, serving as the Community Advisory Board, and is aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness across Canada under a Housing First approach.
All HPS contracts for this funding cycle have been completed and issued. All projects will terminate March 31, 2015.
A Request for Proposal for funding for the period April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2019 was posted November 14, 2014 and will remain open until January 13, 2015. The Review Committee is comprised of members of the Homeless Prevention System Implementation Team and the Chair of the LHC. The Chair is in a conflict of interest position and a member of the Steering Committee will serve.
iv)The Homeless Prevention team will be presenting a series of key note speaker sessions during 2015. Updates will be provided.
Other Business
i)Jesse Helm, City Councillor, reported that it is his understanding that with the implementation of the London Transit Commission (LTC) reloadable bus passes, bus tickets will no longer be available.
Action: Continue to monitor.
9.Date and time for next LHC General Meeting
Monday, February 2, 2015 Central Library Stevenson & Hunt Room, main floor
London Homeless Coalition Steering Committee: Abe Oudshoorn, Grant Martin, Deb Peckham, , Melissa Hardy-Trevenna, Mirella Bryant, Susan Macphail, Shelley Yeo, Michelle Lynne Goodfellow, Jan Richardson.