
Curriculum Vitae

Karen J. Psooy, BSc, MD, FRCSC, ABU

Department of Surgery
Faculty of Medicine
University of Manitoba
Health Sciences Centre
AE301-840 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MBR3A 1S1
Office Phone: 204.787.4984
Fax: 204.787.2621

Place of Birth:Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada


Appointments – University of Manitoba
2012- Associate Professor, Section of Urology
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Medicine
2010 - Section Head, Urology
Education and Training
Post Secondary Education
1996 Doctor of Medicine, University of Manitoba
1994 Bachelor of Science in Medicine, Medicine Research, University of Manitoba
1992 Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, University of Winnipeg
Post Graduate Training
2001-2002Clinical Fellowship, Pediatric Urology, Children’s Hospital
of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario
1996-2001 Residency, Urology, University of Manitoba, Faculty
of Medicine, Winnipeg, Manitoba
2008Subspecialty Certification in Pediatrics (Urology),
American Board of Urology, USA
2006 Diplomate of the American Board of Urology,
American Board of Urology, USA
2002Specialist License, Manitoba
2003 Fellow of the RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada (Urology), RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
1996 Licentiate of the MedicalCollege of Canada
2013 Nominee for Most Outstanding Clinician, Clerkship
(Manitoba Medical Student’s Association 2011-2012
Academic Year Teaching Awards)
1994Bristol-Meyers Squibb Canada Prize for best oral
presentation of B.Sc. (Med-Research)
1994 OxfordUniversity Press Neurosciences Book Prize
for best B.Sc. (Med Research) neurosciences project
1990 Hewlett-Packard Calculator Award for top 10GPA earned
in faculties of science and business
Academic and Professional Experience
2010- Section Head of Urology
2010- WRHA Lead, Urology
2009-2010 Acting Section Head of Urology (full time)
2007-2009 Acting Section Head of Urology (intermittent), Act as
Section Head when Section Head is away
2002 - Service Chief of Pediatric Urology
2002 - Director of Pediatric Urodynamics Lab
2002 - Pediatric Urologist, Provide primary, and tertiary Pediatric
Urology service to Manitoba, and tertiary care to
Saskatchewan and Northwestern Ontario; WRHA
2002 - Doctors Manitoba: General Member
  • Current Urology Working Group member
2002 - Northeastern Section of American Urological Associations
(NSAUA): General Member .
  • Current Member of theBoard of Directors – Canadian Representative
2002 - Pediatric Urologists of Canada (PUC)
2002 - RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Current Member of the following Urology
  1. Examination Board (Corresponding Member)
1996 - College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM):
  • General Member
1994 - Canadian Urological Association (CUA)
  • Current Member of the following committees:
  • Board of Directors
  • Socio-Economics Committee

Courses – university of manitoba
Instructor / Med II: Kidney: Abnormal Urinalysis and Genitourinary Tumors
Tutorial, 1 hour annual interactive tutorial (15-20 students) on work up and
differential diagnosis of gross hematuria with review of radiographs: Since
Med III&IV: TV Linked Seminar Series - Pediatric Urology, 1 hour
interactive tutorial (8-12 students), repeated on a 7 week cycle: Since 2002
Pediatric Outpatient Surgical Subspecialty Selective, Med III of IV student spend 1-5 1/2 days over a 2 week period in the Pediatric Urology clinic learning about the conditions they see
Pediatric Urology Surgical Sub-subspecialty rotation, Med III or IV students spend 2 weeks on the Pediatric Urology Service, which involves steady clinical supervision and teaching from Dr. Dharamsi and myself
Med III Introduction to Clerkship (ITC) – Comprehensive Patient Assessment (CPA): Students perform a complete history, physical and chart review on a consented in-hospital surgical patient. They then present their finding to me for constructive criticism on presentation technique. Physical examination skills are also assessed at the bedside. 7 students, 1 1/2 days/year
Med III Surgical Mentorship Program, Med III students spend a 1/2 day with a surgeon in order to facilitate transition to Clerkship 0-1d/yr
Med II Focused Patient Interviews, Students interview, examine and discuss their findings with a standardized patient while I observe and assess them behind a 2-way mirror. I then meet with them to discuss strengths and areas to improve on. 0-2 half days/year
PGY 1-5 Pediatric Residents: Pediatric Academic Half Day - Pediatric Urology, 1 hour semi-annual interactive session reviewing various topics of Pediatric Urology, relevant to audience: 2004-Present. 1 hr/2 yrs
PGY 5 & 6 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows: Pediatric Urological Emergencies, 1 hour seminar (5 students) of Pediatric Urology topics relevant to audience: 2006 x 1h
