Head Teacher - Mrs S. Heggie Depute Head Teachers - Mrs J Horn Mrs J Griffiths Principal Teacher - Mrs K MacDonald


R1Mrs JohnstonMiss Lamont

R2 Miss McIntyre/Mrs SwiftMrs LeDrew

R3Mrs NelsonMiss Annette

R4Miss BeattieMrs Campbell

R5Miss Carter/Mrs McGowanMrs Campbell

R6Mr McClory/Mrs Weston Mrs Weir

R7Miss LeithMrs Weir

R8Mrs GrahamMrs McGregor

R13Mrs Marshall/Mrs McGregorMrs McGregor

R9Mrs McGowan – MurdochMrs Cheyne

R10Mrs HowatMrs Cheyne

R16Mrs HigginsMrs Cheyne/Mrs McIntyre

R11Mr Fraser/Mrs McGowanMrs McIntyre

R12Miss McDonaldMrs McIntyre

R14Miss HalleyMrs Hainey

R15Miss McQuakerMrs Hainey

Nurture Class – Treetops Mrs Monteith Mrs K Heggie

Non-Class Contact Time (NCCT) - Mrs Weston

OFFICE STAFF – Mrs Kiddie, Mrs Stewart and Miss Johnstone



Dear Parent/Carer

Everyone in Thorntree is looking forward to working with both your children and yourselves to ensure that this new school year is a great learning and achieving year for all of us. We have five new members of teaching staff working with us this session and a new clerical assistant. We are pleased to welcome them to Thorntree and I am sure your children will have a super experience in their care.

Our school values are:

The value of the month for August is HARD WORK. We will text you the value we are working on each month so you can ask your child about what he or she is doing in school towards that value. Each month teachers will select three pupils from their class who they think deserve a Children of the Month certificate that reflects that month’s value. Those pupils are also invited to Mrs Heggie’ s Star Party.


We are keen to hear what your child has achieved either at an out of school club, or something they have been working on for a while. Each newsletter will have a tear-off slip you can complete and send back to us. Your child will have their achievement read out at assembly, receive a Head Teacher’s Award sticker and points for their house. A copy is also available on our school website.


Last session we introduced houses to Thorntree. There are four. They are Beech, Rowan, Sycamore and Oak. Children with brothers and sisters in the school are in the same house. This year we will be electing four house captains from P7. The children responded well to this system last year and tried hard to get house points. House Points are given for good behaviour, wearing uniform, bringing communication books, being helpful and polite etc. We will continue to develop our approaches to the house system as we go.


We will be hosting workshops for P6 and P7 from CHILDLINE. They will be talking to the children about keeping safe. We did this two years ago and everyone agreed it had been an excellent experience. All P6 and 7 children have been issued with permission letters from Child Line which should be returned to school as soon as possible.


Paul Martin MSP will be visiting Thorntree on the 27th of August.


Every adult in our school has undertaken training in resuscitation techniques and the use of the Defibrillator. Your child will receive training in this life saving skill during the year. We would like to invite parents to come and learn CPR and the use of the defibrillator. If you are interested in taking part in this training please complete the tear – off at the end of the newsletter. The course will last around two hours and will be held in the school on the 15TH of September at 9.15 and again at 5.30 pm. KEEP THORNTREE BEATING BY TAKING PART!


We are working on the United Nations Convention of Children’s Rights this year and as part of the process Hopscotch Theatre group will come on the 14th of September to perform their show to the whole school.


We will be visited by two Kenyan teachers for a week from the 5th to the 9th of October. We have some interesting activities for them to participate in including a FAMILY CEILIDH on the 8th of October. Please support this fantastic opportunity to come together as a family and enjoy a good laugh and good company even if you are not a great Highland dancer. The band will tell you the steps as we go.


We will be holding another Get Thorntree Reading afternoon on the 8th of September to celebrate World Literacy Day. Parents are welcome to come to the school to spend some time with their child from 2.30 until 3.30. They can have a coffee or tea, swap books, hear a story teller, play games and generally enjoy the afternoon together.


This year we will hold our Harvest Service on the 2nd of October at 9.30. As usual we would ask for donations of dried and tinned food which we will distribute to the local elderly and the food bank. Look out for more information about all the events in October nearer the time.


If you want your child to eat the free school meal provided for him or her, please speak to Mrs Griffiths. We would need to make an arrangement for you to collect your child after this lunch. Children should not bring packed lunches until they are in school all day.


  • No Parents in our playground before 9.00 please.
  • No dogs – even if you are carrying your dog you cannot come into the school grounds with it.
  • Children bringing mobile phones to school must have them switched off when they enter the school grounds. They should be kept in their tray in class or handed to the teacher and only switched on when the child leaves the school.
  • No electronic devices should be brought for Golden Time.
  • EVERY item of clothing and equipment should have your child’s name on it. Please use a permanent marker.
  • Parents should not enter the playground before 2.50pm at the end of the day. Outdoor learning is part of our curriculum and children will be outside until 2.45pm.
  • Remember to phone the absence reporting line unless you need to speak to someone about your child’s illness. The number is0141 287 0039
  • Your child is not allowed to come to the fence to speak to an adult unless he or she has told our playground staff first. If you need to speak to your child and can’t see them or they won’t come to you please just come in the front door.
  • Appointments for children should be made for after school if possible. Please phone us no later than 2.30pm to change an arrangement for home time. Please bring letters, appointment cards etc. to school so we can enter them in the register as a permitted absence.
  • We will text you – make sure we have your CURRENT up to date number.
  • We have an indoor shoe policy. Please provide your child with a pair of black plimsoles for both PE and indoors. Every child has been given a special shoe bag with their name on it for storing their shoes.
  • ASTHMA – if your child has asthma you must bring a spare inhaler for school. You will require to fill in a form detailing the dosage etc. Similarly all medication brought to school must be PRESCRIBED and have a pharmacy label with the child’s name and the dosage clearly stated. You will need to complete a form for this also.
  • Please tell us immediately if you change phone numbers, address or if there is anything you think we need to know to ensure your child has the best school experience possible.

If you would like to talk about your child’s learning or behaviour at any time, please phone and either speak to me on the phone or arrange an appointment by calling our office. YOU DON’T NEED TO WAIT UNTIL PARENT/CARER’S EVENING.

Pupil Achievement Form

Please send this slip back any time from now until the October holiday to let us know of your child’s achievements. Please ask for more slips if your child is part of lots of clubs etc. This form is also on our website.


“Keep Thorntree Beating” -FREE CPR Training

I am interested in attending the CPR training on

Tuesday 15th September

Training will last for 2 hours.

Please tick  the time you wish to attend.

I will be able to attend at

Your Name______

Your Child’s Name ______