NZQF NQ Ref / 0215 / Version / 6 / Page 1 of 9

National Certificate in Equine (Introductory Stable Skills) (Level 2)

Level / 2
Credits / 70

This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2019.

Transition Arrangements

This replaced qualification version 6 was re-published in December 2016 to extend its last date for entry from 31 December 2016 to 31 December 2017.

This qualification has been reviewed and replaced by the New Zealand Certificate in Equine Skills (Level 2) [Ref: 2375].

People currently working towards this qualification may either complete the requirements by 31 December 2019 or transfer their results to the replacement qualification.

The last date for entry into programmes leading towards this qualification is 31 December 2017, from which point no new enrolments will be accepted. After 31 December 2017 all new trainees will be enrolled in programmes leading to the replacement qualification.

For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.

This qualification contains expired standards that have been replaced. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the replacement standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expired standards – see table below.

Credit for / Exempt from /
90853 / 8811, 90060
90857 / 90058

NZQF National Qualification Registration Information

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment /
Registration / 1 / October 1996 / June 2000
Revision / 2 / October 1997 / June 2000
Review / 3 / August 1999 / December 2008
Review / 4 / April 2004 / December 2012
Review / 5 / March 2010 / December 2019
Review / 6 / October 2014 / December 2019
Republished / 6 / December 2016 / December 2019

Standard Setting Body

Primary Industry Training Organisation

PO Box 10383

The Terrace

Wellington 6143

Telephone 04 801 9616



National Certificate in Equine (Introductory Stable Skills) (Level 2)

Level / 2
Credits / 70


The National Certificate in Equine (Introductory Stable Skills) (Level 2) [Ref: 0215] is intended to provide new entrants to the equine industry with the broad skills and knowledge necessary for further employment in a specialist sector of the equine industry.

The Compulsory section recognises the basic life skills required for employment. Candidates will be able to perform calculations, and will have demonstrated knowledge of workplace health and safety, completed a work experience placement, and explored personal career options.

Candidates may be seeking employment or working in a wide range of equine industry sectors, so Elective 1 recognises a range of practical equine skills which candidates can select from depending on their own area of interest or career pathway. These skills include riding, lunging, show preparation, preparation for travel, safe work practices, and horse care both in the paddock and stable. Candidates can also select theory unit standards relating to anatomy, good health and ill health, conformation, saddlery, and equine industry career requirements.

Elective 2 contains a range of generic work and life skills to support the equine industry specific skills gained from Elective 1. These skills include computer and keyboard use, communication and listening, problem solving, employee responsibilities, recognising sexual harassment, banking and financial management, budgeting; and management of anger, time, and stress.

Completion of this qualification can lead to equine industry qualifications at Level 3. Depending on the candidates area of interest and intended career pathway these qualifications can include the National Certificate in Equine (Stable Procedures) (Level 3) with strands in Harness Racing Stable Assistant, Sporthorse Stable Assistant, Thoroughbred Racing Stable Assistant, and Thoroughbred Racing Track Rider [Ref:0654]; and the National Certificate in Equine (Breeding) (Level 3) [Ref: 1542].

Credit Range

Compulsory / Elective 1 / Elective 2
Level 1 credits / 7 / 0-3 / 6
Level 2 credits / 2 / 16-28 / 5-17
Level 3 credits / - / 5-17 / 2
Minimum totals / 9 / 36 / 25

Requirements for Award of Qualification

Award of NQF Qualifications
Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.

Summary of Requirements

0·  Compulsory standards

0·  Elective 1 - Equine Skills – A minimum of 36 credits as specified

0·  Elective 2 - Work and Life Skills – A minimum of 25 credits as specified

Detailed Requirements


The following standards are required

Core Generic > Core Generic > Work and Study Skills

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
10780 / Complete a work experience placement / 1 / 2
12383 / Explore career options relevant to an area of learning and explore their implications for oneself / 2 / 2

Health > Occupational Health and Safety > Occupational Health and Safety Practice

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
497 / Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements / 1 / 3

Service Sector > Service Sector Skills > Service Sector - Core Skills

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
64 / Perform calculations for the workplace / 1 / 2

Elective 1 - Equine Skills

A minimum of 36 credits

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Equine > Equine Care

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
1623 / Prepare a horse for show / 2 / 3
1624 / Care for a horse's paddock, and horses in a paddock / 3 / 6
1648 / Clean stables / 2 / 2
1650 / Prepare a horse for travel by road, and load and unload / 2 / 4
1656 / Groom a horse / 2 / 2
6612 / Identify plants, grasses, and trees which are potentially poisonous to horses, and describe methods of removal / 3 / 3
6622 / Analyse horse feed and stable horses / 3 / 4

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Equine > Equine Health

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
14594 / Demonstrate knowledge of horse anatomy, and identify signs of good health and ill health in horses / 2 / 3
25003 / Identify horses' anatomy and conformation / 3 / 4

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Equine > Equine Industry

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
1658 / Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and requirements of a career in the equine industry / 1 / 3
23973 / Perform safe working practices with an outside contractor in an equine industry / 2 / 2