PGY1-5 Plastic Surgery Residents: Genital Surgery, 2 hour tutorial regarding genital surgery for trauma and congenital conditions: 2004 x 1
PGY1-5 Urology Residents - Urology Academic Half Day: Faculty led tutorials, The faculty member prepares a tutorial on a topic, assigned by the
Program Director, and reviews the topic with the residents for 1 hour: 3 topics/year
Curriculum Development/Pedagogical innovation
2006 / “Transplant Nephrology” elective for Urology Residents
Through the assistance of the head of the Transplant Nephrology program and the Vascular Surgeon who does all the elective renal transplantations, an elective, specific for Urology residents was designed. The elective, which is unique in that it is a fusion of both a medical and a surgical service, allows urology residents to learn the medical aspects of transplant nephrology, while at the same time participating in the intra and peri-operative care of renal transplant and kidney donor surgical patients, helping them to meet the Urology Objectives of Training
Development and implementation of Urology Resident assessment tools
To improve resident feedback in the RCPSC CanMeds Competencies, the following Resident Evaluations were developed: Nurse Evaluation (Communicator), Case Presentations Evaluation (Medical Expert), Journal Club Evaluation (Scholar), Resident Research Day Evaluation (Scholar), Resident Seminar Presentation Evaluation (Scholar). Some of these were developed de novo, and others were modified from other programs.
Development of Quarterly Exam for Urology residents (QUOWE)
Four times a year, all urology residents sit an examination that includes an oral exam question, X-ray station, and short answer questions (SAQs) on the topics covered in the last 3 months of Academic Half Day (AHD). I designed and initiated this examination format. I facilitate the entire process by assigning different faculty members to give the oral exam and set up the X-ray station, and get AHD faculty tutors and presenters to provide SAQs. I provide SAQs on urodynamics, pathology and the remaining AHD topics and then proctor this 1/2 day exam.
Implementation of T-Res
A national web-based program is available to track resident exposure to clinical activities, particularly OR experiences, through self entry of data. While available to Urology Residents, it was not embraced by all residents, and was not being used as an assessment tool for the Program Director until I incorporated it into routine resident assessment.
Pediatric Outpatient Surgical Subspecialties Selective
This is a Surgical Selective that I designed and implemented for Med IV students. It involves students rotating through a number of pediatric surgical sub-specialty clinics, based on their particular interests. I currently manage this selective by organizing the clinic schedule and filling in the final student evaluations.
Revision of U of M Urology Residency Goals & Objectives
The G&O of the all the Urology rotations, including the Core years, were
revised to ensure accuracy and attainability under the format of the RCPSC CanMeds Competencies. These continue to be reviewed and updated annually
U of M Urology Resident's Manual
A new, user friendly, Urology resident manual was designed and produced as a reference for residents and teaching faculty. An updated version is distributed to the residents annually.
2002-Present / Special interest: Minimizing unnecessary medical encounters and intervention
The majority of the research topics that I have published journal articles and patient management guidelines on have been in the area of minimizing unnecessary medical encounters and interventions. The goals have been to avoid unnecessary cost to the health care system, unnecessary travel for patients and to prevent unnecessary anxiety to patients and their families.
Examples include: 1. Children with "Solitary Kidneys" should not be unnecessarily restricted from participating in sporting activities 2. Children born with "Multicystic Dysplastic Kidneys" are not at a high risk of malignancy, and thus do not need to go through surgery or long-term assessments by urologists 3. Children who have a surgical "Pyeloplasty" do not need to be watched for recurrence beyond two years 4. My work on the "Microscopic Hematuria" guidelines focused on limiting unnecessary invasive investigations for low-risk patients.
publications, Presentations and other Works
Research Projects
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (refereed)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Collective Works
Abstracts Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Invited Commentaries in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Electronic Documents
Conference Presentations(refereed)
Conference Presentations
Invited Presentations
Symposia Contributions / Deflux in Children Study. Collaborated in study through patient recruitment. 2002-2003
  1. Psooy K, Archambault JP. Vaginal entrapment of bathwater – a source of extra-urethral incontinence. Can Urol Assoc J 2010;4(5):E123-126.
