Board of Pharmacy
Minutes – June 20, 2007
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CannonBuilding / STATEOFDELAWARE / Telephone: (302) 744-4500861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 / DEPARTMENT OF STATE / Fax: (302) 739-2711
Dover, Delaware19904-2467 / Website:
DonHolst, R.Ph., Professional Member, Chair
Angelo Chiari, R.Ph., Professional Member, Vice Chair
Sandra Robinson, R.Ph., Professional Member
Sebastian Hamilton, R.Ph., Professional Member
David Bonar, Public Member
Geoffrey N. Christ, Esq., R.Ph., Professional Member
David W. Dryden, R.Ph., J.D., Executive Secretary
Chris Spizzirri, Deputy Attorney General
Judy Letterman, Administrative Specialist III
James Collins, Director, Division of Professional Regulation
Jack Murphy
Suzanne Raab-Long
Deborah Hamilton
Bruce DiVincenzo
Ray Hancock
Denise Tessmer
Chris Lowry
Lucy Somer
Darren Leatherman
Elizabeth Ryan
Meghan Mckee
Megan Dise
Georganne Block
Samantha Adams
Danielle Ciuttetelli
Nicole Simon
Hilda Raine
Joanne Krakowiak
Mark Freebery
Lindsey Kush
Amanda Dubil
Robert Johnson
Julie Wenger
Irene Waldron
Vince Paul
Carolyn Calio, Public Member
Robb Carter, Public Member
Nancy E. Weldin, Public Member
Mr. Holst called the meeting to order at 9:40a.m.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the May 16, 2007 meeting. Ms.Robinson requested an edit. Mr. Bonar made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hamilton to approve the minutes as edited. The motion was unanimously carried.
Nursing Home Orders
Mr. Dryden requested a point of clarification. Under 24 Del. C. §2502.- “dispense” means the preparation and delivery of a prescription drug pursuant to a lawful order. The Practice of Pharmacy is further defined and permits therapeutic selection. Thus, a pharmacist may therapeutically select a medication on the order of a practitioner. Hospitals have used this interpretation for years. The Board agreed that Long Term Care facilities could similarly follow this same procedure.
Automated Prescription Machine Review
Mr. Holst reported that the Committee will meet after the Board meeting today to review draft regulation. The Committee will provide a report at the next Board meeting.
Strategic Plan
Mr. Spizzirri reviewed the strategic plan with the Board. As part of the planning the following areas will be addressed: substantially related crimes; pedigree review; emergency planning; compounding; and technological advances.
Contraception Issue
Mr. Spizzirri stated that there was no problem with the clause and the issue of separation of religion from State.
Regulation 3
Mr. Bonar made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hamilton to approve the draft language under Regulation that would require the establishment of procedures to the right to refuse. The motion was unanimously carried. The Board requested that a hearing be scheduled as soon as possible.
Chukwuemeka F. Obidike Denial
Mr. Spizzirri reported thaton January 17, 2007, the Delaware Board of Pharmacy met at its regularly scheduled meeting and considered Mr. Obidike’s application for reciprocal licensure as a pharmacist. The Board proposed to deny the application at that time. Mr. Obidike had 10 days to request a hearing. He made no such request. Mr. Chiari made a motion to deny, seconded by Mr. Christ. The motion was unanimously carried.
District II Meeting Update
Mr. Dryden reported that the “Save the Date” correspondence was sent out. The District II package of the tentative agenda, registration form and directions will be sent out in the next few weeks. The only hold up is contact with the co-chair, Bernard Graham, pertaining to the agenda.
Pharmacist-in-Charge Interviews
Mr. Hamilton conducted the pharmacist-in-charge interview for Denise Tessmer.
Review of Pharmacy Applications
Lucy Somer appeared before the Board for approval of the floor plans for Happy Harry’s Walgreens Pharmacy - Hockessin. All building requirements were reviewed and agreed to by Ms. Somer. Mr. Christ made the motion and Mr. Hamilton seconded to tentatively approve the pharmacy permit pending final inspection by the Board. Mr. Holst recused himself from the vote.The motion was unanimously carried.
Lucy Somer appeared before the Board for approval of the floor plans for Happy Harry’s Walgreens Pharmacy - Townsend. All building requirements were reviewed and agreed to by Ms. Somer. Mr. Hamilton made the motion and Mr. Bonarseconded to tentatively approve the pharmacy permit pending final inspection by the Board. Mr. Holst recused himself from the vote.The motion was unanimously carried.
