Samson Middle School

Mission & Beliefs

Mission Statement: “Inspire to Aspire”

“The mission of Samson Middle School is to inspire our students to aspire to the highest goals by providing them with the skills, abilities, and attitudes necessary to be successful in life. We pledge to accomplish this mission by providing a quality instructional program in a positive, safe environment that promotes respect for authority, self, others, and property.”


We, the stakeholders of Samson Middle School, believe:

  • Every student is a unique and valued individual with physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
  • Everyone can learn and should be challenged to reach his/her full potential.
  • Learning is a lifelong process.
  • Positive expectations increase student performance.
  • Instructional approaches should take into account the different learning styles of students.
  • Student learning is the chief priority of the school.
  • The school needs to provide a safe, nurturing environment for learning.
  • Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share the responsibility for providing a quality education.

School Motto

Inspire to Aspire

School Colors………………………………………..Royal & Gold

School Symbol

School Mascot



Jay Mikel / Principal
Cara Jesse / Counselor


Carrie Thomas / Nurse (LPN)
Monique Jackson / ISS
Natalie Jordan / SPED
Susan Revels / Bookkeeper
Kristin Roy / Attendance
Ashley Vinson / ACCESS Facilitator
Michelle Cooley / P.E./ACCESS
Jessica Davis / Custodian
Rose Pensyl / Lunchroom Mgr.
Sheila Morgan / Lunchroom
Darlene Presley / Lunchroom
Donna Smith / Lunchroom


Chris Foster / History
Bobby Fleming / History
Ashley Deffinbaugh / English
Lori Gilmore / English
Traci Tillman / Math
Micki McKnight / Math
Lisa Jenkins / Science
Lucas Davis / Science
Stan Gooden / SpEd
Bill Porter / P.E.
Andrea Marsh / Band
Jackie Hudson / Media Specialist


Michael Gautney / 14-1
Wendy Mock / 13-1
Scotty Mills` / 10-01
Bonnie Chaney / 10-02
Kristina Aldridge / 2006-1
Terry Meeks / 2006-04
Chad Crews / 06-05
Ronald Davis / 05-01
Brenda Brown / 04-1

SMS Athletics, Clubs & Organizations

Greg Ennis / Athletic Director
Amanda Sanders / JV Girl’s Volleyball
Chris Foster / JV Football
Lori Gilmore / JV Cheerleader
Kendal Walton / JV Girl’s Basketball
Bill Porter / JV Boys Basketball
Chris Foster / JV Softball
Bobby Fleming / JV Baseball
Andrea Marsh / Band
Ashley Deffinbaugh / Jr. Honor Society
Lisa Jenkins / Jr. Honor Society
Jackie Hudson / Library Club
Traci Tillman/Jackie Hudson / PTO Sponsors
Renee Adams / Student Government
Ashley Sanders / FFA
Lucas Davis / Bully Busters
Counselor / Counselor / Lucas Davis
Stan Gooden / Lori Gilmore / Bobby Fleming
Micki McKnight / Ashley Deffinbaugh / Bill Porter


Cara Jesse

Jay Mikel

Traci Tillman

Lisa Jenkins

Chris Foster

Stephanie Wright - Parent


Traci Tillman / Ashley Deffinbaugh / Lisa Jenkins / Bobby Fleming
Micki McKnight / Lori Gilmore / Lucas Davis
Physical Education / Music / Library
Bill Porter / Andrea Marsh / Jackie Hudson

SHS Athletics

Athletic Director / Greg Ennis
Baseball Varsity / Lucas Davis
Basketball Boys / Bill Porter
Basketball Girl’s / Chad McKnight
Cheerleader / Micki McKnight
Football Assistant / Ashley Sanders
Football Assistant / Bobby Fleming
Football Assistant / Lucas Davis
Football Assistant / Stan Gooden
Football Head Varsity / Greg Ennis
Softball Head Varsity / Vicki Miller
Softball Assistant / William Wall
Volleyball / Vicki Miller
Golf / Bill Porter

Samson Middle School

Bell schedule

6th, 7th & 8th Grade Schedule

1st Block / 7:35 – 8:51 / 76 Minutes
2nd Block / 8:54 – 10:09 / 75 Minutes
Break / 10:09 – 10:21 / 12 Minutes
3rd Block / 10:24 – 11:39 / 75 Minutes
4th Block / 11:42 – 1:22 / 100 Minutes
Lunch A – 6th & 7th / 11:42 – 12:04 / 22 Minutes
Lunch D – 8th / 1:00 – 1:22 / 22 Minutes
5th Block / 1:25 – 2:40 / 75 Minutes

SMS Lunch Schedule

LUNCH A 11:42-12:04 / Lunch D 1:00-1:22
  1. Deffinbaugh
/ Porter
History / Aide
L. Gilmore / History
T. Tillman / L. Davis
M. McKnight / L. Jenkins