  2. Roth MT, Mingin G, Dharamsi N, Psooy K, Koyle M. Endoscopic ablation of longitudinal vaginal septa in prepubertal girls: a minimally invasive alternative to open resection. J Pediatr Urol 2010;6(5):464-468.
  3. Psooy K. Long-term Urological Follow-up of Multicystic Dysplastic
Kidneys: Is it still necessary in 2007? Can Urol Assoc J 2007;1(3):305.
  1. Psooy K. Sports and the solitary kidney: how to counsel parents. Can J Urol. 2006;13(3):3120-3126.
  2. Nickel JC, Herschorn S, Corcos J, Donnelly B, Drover D, Elhilali M, Goldenberg L, Grantmyre J, Laroche B, Normal R, Piercy B, Psooy K, Steinhoff G, Trachenberg J, Saad F, Tanguay S. Canadian guidelines for the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Can J Urol. 2005;12(3):2677-2683.
  3. Psooy K, Pike JG, Leonard MP. Long-term follow-up of pediatric dismembered pyeloplasty - how long is long enough? J Urol. 2003;169(5):1809-1812.
  4. Nath A, Psooy K, Martin C, Magnuson D, Knudsen B, Haughey N, Geiger J. Identification of a human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 tat epitope that is excitatory and neurotoxic. J Virol. 1996;70:1475-1480.
  1. Psooy K. Multicystic dysplastic kidney in the neonate: the role of the urologist. Can Urol Assoc J. 2010;4(2):95-97.
  2. Psooy K. Sports and the solitary kidney: what parents of a young child with a solitary kidney should know. CUAJ 2009;3(1):67-68
  3. Psooy K, Pike J. Investigation and management of antenatally detected hydronephrosis. CUAJ 2009;3(1):69-72.
  4. Wollin T, Laroche B, Psooy K. Canadian Guidelines for the management of asymptomatic microscopic hematuria in adults. CUAJ 2009;3(1)77-80.
  1. Leonard MP, Psooy K. Endoscopic Management of Vesicoureteric Reflux. Pediatric Urology. New Jersey: Humana Press; 2003. p. 83-102.
  1. Archambault J, Psooy K. Vaginal entrapment of bathwater may mimic urinary incontinence. Can Urol Assoc J 2009;3(3Suppl1):S64.
  2. Psooy K. Long-term urological follow-up of multicystic dysplastic kidneys: Is it still necessary in 2007: Can Urol Assoc J. 2007;1(3):305.
  3. Abusamra A, Psooy K, Hosking D. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomy: a comparison of two techniques. Can J Urol. 2003;10(3):1864
  4. Abusamra A, Psooy K, Hosking D. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomy: a comparison of two techniques. J Endourology. 2003;17(Suppl 1). Abstract No. A214
  5. Abusamra A, Psooy K, Hosking D. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomy: a comparison of two techniques. Can J Urol. 2003;10(4):1960.
  6. Psooy K, Pike JG, Leonard MP. Long-term follow-up of pediatric dismembered pyeloplasty: how long is long enough? Can J Urol. 2003;10(3):1847.
  7. Psooy K, Pike JG, Leonard MP. Long-term follow-up of pediatric dismembered pyeloplasty: how long is long enough? Can J Urol. 2002;9(4):1609.
  8. Psooy K. The tat protein of human immunodeficiency virus is toxic to human fetal neurons. Prairie Medical Journal. 1995;64:47.
  1. Psooy K. Undeserved authorship: too much of a good thing. Can Urol Assoc J.2010;4(6):391-3922.
  2. Psooy K. Pediatric procedures in urology residency training: finding the balance between relevant and attainable competency. Can Urol Assoc J. 2008;2(3):211.
  3. Psooy K. The Deflux experience in Canada generates both optimism and queries. Can Urol Assoc J. 2007;1(1):46.
1Psooy K. CUA Guidelines: Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney in the Neonate. CUA. 2009. Available from:
2Psooy K. CUA Guidelines: Antenatal hydronephrosis. 2008. Written as a CUA guideline, and adopted by the Canadian Medical Association in Sept 2008. Available from:

3Wollin T, LaRoche B, Psooy K. CUA Guideline: Asymptomatic microscopic hematuria.
