Caregiver’sAnswers, Topics, and HelpfulInformation

In an endeavor to continually assist caregivers in their search for pertinent information regarding eldercare, our Information and Referral Specialists address topics of most frequently asked questions via Caregiver’s Answers, Topics and Helpful Information (CATHI). Additionally, caregivers are also invited to e-mail individual questions and an Information and Referral Specialist will reply.


Question: What is Options Counseling and how can it help me?


There are many decisions that have to be made as we age. Often, as we get older we are faced with making decisions that leave us unsure of where to turn for assistance or what to do next. Options Counseling is a service offered through Senior Resources of Guilford that can help you create a plan of what to do next.

What is Options Counseling?

The primary goal of Options Counseling is to provide a continuum of access services to facilitate informed decision making about Long Term Services and Supports and serve as a key role in the streamlined access to supports.

What does Options Counseling include?

A decision-support process that includes:

  • A personal interview with a Certified Options Counselor who will listen to your expressed preferences, values and needs
  • Talking about options based on needs and preference which will then be used to develop an Action Plan
  • The Action Plan will be given to you to assist you in making informed choices as you implement the plan.
  • The Options Counselor can inform you of various services and resources available to you in your community
  • The Options Counselor will follow up with you to see if additional assistance is needed and if you were able to implement the Action Plan.

Who can benefit from Options Counseling?

  • A person who is having difficulty managing household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or shopping, but wants to remain at home
  • Someone who is no longer driving due to a chronic health condition, and lives alone in an area without readily-available public transportation
  • A person who is planning to retire, and wants to discuss options to sustain health, wellness, and independence
  • A senior who is trying to decide whether to move in with family, move to an apartment, or move to an assisted living facility
  • If you are relocating and exploring available housing and other support options
  • Someone who is returning home from a rehabilitation center following a spinal cord injury
  • A caregiver who is supporting an adult with a disability or an elderly individual, and wants to make plans in the event of being unable to continue providing care
  • An individual who is unsure on how to begin planning for future personal and family needs after a recent diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease
  • A adult child who is concerned about the well-being of an aging parent living alone and is making contact on behalf of the parent to learn about available supports

How do I get started if I am interested in receiving Options Counseling through Senior Resources of Guilford?

First, contact SeniorLine at (336) 333-6981 in Greensboro or (336) 884-6981 in High Point. Let the person you speak with know of your situation and that you are interested in receiving Options Counseling. That person will complete a brief intake form with you that will then be passed along to a Certified Options Counselor within our agency. The counselor will contact you directly to schedule a time for either an in-home visit or office visit to begin your Options Counseling.

The information in this article was adapted from the What is Options Counseling brochure, created by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services, 2013.

Note: This is for informational purposes only.

For referrals to community organizations in Guilford County that assist older adults and caregivers with these documents, contact Senior Resources of Guilford’s SeniorLine at (336) 884-6981 in High Point, all other areas (336) 333-6981 or the Caregiver Support Coordinator, at (336) 373-4816 or (336) 883-3586 in High Point.