Samson Middle/High

Regular Bell Schedule

7:30 / MS/HS / Enter Building
7:35 / MS/HS / Tardy bell 1st block
8:51 / MS/HS / HS Break – MS 2nd block
8:54 / MS / Tardy 2nd block
9:03 / HS / Leave Break
9:06 / HS / Tardy 2nd block
10:09 / MS / Break
10:21 / MS/HS / Report to 3rd block
10:24 / MS/HS / Tardy 3rd Block
11:39 / MS/HS / Report to 4th block
11:42 / MS/HS / Tardy to 4th – Lunch A begins (6&7)
1:22 / MS/HS / Report to 5th block – Lunch D ends (8th)
1:25 / MS?HS / Tardy to 5th block
2:40 / MS/HS / Dismiss School

Samson Middle School

2014-15 Class Schedule


School announcements will have to be turned into the office, in writing, no later than 7:30 A.M. the morning of the announcement. All announcements must have approval from the principal.


Students are required to bring documentation, noting the reason for the absent, to school following any absence. Students that are absent will be marked as unexcused and not allowed to make up any missed assignments until documentation is provided by the student or parent permitting the absent to be excused. All incomplete assignments should be marked as a zero on the day the assignment is due and remain a zero until the work is completed. All documentation regarding attendance will be turned into the attendance officer. Teachers are to report any student missing from his/her class and not on the absentee to the office.

Perfect Attendance

To qualify for a perfect attendance award, a student must be present to every class every day and have no unexcused tardies to class.


Students are expected to be in class sitting in their desk before the tardy bell rings. If a student is not in his/her assigned area before the tardy bell rings; the student will be counted as tardy. Teacher discretion is allowed.

1st Tardy...... Teacher Warning

2nd Tardy……………Teacher Warning

3rd Tardy…………….ASD & Parent Notification

*4th Tardy…………...Office Referral & 1 Day ISS

5th Tardy……………Office Referral = Class II Consequence

*Five (5) or more tardies per semester will be considered a Class II offense.

Club Meetings

Middle school students may be permitted to participate in some club meetings and activities during the school day. Any class work missed will have to be made up and is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the teacher to gather the assignments and make up the work in a timely manner. The student and the teacher will develop the timeline for the missed assignments with the teacher having the final approval.

Honor Roll

At the end of each grading period an honor roll will be released. The honor roll will consist of two lists; a list for students that earned all “A’s” and a list of students that earned “A’s” and “B’s” on their report card.

Grade Recovery

Grade recovery is designed to help struggling students master course objectives and to help students reach expected academic outcomes. Students will be allowed the opportunity to recover failing grades on individual assignments and test. It is suggested that no grade at or above a 60 be eligible for recovery and no grade higher than a 70 can be earned through grade recovery. All grade recovery assignments should be made up outside of regular instructional time. All students must request grade recovery and arrange a time with his/her teacher to recover grades. Only assignments for the current nine weeks can be recovered. Whenever possible, grade recovery should be done immediately following a failing grade.

Credit Recovery

Credit recovery can only occur during middle school summer school. Students in need of credit recovery will be notified prior to the end of school so that arrangements can be made for summer school.

Cumulative Record Folders

All students’ cumulative records are kept locked in the counselor’s office. Only appropriate personnel may view a student(s) permanent record. Permanent record folders may be checked out by faculty with a legitimate interest in a student. An appointment needs to be scheduled with the counselor to view any student’s cumulative record. It may only be viewed in the presence of administration or the counselor. The records cannot be taken off campus for any reason.

Field Trips

Field trips must have a sound educational purpose as determined by the teacher and principal.

Students may have to help defray the expenses of transportation and admissions. Each student on all field trips requiring transportation off campus must submit a parent permission form. Permission forms are due no later than a day before departure. All buses are to be cleaned by the group using the bus when the trip is completed. Students and sponsors are responsible for leaving the buses in good condition. Field trips must be put on the school’s master calendar at least a month in advance. Students are responsible for any assignments/work missed due to field trips. When students return from trips, they must attend classes the remainder of the day.

Library Policy

In order that the library may serve as a functional, workable part of the academic program, and that students and teachers may receive maximum use of it, the following policies are offered:

  1. Books may be checked out for a period of 10 days.
  2. There is a fine of $.10 for each day the student keeps the books past the due date.
  3. Any student who loses or damages a book must pay the price to have the book replaced.
  4. Students who have library fines will be put on the schools owes list.

Class Conduct

Teachers will establish their own classroom management plan. Students are expected to follow those rules and are subject to disciplinary action if defiant. Teachers should make every effort to contact parents when issues arise in class with their child. Before writing a student a discipline referral, for an ongoing problem, teachers should have already contacted the parent to gain assistance from home with the problem. Document all parental contact. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum during class is prohibited. Students are not allowed to “visit” teacher’s classrooms unless assigned to that classroom during that time. The resource room is an exception. A student must have a pass to enter a teacher’s classroom.