CUA. 2008. Available from:

4Psooy K. CUA Guideline: Sports and the Solitary Kidney. 2008. Available from:
1*Archambault J, Psooy K. Vaginal entrapment of bathwater may mimic urinary incontinence. Canadian Urological Association; 2009, TorontoON.
2*Roth MT, Mingin G, Dharamsi N, Psooy K, Koyle M. Endoscopic
ablation of vaginal septa: an alternative to open resection in the
prepubertal patient. AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics - Section on
Urology; 2008, BostonMA.
3*Psooy K. Long-term urological follow-up of multicystic dysplastic
kidneys: Is it still necessary in 2007? Northeastern Section of American
Urological Association; 2007, RochesterNY.
4*Abusamra A, Psooy K, Hosking D. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomy: a comparison of two techniques. Canadian Urological Association, 2003, MontrealPQ.
5*Abusamra A, Psooy K, Hosking D. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomy: a comparison of two techniques. Northeastern Section - American Urological Association, 2003, HalifaxNS.
6*Abusamra A,Psooy K, Hosking D. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomy: a comparison of two techniques. WorldCongress on Endourology, 2003, MontrealPQ.
7Psooy K, *Pike J, Leonard MP. Long-term follow-up of pediatric dismembered pyeloplasty – how long is long enough? Canadian
Urological Association, 2003, MontrealPQ.
8*Psooy K, Pike J, Leonard MP. Long-term follow-up of pediatric dismembered pyeloplasty – how long is long enough? Northeastern Section AUA, 2002, Mount Tremblant PQ.
1*Psooy K. Guidelines Proposal: Role of urologist in newborns with
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney. Pediatric Urologists of Canada, 2008,
2*Psooy K. Guidelines Review: Antenatal Hydronephrosis. Pediatric
Urologists of Canada, 2007, Quebec CityPQ.
3*Psooy K. Long-term urological follow-up of Multi-cystic Dysplastic
Kidney: Is it still necessary? Pediatric Urologists of Canada, 2006,
4*Psooy K. Sports and the Solitary Kidney. Pediatric Urologists of
Canada, 2005, Ottawa.
5*Psooy K, Pike J, Leonard M. Congenital Megaprepuce. Ottawa Resident Research Day, 2002, OttawaON.
6*Psooy K, Pike J, Leonard M. Congenital Megaprepuce. CHEO Surgical Research Day, 2002, OttawaON.
7*Psooy K. Pike J, Leonard MP. Long-term follow-up of pediatric dismembered pyeloplasty – how long is long enough? Ottawa Resident Research Day, 2002, OttawaON.
8*Psooy K, Hosking D. Endopyelotomy for ureteropelvic junction obstruction - the Winnipeg experience. Prairie Urological
Association, 1999, Lake LouiseAB.
1Invited Panelist for “Controversies in Pediatric Urology Cases” Northeastern Section AUA, Niagra Falls ON, 2012.
2* Psooy K, Advantages of Open Surgery for Vesicoureteral Reflux. CIPERJ Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Urology, Rio Brazil; 2011 June.
National :
3*Psooy K, Pediatric Educational Forum: Management of Vesico-ureteral Reflux. Canadian Urological Association, Charlottetown PI; 2010 June.
4*Psooy K. Clinical approach to congenital uretero-pelvic junction obstruction. Canadian Society of Nuclear Medicine, May 2009, WinnipegMB.
5*Psooy K. Chronic Orchalgia. PUC National Teleconference Rounds. Canadian Teleconference; 2007.
6*Psooy K. Pediatric Educational Forum: Surgical Correction of Antenatal UPJO: indications, outcomes & follow-up. Canadian Urological Association, Whistler BC; 2004.
7*Psooy K. Interesting Pediatric Urology Cases. PUC National Teleconference Rounds. Canadian Teleconference; 2004.
8*Dharamsi N, Psooy K. Pediatric CUA Guidelines. Western Pediatric Urology Update, 2008, Calgary AB. (Invited Speaker, unable to attend)
9Psooy K, CUA Urology Update for Primary Care Physicians. Winnipeg MB; 2013 May
10Psooy K, Dharamsi N, Inpatient Urology Procedures & Drains. CK3 Nurse In-Service 2012.
11*Psooy K, Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney: Fiction, Facts & Follow-up. Genetics Rounds, WinnipegMB; 2010 Sept.
