Study on the Electromyographic Activation of Lower Limbs during the Menstrual Cycle Phases
Poliana de Lima Costa1,3, Francielle Pereira Santos1,
Cintia Campolina Duarte Rocha1,2, Sandro Fernandes da Silva1
1Group of Studies and Research in Neuromuscular Responses, Department of Physical Education, FederalUniversityofLavras, Lavras/MG Brazil, 2Presbyterian College Gammon– Lavras/MG Brazil, 3Center for the Study of Physical Performance, Federal University of Paraná, Paraná, Brazil
Costa PL, Santos FP, Rocha, CCD, da Silva SF. Study on the Electromyographic Activation of Lower Limbs during the Menstrual Cycle Phases.JEPonline2015;18(2):52-57.Thepurpose of this study wasto investigatethe influence ofthe MenstrualCycleon the activationof thigh andhip musclesusing surfaceelectromyography (SEMG).Fifteencollege female students(22.2 ±2.5yrs old;60.4±7.5kg; 160.8±4.3cm;27.1±2.85% fat)withregularmenstrual cyclewhowere not takingoral contraceptivesparticipated in this study.Samples were collectedaccording tothe menstrual cyclephases, which were divided into:(a) FollicularPhase(collected between the 3rd and 5th day); (b) OvulatoryPhase(collected between the 9th and 15thday); and(c) LutealPhase(collected between21st and 28th day).The testconsisted of assessingmuscle activationin 3 sets of5 secinmaximumisometryusinga Smith machine squatexercise.Statistical analysis indicated that the SEMGactivationof the musclesdid not show significant differences during the threemenstrual cyclephases. Thus, the presentstudy suggests thathormonal fluctuationsarisingfrom the menstrual cycle do notalter theEMG activationof the lower extremity musclesduring the Smithmachinesquatexercise.
Keywords: Electromyography, Resistance Training, Menstrual Cycle
Although thenormal ovulatory menstrual cycle hasan average of 28d, it may varybetween21 to 35 d(5). Constanthormonal fluctuations (8), particularlyof estrogenand progesterone,occurin the femalebody within thereproductive period (i.e., puberty to menopause). Such fluctuationsdivide themenstrual cycleinto different phasesaccording to theovarianstage(2).Coachesare interested in knowingtherole of the menstrual cycle, if any, on women’s physicalperformance(2), with particular reference to the production of muscle strength(10,12), muscle and joint flexibility(11), anaerobic power(16), sprinting performance (17), fatigue andrisk of lesions(14), sports performance(13),andon specific cardiovascular variables(15).At the present time, according to Janse de Jonge and colleagues (9), the influence of the menstrual cycle phase on muscle strength is unclear.
The introductionofresistance trainingtothe daily lives of individuals demands manipulating andcontrolling variablessuch as intensity,volume,andrecovery intervalto ensurea progressivestimulusto the body(1). This is especially the case for women because the resistance training variables must be manipulated within the context of theirmenstrual cycle.Hence, in addition tooverseeing the progressive aspects of a resistant training program, it is also necessary to measure changes, adaptations, and physiological responses (such as during muscle activation when trainingwith surface electromyography, SEMG) (3,7).
The present study acknowledges that different methodologies (including SEMG) have led to conflicting results (4,6,14) when studying the influence of the menstrual cycle on physical performance. The purpose of the present study is to investigateapossible linkbetween the menstrual cyclephasesandmuscle activations using SEMG.
The subjects in this study consisted of 15female college studentswho were physically activefor at least2 months. Allsubjects had regular a menstrual cycle (28 to 31 d),and they were not taking oral and/or injectable contraceptives. Each subject was informed and signed a consent formapproved bythe Research EthicsCommittee ofthe Federal University of Lavras (Protocol CAAE 01565412.0.0000.5148)in accordance with theBrazilianregulations forresearch on human subjects, which are inaccordance withthe norms proposedby the Treatyof Helsinki. Table 1 showsthe physical characteristics ofthe subjects.Thesubjects’body fatpercentages were determined by using the tetrapolarbioimpedancetechnique(QuantumBIA-II® -RJLSystems,Inc.Clinton: MI-USA).
Table 1. The Subjects’Descriptive Data.
N / Age(yrs) / Body Mass
(kg) / Height
(cm) / Body Fat
15 / 22.2 ± 2.5 / 60.4 ± 7.5 / 160.8 ± 4.3 / 27.1 ± 2.85
The subjectswent to the laboratoryon threeseparate occasions. Each laboratory visit met the subjects’ menstrual cycle phaseswhich are divided as:(a) FollicularPhase(collected betweenthe 3rd and 5th d); (b) OvulatoryPhase(collected betweenthe 9th and 15th d); and(c) LutealPhase(collected betweenthe 21st and 28th d), as shownin Table 2.The subjectsweretoldnotto trainand/orperformanyphysicalexerciseon theday beforethetests.
Table 2. Divisionsof theSubjects’ Menstrual CyclePhasesand Days of Tests.
Data collection started at the15repetition warm-upduringthe Smith machine squatexercise.Subsequently, the EMG activationwas analyzed byMiotool400electromyography(Miotec BiomedicalEquipment Ltd, POA, Brazil®) attaching electrodesonthe spotssuggestedbyMerletti, over the following muscles:(a) rectus femoris;(b) vastusmedialis;(c) vastuslateralis;(d) semimembranosus;(e) biceps femoris; and(f) gluteusmaximusin 1maximumvoluntaryisometriccontraction(1MVIC) in 3setsof 5secwithan intervalof1 minbetweeneachsetin thesame exercise.
