This Week’s Events:

Tuesday, Sep 05, 2017 Praise&Worship 5-7PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Jesus and Me 5-7PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Youth 5-7PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Choir 6PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Prayer Gathering 5:30PM

Attendance / 08/27/2017 / Offering
Worship Early / 72 / Designated / $
Late / 63 / General Fund / $ 4240.00
Sunday School / 60 / Total / $ 4240.00

Coming Events

Sept 4Office Closed – Labor Day

Sept 11,18,25Tia Chia @ 4:30

Sept 12SPRC Meeting 6PM

Sept 14Finance 6PM

Sept 18Administrative Council 6PM – ALL Welcome

Sept 20UMW 10:30 – Circle of Love

Sept 25UMM 6PM


Please save all aluminum cans and put them in a garbage bag and give to Dan Burdeshaw – All proceeds from recycling will go to the Sanctuary Repair Fund. Also, please remove tabs to cans and put in the box in the fellowship hall for the Ronald McDonald House.

Sunday school will begin @ 9:50AM. Unless otherwise stated.

*****If you know of any changes (on or off) to the prayer request list please contact the office or leave changes in the offering. Thank you.*****

FOOD DRIVE – Please bring one canned good item each week between now and October 15th to be given away at our Food Truck Giveaway on October 21st.

Jewelry and Mason Jars are needed for the Bazaar - BBQ will be on 11/16 and the Bazaar will be on 11/18.

Volunteers are needed for Wednesday Night activities with the children. Please see Michelle Kelly or contact the office if you are interested.

Alter flowers are donated by The Cook and Gordy Families in celebration of the birthdays of Bebe Ellis and Ann Gordy.


Happy Anniversary: Troy & Jessica Misner(1), Max & Donna Laney(10), William & Greer Waddell(20).

Happy Birthday: Max Laney(3), Bebe Ellis(4), Carl Labonte(6), Mary Maciejko(8), Jonathan Bruner(9), Lucian Misner(9),

Charles Dunn(11), Craig Johnson(14), Ethan Draayom(14), Todd Lowery(17), Susan Roberts(18), Allene Wallsingham(21),

Helen McEntyre(23), Xavier Misner(24), Tina Birge(25), Heather Moore(25), Sawyer Gage(26), Charloette Dietrich(29),

Edith Smothers(29), Ernestine Clay(30).

First United Methodist

Church ofChipley


Our Mission is to seek as a church body to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ and to love others as God commanded.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to win people to Christ and membership in His Church.

To disciple people to maturity in Christ. To be a church where all are

welcome. To serve others through our church ministries. To be a fellowship that celebrates the Grace of God through joyful worship.

Reverend Dr. Trish Bruner, SENIOR PASTOR

This Week’s Events:

Tuesday, Sep 05, 2017 Praise&Worship 5-7PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Jesus and Me 5-7PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Youth 5-7PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Choir 6PM

Wednesday, Sep 06, 2017 Prayer Gathering 5:30PM

Attendance / 08/27/2017 / Offering
Worship Early / 72 / Designated / $
Late / 63 / General Fund / $ 4240.00
Sunday School / 60 / Total / $ 4240.00

Coming Events

Sept 4Office Closed – Labor Day

Sept 11,18,25Tia Chia @ 4:30

Sept 12SPRC Meeting 6PM

Sept 14Finance 6PM

Sept 18Administrative Council 6PM – ALL Welcome

Sept 20UMW 10:30 – Circle of Love

Sept 25UMM 6PM


Please save all aluminum cans and put them in a garbage bag and give to Dan Burdeshaw – All proceeds from recycling will go to the Sanctuary Repair Fund. Also, please remove tabs to cans and put in the box in the fellowship hall for the Ronald McDonald House.

Sunday school will begin @ 9:50AM. Unless otherwise stated.

*****If you know of any changes (on or off) to the prayer request list please contact the office or leave changes in the offering. Thank you.*****

FOOD DRIVE – Please bring one canned good item each week between now and October 15th to be given away at our Food Truck Giveaway on October 21st.

Jewelry and Mason Jars are needed for the Bazaar - BBQ will be on 11/16 and the Bazaar will be on 11/18.

Volunteers are needed for Wednesday Night activities with the children. Please see Michelle Kelly or contact the office if you are interested.