Pharmacist Licensure Review
Mr. Christ made a motion, seconded by Ms. Robinson to approve licensure for the following individuals contingent upon candidates meeting all the requirements for pharmacist licensure:
Neelima Valluru
Katherine Michele Rogers
Michael Lee Harenza
Leonard William Lenzen
Viswa Prakash Varma Mantena
Lisa Olsen
Danielle Jo Efta
Ebenezer Aniagyei
Brian Strong
Ernest Cotilus
Casey Marvel
Veronica Dada
Bolayibo Mayowa
Maame Sampson
Israel Adenaike
Kun Cai
Kanan Solanki
Marie Meyer
Patricia-Ann Betts
Stacy Pecoraro
Joshua Coffield
Jessica Bloom
Carly Sloniewski
Meredith Hollinger
Monica Reed
Christopher Burris
Marie Windstein
Desiree Bouchaud
Umbreen Mir
Sarah Storm
April Castillo
The motion was unanimously carried.
Pharmacist Consultant Interviews
No interview was conducted.
Committee Reports
Joint Practice Committee – No report.
Physician’s Assistant Report – Sebastian Hamilton, R.Ph.: Mr. Hamilton reported that the committee meet on June 5, 2007. The committee approved three for controlled substance prescriptive authority, and four for prescriptive authority. The next meeting is scheduled for July 24, 2007.
Newsletter – David Dryden, R.Ph., J.D, and Angelo Chiari, R.Ph. and Don Holst, R.Ph.: Mr. Dryden reported that the newsletter was sent out and was recently received by Delaware pharmacists.
Legislative –David Dryden, R.Ph., J.D., and Don Holst, R.Ph., Geoffrey Christ, R.Ph., Esq.,: Mr. Holstreported that there was a great deal of activity on the Sunset Bill (SB84). Mr. Hamilton, Mr, Holst and DPS members had met with representative Valihura to discuss this Bill. Representative Valihura had requested that the therapeutic interchange material be taken out of the Bill. Senator Sokola and Representative Valihura stated that they would work with the Board on the interchange issue this fall. The Bill is out of Committee and is ready for the Senate floor.
Continuing Education –Nancy Weldin and Don Holst, R.Ph., Geoffrey Christ, R.Ph., Esq.: Mr. Dryden reported that the continuing education met and approved the renewal of Board Provider status for the American Diabetes Association, the Delaware Board of Pharmacy, Delaware Health Preparedness, DPH Long Term Care, the Delaware Pharmacists Society, the DHSP, Happy Harry’s Walgreens, and the Office of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. The Committee also approved one C.E. submission according to statutory and regulatory requirements.
Consumer Affairs – Carolyn Calio, Nancy Weldin, and David Bonar: There was no report.
Professional Liaison – Angelo Chiari, R.Ph. and Sandra Robinson, R.Ph.: Mr. Chiari reported that he attended the DPS meeting. The LevinCenter will be open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. DPS is having a drive to increase membership. Next year’s convention will be in New CastleCounty and will be held on May 15, 2008.
Ms. Robinson reviewed the future continuing education courses made available by DSHP.
MPJE Study Committee –Angelo Chiari, R.Ph., Sebastian Hamilton, R.Ph., Sandra Robinson, R.Ph. and James Kaminski: Ms. Robinson and Mr. Kaminski will be developing questions for the MPJE item writing workshop. There have been some issues about receiving information regarding questions.
Inspection Report
Mr. Dryden reported that there were twenty fourpharmacies inspected in May. There are three open investigations presently. There were no issues of discipline or significant non-compliance associated with these inspections or investigations.
Board Correspondence
No correspondence was available.
Other Business Before the Board (for discussion only)
Mr. Dryden reported that Martin Golden was recognized by a resolution for his work at the NABP Annual Convention. Mr. Dryden read the Resolution in full to the Board. The resolution will be farmed and presented to Rita Golden.
Mr. Dryden informed the Board that Nancy Weldin had submitted her resignation to the attention of the Board. Mr. Dryden will inform personnel so as a replacement may be made.
Public Comment
Julie Wenger appeared before the Board on behalf of the Delaware Food Industry Council. Ms. Wenger reviewed Medicaid reimbursement issues to the Board. Mr. Dryden stated that cost issues are beyond the jurisdiction of the Board’s statutory authority.
Next Scheduled Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room A, second floor of the CannonBuilding, 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware.
Mr. Bonar made a motion, seconded by Ms. Robinson to adjourn the meeting. The motion was unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
David W. Dryden, R.Ph., J.D.
Executive Secretary