Out of School Suspension

Out of school suspension is the temporary removal of a student(s) from the school campus. The principal has the authority to suspend a student from school. Absences due to suspension will not count toward truancy. However, students suspended will not be allowed to make up missed assignments or test. A zero will be awarded for all assignments missed due to out of school suspension. During out of school suspension the student(s) will not be allowed to participate in any school related event or activity.

Corporal Punishment

To maintain discipline or to enforce Geneva County School System rules, the principal or his/her designee may administer corporal punishment. A parent or guardian may make a written request that a student be exempted from corporal punishment and that an alternative punishment be made available. Prior to corporal punishment, initial efforts and/or alternative methods will be taken in an attempt to modify the student’s behavior.

Alternative School

Alternative school will be located at the Geneva County Board of Education. Students assigned Alternative School will be responsible for their transportation to and from alternative school. Alternative school students will not be allowed to participate in any school events until the assigned period of alternative school has been completed.

In-School Suspension

If for any reason a student is assigned in-school suspension (ISS), the following rules will be followed:

  1. ISS will start at 7:35 A.M. and end at 2:40 P.M.
  2. Any lost time in ISS will have to be made up.
  3. Students will sit in an assigned seat.
  4. There will be no talking or sleeping.
  5. Students will get water and use the restroom at the discretion of the ISS teacher. As a rule, one bathroom break in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  6. No visitors.
  7. Students must complete all assignments while assigned to ISS.
  8. The ISS teacher has the authority to assign additional time in ISS if the student fails to comply with school or ISS rules.
  9. An ISS student will not be allowed to participate in any events during the school day. The student will be allowed to participate in after-school events.

Hall Conduct

Students are not allowed in the halls during instructional time unless they have a hall pass from their assigned teacher. The teacher that a student is assigned to for any specific time is the only person, other than an administrator, that can excuse a student from his/her class. A teacher cannot excuse a student from class unless that student is on his/her role for the time in question. It is the student’s responsibility to make contact with his/her assigned teacher and ask for permission to be absent from class. A student found in the hall without a pass will be subject to discipline action.


Lockers will be issued to students paying a maintenance fee of $7.00. The lock provided by the school will be used at all times. Locks brought from home are not allowed and will be cut off with or without the permission of the student. Students are responsible for the damages to locks and lockers in which they are assigned. If assigned a damaged locker or lock you must bring it to the attention of front office immediately. The school cannot be responsible for items brought to school or placed in lockers. Lockers are subject to search by administration.

Book Bags

Book bags or personal items may not be placed on the hallway floorsat any time, this includes in between and during class time. Students must hang all bags on the hallway hooks or put them in their locker. No items should be left on the floors. Students are responsible for any items brought on campus. The school will not be responsible for any stolen or missing items. It is recommended that students use a locker to store personal and school items during the school day.

Cell Phones

The cell phone policy has changed. Please see the student handbook for details.


The office telephones are for school business purposes only. Students are not to use the office phones for personal calls. Personal business must be taken care of before or after school hours. Teachers who have telephones in their area should not allow students to use them. A student will not be allowed to leave class to use the phone; if an emergency arises, the school nurse, secretary or administrator will call students’ parents.

Social Media

We’ve said it time and time again. You need to be careful what you say via social media. You need to put together your personal social media policy and students SHOULD NOT be on your friends list. Just because you can post something doesn’t mean you should. It’s accessible. It’s out there for the world to see.

Owes List

Students who incur debt at school will be placed on the owes list. Students can incur debt by not paying, in a timely manner, for lost or damaged textbooks, course fees, school fines and other school related expenses. Teachers that are responsible for collecting expenses from students should report the names of students who fail to pay for such expenses. Teachers only report student debt at the end of every nine weeks. An updated owes list will be generated every nine weeks. Once you report a student, to the office, do not collect money from the student for that specific expense. The student will have to clear his debt with the office.


Teachers should note on the textbook assignment form the total number of textbooks of each title they have on hand at the beginning of the year. Teachers should document each textbook assigned to a student. Teachers should have students sign the textbook assignment form when the textbook is issued. No textbook should be reissued to a student if he/she loses the first book until that book is returned or payment for the book is submitted. It is a recommended to conduct textbook checks at random times during the semester.

School Nurse

The school nurse will be stationed on campus. Students who need to see the nurse on a daily basis should have an appointed time of contact. The appointed time should interfere with class instruction as little as possible. Whenever possible, a student sent to the nurse during instructional time should have a pass from a teacher. The nurse will call the student’s parents to notify them of the student’s visit and to determine the next step of care. Checking-out after visiting the nurse will not be considered an excused absence. When leaving the nurse, the nurse will write a pass for the student to enter class. The student is responsible for notifying the teacher of any absence(s) from class. If the nurse is not on campus, the teacher will send students who become ill to the office.

Criminal Violation Policy

Any student charged with any criminal violation or juvenile delinquency may be prohibited from participating in any school sponsored event or activity until reinstated by the superintendent or the Geneva County Board of Education.