Alter flowers are donated by The Cook and Gordy Families in celebration of the birthdays of Bebe Ellis and Ann Gordy.


Happy Anniversary: Troy & Jessica Misner(1), Max & Donna Laney(10), William & Greer Waddell(20).

Happy Birthday: Max Laney(3), Bebe Ellis(4), Carl Labonte(6), Mary Maciejko(8), Jonathan Bruner(9), Lucian Misner(9),

Charles Dunn(11), Craig Johnson(14), Ethan Draayom(14), Todd Lowery(17), Susan Roberts(18), Allene Wallsingham(21),

Helen McEntyre(23), Xavier Misner(24), Tina Birge(25), Heather Moore(25), Sawyer Gage(26), Charloette Dietrich(29),

Edith Smothers(29), Ernestine Clay(30).

First United Methodist

Church ofChipley


Our Mission is to seek as a church body to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ and to love others as God commanded.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to win people to Christ and membership in His Church.

To disciple people to maturity in Christ. To be a church where all are

welcome. To serve others through our church ministries. To be a fellowship that celebrates the Grace of God through joyful worship.

Reverend Dr. Trish Bruner, SENIOR PASTOR

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 03, 2017

Gathering in God’s Presence

Prelude Jessica Vallejos, Pianist

Announcements Dr. Trish Bruner

Greet One Another in Christian Fellowship Congregation

*Family of God Praise Song

I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God. I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood, joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, for I’m part of the family, the family of God.

Hymn of Praise “Take Up Thy Cross” #415

Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Time of Prayer The Lord’s Prayer

Offertory Jessica Vallejos, Pianist

Special Offering for the Victims in Texas from Hurricane Harvey

(Please make checks payable to FUMC of Chipley)

*Doxology #95

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Amen!

*Prayer of Thanksgiving Ronnie Daniels

Hymn of Meditation “Be Still, My Soul” #534

Choir Anthem “Holy Ground” Mixed Ensemble

SCRIPTURE: Romans 12: 1-2

Sermon “I Wonder About God’s Will for My Life”

Dr. Trish Bruner


Our communion is an open table, open to anyone who seeks to follow Jesus Christ. All are welcome to come to the Lord’s Table, regardless of denomination or affiliation.

Hymn “Fill My Cup, Lord” #641

Benediction Dr. Trish Bruner

Postlude Jessica Vallejos, Pianist

* Congregation Please stand if you are able.

Offering left at the communion table will go to the Benevolent Fund. These funds are used to help the unfortunate of Chipley by providing assistance with the electric bill, water bill, transportation in times of an emergency, fuel for heat, or rent. All assistance is on-an-as needed basis and is provided to give emergency short-term assistance not long-term care.

During your exit, please greet your neighbor and introduce yourselves to any visitors.

11:00 a.m. Worship- Ushers for September: Ronnie Daniels (H), Todd Lowery, Seth Lowery.

Scripture: Romans 12: 1-2

The New Life in Christ

12I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters,[a] by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual[b] worship. 2Do not be conformed to this world,[c] but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.[d]

Important Dates to Remember:

Please mark your calendars!!!

Tia Chia starts September 11th 4:30PM

September 12th @ 6PM – Committee Only

September 14th @ 6PM – Finance Meeting

September 18th @ 6PM – Administrative Council Meeting- All Are Welcome!!

October 21st @ 8AM Food Truck Giveaway

October 29th @ 10:30 AM Sanctuary – Singspiration

October 30th @ 6PM – Finance Meeting

October 31st @ 6PM – Called Administrative Council Meeting – All Are Welcome !!

November 5th @ 11AM – Combined Holy Communion - Sanctuary

Our Church is conducting a Food Drive to help restock the Food Pantry. Items needed are as follows:

Rice (2 lb. Bags)

Canned String Beans

Canned Beans

Canned Corn

Canned English Peas

Canned Potatoes

Canned Fruit

Spaghetti Noodles

Spaghetti Sauce

Canned Ravioli

Canned Tomato Sauce

Canned Tomato Paste

Canned Tomatoes

Pancake Mix (water only)






Macaroni and Cheese

Instant Potatoes

Peanut Butter


Vienna Sausage

Canned Chicken and Dumplings

Canned Tuna

Canned Beef Stew

Those wishing to donate money may do so by designating their contribution to the food ba