12*Psooy K. Management of Congenital Hydronephrosis. City Wide Urology Rounds, Winnipeg MB;2009
13*Psooy K. Controversies in Pediatric Urology: Management of
Adolescent Varicoceles. City Wide Urology Rounds, WinnipegMB; 2008 May.
14*Psooy K. Voiding DysfunctionI. Pediatric Small Group Discussion
Series, WinnipegMB; 2007.
15*Psooy K. Voiding Dysfunction II. Pediatric Small Group Discussion
Series, WinnipegMB; 2007.
16*Psooy K. What's New in Pediatric Urology: Deflux for VUR. American College of Surgery, WinnipegMB; 2005.
17*Psooy K. Controversies in Pediatric Urology: Management of
MCDK. City Wide Urology Rounds, WinnipegMB; 2005.
18*Psooy K. Controversies in Pediatric Urology: Sports & the Solitary
Kidney. City Wide Urology Rounds, WinnipegMB; 2004.
19*Psooy K. Controversies in Pediatric Urology: VUR & Pregnancy. City Wide Urology Rounds, WinnipegMB; 2003.
20*Psooy K. Vesicoureteric Reflux. City Wide Urology Rounds, WinnipegMB; 2002.
1Co-moderator for Resident Debate: Pediatric Urology. Northeastern
Section AUA, Niagara Falls ON,2012.
2Co-moderator for Pediatric Podium Session. Canadian Urological Association, MontrealQC, 2011
3Co-moderator for Pediatric Poster Session. Canadian Urological Association, TorontoON, 2009
4Co-moderator forPediatric Poster Session. Northeastern
Section AUA, Santa Ana Pueblo NM, 2008.
5Formation of annual meeting CPD agenda. Pediatric Urologists of Canada, EdmontonAB, 2008.
6Producer and moderator of Pediatric Educational Forum. Complications of Augmented Bladder. Canadian Urological Association, EdmontonAB, 2008.
7Formation of annual meeting CPD agenda. Pediatric Urologists of Canada, Quebec CityPQ, 2007.
Service – University of Manitoba
2003-2005 / Section of Urology
-Section Head
Department of Surgery GFT Executive
-Elected Member
  • Manage future challenges and endeavors of the GFT surgeons, including delegation of finances
Urology Residency Program Committee
-Chair (Program Director)
  • Direct the Residency Program Committee in providing excellence in urological training
  • Participate in maintaining and improving the Urology Residency training program
Surgical Postgraduate Education Committee
-Urology Representative
  • Develop means to improve postgraduate surgical education
Core Surgery Program Committee
-Urology Representative
  • To help develop and implement the Core Surgical Learning Objectives for PGY1&2 surgical residents
Surgical Undergraduate Education Committee
-Urology Representative
  • Develop means to improve undergraduate surgical education

Reviewing Activities
2007 -
Professional & Scholarly Associations
2010 -2014
2006 - 2012
2005 - 2011
2005 -
2012- 2016
2012 -
2008 - 2012
2005 - 2011
2006 -
Provincial and Regional committees
National Committees
2010 -
Service on Boards
Local Committees
2002 -
2004-2006 / Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review abstracts from an assortment of topics for the CUA
Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review all pediatric abstracts for the CUA
Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review of abstracts for the CUA
Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review all pediatric abstracts for the CUA
Journal Peer Reviewer
British Journal of Urology International (BJU Int)
Advances in Urology
Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review all pediatric abstracts for the CUA
Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review all abstract submissions for the NSAUA
Scientific Meeting Abstract Review
Review all Pediatric, Educational and Innovation abstracts for the CUA
Journal Peer Reviewer
Canadian Urological Association Journal (Can Urol Assoc J)
Northeastern Section – American Urological Association (NSAUA) (International):
NSAUA Board of Directors
-Canadian Representative
NSAUA - Scientific Program Committee
-Pediatric Representative
  • Review all abstract submission and moderate Pediatric Poster session for annual meeting
RoyalCollege of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) (National):
RCPSC - Urology Nucleus Committee
-Prairie Regional Representative
  • Participate in RCPSC accreditation process for urology residency programs
RCPSC - Urology Specialty Committee
-University of Manitoba Representative
  • Assist the RCPSC in maintaining accredited urological training in Canada
RCPSC - Examination Board, Urology