The signals were filteredina 5th order band-pass typeButterworthfilterwith cutofffrequency of20-500Hzto eliminatepossiblesignal peaks in order to analyze theelectromyographicactivations.Thus, theactivations’ mean and maximumvalues were determinedby RMS(Root Mean Square).TheMiograph2.0Alpha9 Build5software was used to analyzeand process the data.
Statistical Analyses
The ShapiroWilktest was usedtoverifydata distribution.Since data distributionwas normal, descriptive statisticswith the determination ofmean and standard deviation was used. The two-wayANOVAtest was used toanalyze theelectromyographicactivationsamong the MC phases, and the Scheffe'spost-hocanalysis with a probabilityofP≤0.05 was used for statistical significance.ThetestswereperformedusingtheSPSS®statisticalsoftware version20.0.
The meanelectromyographicactivationofthe rectus femoris, vastusmedialis,vastuslateralis,semimembranosus, biceps femoris, andgluteusmaximusmuscles during the threemenstrual cycle phasesdid not showstatisticallysignificant differences.Table3showsthemeanvaluesforeachmuscleduringthe phases.
Table 3. EMG Activation of Muscles during the MC Phases.
Muscles / Follicular Phase / Ovulatory Phase / Luteal PhaseRectus Femoris / 210.3 ±98.6µV / 211.6 ± 90.9µV / 251.5 ± 72.1µV
VastusMedialis / 247.3 ± 102.4 µV / 244.4 ± 88.6µV / 232.5 ± 100.0µV
VastusLateralis / 241.1 ± 80.5µV / 236.3 ± 79.0µV / 227.3 ± 93.2µV
Semimembranosus / 179.7 ± 85.7µV / 185.2 ± 75.6µV / 198.5 ± 94.8µV
Biceps Femoris / 188.9 ± 82.5µV / 151.0 ± 55.7µV / 171.7 ± 75.3µV
GluteusMaximus / 133.8 ± 54.9µV / 130.1 ± 46.2µV / 107.3 ± 31.6µV
No significant differences werefound in theactivationofrectus femoris, vastusmedialis,vastuslateralis,semimembranosus, biceps femoris, andgluteusmaximusmuscles among the menstrual cyclephases (follicular, ovulatory,andluteal). The findings suggest that the hormonal fluctuationsresulting from the menstrual cycleare not able tochange muscle activation. Theseresults corroboratesomestudies found in the literature, such as that by Drakeand colleagues(6) who evaluated the activation of therectus femorismuscle inisometricactivity duringthe three menstrual cyclephasesand found noinfluences ontorque,EMG,ormechanomyographyin women whowere not takingoral contraceptives.
Similarly,Montgomery and Shultz (12) also assessed the production of isometric strengthinkneeextensors and flexorsduring the earlyfollicular and post-ovulatory phases inactive womenwhodid not takeoral contraceptives. Theyfoundno changes resulting fromthe menstrual cyclephases.Theyhighlighted thatestrogenconcentrations(hormonerelated to increasedperformance)are lower inactive women, such as those usedin the currentstudy, thanin sedentary women, which is a fact that may explainthe lack ofstrength changes. However, they did not rule outthe possibility of hormonal effectson other aspects of neuromuscular control, on functionaland mechanicalmovement, and evenon therisk of lesions.
On the other hand, the results found in the current study did not corroborate the studies by Soares et al. (15) who reported increased fatigue. Their analysis was done byEMGin the latefollicularandlutealphases, which represents periods of decreasedhormone levels. The authorsstate that theincreased fatigue is associated withthe risk of lesions, thus suggesting that theseperiodsrequire attentionin training prescription.The study bySimãoetal. (14)evaluated the muscle strength ofupper and lower limbs. The authors highlightedthe influence of high estrogen concentrationsover the ovulatory phaseand stated that such concentrations areresponsible for the improvedperformanceat this phase. They also statethat theopposite happensin the premenstrualphase whenthe progesteronerate reaches its peak (i.e., a hormone responsible for decrease in performance).
Althoughadopting hormoneserum measurements is necessary to accuratelyset the menstrual cycle phases,the current researchfoundresults consistent withearlierfindingsinfluence of the menstrual cycleon physical performance. Theseearlier studies evaluatedperformancethat used differentprocedures, including emphasizing the production of muscle strength(9,10), flexibility(11), sports performance(13), andcardiovascular variablessuch as heartrate at rest(15).These authorsdid notfind significantdifferencesduringthe menstrual cyclephases.
Study Limitations
The non-use ofhormoneserum measurementsto set themenstrual cyclephases is one of thelimitations faced in the current study, since such a method is the mosteffective in avoidingdiscrepancy in the results. The fact that only one cycle was used for applying the test shouldbe taken into consideration since the cyclesare different fromeach other.Furthermore, it isworth considering thesizeof the population in the present study. Theindividual variabilitycan lead tofailuresin the results of smaller samples.Therefore,further studies should beconductedin an attempt tominimizesuch limitations.
The presentstudy indicates that the hormonal fluctuationsarising from the three menstrual cycle phases do notalter theEMG activation of the lower extremity musclesduring the Smith machine squatexerciseinphysically active womenwhoaretaking oral contraceptives.
Financial Support - FAPEMIG- Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa de Minas Gerais – Scientific Initiation Scholarship.
Address for correspondence:Sandro Fernandes da Silva, PhD, NEMOH - Nucleus of Studies on Human Movement - Department of Physical Education - University of Lavras - University Campus, PO Box 3037, ZIP Code 37200-000. Lavras/MG.Brasil
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