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Equine > Equine Training

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
1660 / Identify, catch, and prepare a horse for exercise / 2 / 4
19945 / Lunge a horse for exercise / 2 / 4

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Equine > Equitation

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
1618 / Ride a horse for exercise / 2 / 2

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Equine > Saddlery

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
6579 / Clean and maintain saddlery for horses / 2 / 2

Elective 2 - Work and Life Skills

A minimum of 25 credits

0·  Of which a minimum of 5 credits at Level 2 or above

Business > Business Administration > Business Information Processing

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
101 / Develop and use keyboarding skills to enter text / 1 / 3

Business > Business Administration > Text and Information Management - Generic

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
12883 / Enter and manage text for generic text and information management / 1 / 3

Computing and Information Technology > Computing > Generic Computing

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
2780 / Demonstrate and apply knowledge of a personal computer system / 1 / 3

Core Generic > Core Generic > Personal Financial Management

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
24704 / Demonstrate knowledge of banking products and services for personal financial management / 2 / 2
24709 / Produce a balanced budget for an individual / 1 / 3

Core Generic > Core Generic > Self-Management

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
496 / Manage personal wellness / 1 / 2
548 / Plan to manage personal use of alcohol and other drugs / 1 / 2
7123 / Demonstrate knowledge of problem solving and apply a problem solving technique to a problem / 2 / 2
12349 / Demonstrate time management / 2 / 3
12355 / Demonstrate knowledge of stress and ways of dealing with it / 2 / 2

Core Generic > Core Generic > Social and Cooperative Skills

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
525 / Recognise sexual harassment and describe ways of responding to it / 1 / 2

Core Generic > Core Generic > Work and Study Skills

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
504 / Produce a CV (curriculum vitae) / 1 / 2
1978 / Identify basic employment rights and responsibilities, and sources of information and assistance / 1 / 2
4249 / Demonstrate care and timeliness as an employee / 1 / 3
10781 / Produce a plan for own future directions / 2 / 3

Humanities > Communication Skills > Interpersonal Communications

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
1277 / Communicate information in a specified workplace / 2 / 3
1293 / Be interviewed in an informal one-to-one, face-to-face interview / 1 / 2
1294 / Be interviewed in a formal interview / 2 / 2
1304 / Communicate with people from other cultures / 3 / 2
3501 / Demonstrate knowledge of and apply listening techniques / 1 / 3
3503 / Participate and communicate in a team or group to complete a routine task / 1 / 2
9707 / Demonstrate knowledge of workplace communications requirements / 1 / 5

Humanities > English > English Oral Language

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
8817 / Listen attentively during and interact in discussion / 1 / 2
90058 / Deliver an oral presentation in a formal situation / 1 / 3

Humanities > English > English Written Language

ID / Title / Level / Credit /
8811 / Collect information using a range of oral, written, and visual sources and methods / 1 / 3
90060 / Research, organise and present information / 1 / 3

Transition Arrangements

Previous versions of the qualification

Version 5 was issued following review to make changes to content and structure following an overall Equine standard review.

Changes to structure and content

·  The title descriptor was changed from ‘Introductory Skills’ to ‘Introductory Stable Skills’.

·  The overall credit requirement decreased from 73 to 70.

·  The credit requirement for the Compulsory reduced from 48 to 9.

·  The credit requirement for Elective 1 increased from 23 to 36.

·  The credit requirement for Elective 2 increased from 2 to 25.

·  Standards 1623, 1624, 1648, 1650, 1656, 1658, 1660, 6579, 6612, 6622, 19945 from the Compulsory were moved to Elective 1.

·  Standards 64 and 497 remain in the Compulsory, and standards 10780 and 12383 were added.

·  Standard 1651 was removed from the Compulsory.

·  Standards 14594, 23973, and 25003 were added to Elective 1.

·  Standards 524, 12348, 12353 and 12357 were removed from Elective 1.

·  Standards 496, 504, 525, 548, 1277, 1293, 1294, 2780, 3501, 3503, 12349, 12355 were moved from Elective 1 to Elective 2.

·  Standard 1618 was moved from Elective 2 to Elective 1.

·  Standards 101, 1304, 1978, 4249, 7123, 8811, 8817, 9707, 10781, 12883, 24704, 24709, 90058, 90060 were added to Elective 2.

·  Standards 1596, 1603, and 1640, were removed from Elective 2.

All existing candidates may complete version 4 of this qualification or transfer to version 5.

Programmes or courses leading to version 5 may begin upon registration. The last date for entry to programmes or courses for version 4 is 31 December 2011.

Version 5 contains standards that replace and standards that have been substituted for earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.

Credit for / Exempt from /
503 / 12349
545 / 12355
1305 / 3501
1657 / 6622

Version 4 was reviewed as part of an overall Equine qualification review. Changes included: titles, levels, and credits of all reviewed standards were updated; standard 19945 was added to the compulsory section; minimum total credits were raised from 65 to 73; and the level was added to the qualification title.

Version 3 was issued following a review of the Equine, Communication Skills and Core Generic unit standards. Changes included: the removal of the Mathematics and Personal Fitness standards; the removal of standards 6576 and 6577; substitution of 1657 with 6622; and addition of standards 1623 and 6612 to the compulsory section.