PEP GUIDANCE Southampton Virtual School

Headteacher Ann Dyton

Getting Organised

This guidance will support you through the PEP process.

Documents/information which will be helpful at the meeting:

Section A

• Previous PEP form as this will be helpful in reviewing the previous targets.

• Attendance information /or print out (record in the PEP or attach to the PEP)

• Exclusion information – internal and external (attach to the PEP)

• IEP/PSP where appropriate (attach to the PEP)

Before the PEP……. Section B Meeting Preparation

Call the school and liaise with the designated teacher / Social worker
PEP date agreed at previous meeting but may need to be amended, or the pupil may be new into care. / Social worker and designated teacher agree a date and time and send out invites.
The Designated Teacher will be chairing the meeting. / It can be helpful to have a discussion with the social worker prior to the date of the PEP.
Invites issued to carers/parents (If appropriate) and wider professional network. / Social worker and designated teacher to decide who will attend.
Section 1:People at the meeting
Please enter the details of everyone who attends the PEP meeting. / The designated teacher will record the name, role and contact details of all who attend the PEP.
Section 2:The Young Persons Voice:
DT sets up process for collecting pupil’s views and recording their views within the PEP. / This can be with the DT,ELSA or someone in school, the pupil knows well. / It will be helpful to print out section 2 when gaining the pupils views.
Section 3: Achievement and Attainment: will be completed by DT. It may be useful to collect information from colleagues to gain a good overview of current progress.
Attendance: data will be recorded or printout attached to the PEP. / Designated teacher will complete and include information on attainment and attendance. / Copies of the pupil’s school report/IEP can be attached.
Section 4: Review and Action Plan:
PEP Review and Action Plan will be completed by the designated teacher. / It’s helpful to have the previous PEP to refer to at the meeting, all present can see the targets set.
If the pupil has an IEP these targets can be used for this section. / Section 4 will form the focus of the PEP meeting and be recorded by the designated teacher.
Section 5: Essential Information: to be completed by SW and sent to DT prior to the meeting.
This section is the social workers responsibility. / It isessentialthat this section is completed by the social worker and the information is sent to the designated teacher prior to the meeting. This information will help to safeguard the pupil: the PEP will be judged unsatisfactorywhen quality assuring the PEPs, if this information is not updated and correct. The DT can include this information when recording the PEP. / This section will be completed by the social worker prior to the meeting.
Date set for next meeting / Please agree a date and time for the next PEP meeting.
  • The completed PEP is returned to the Virtual school via anycomms by the Designated Teacher.
/ Designated Teacher to send to the Virtual school by Anycomms, if a school not in Southampton please send directly to:
  • The Virtual School will send a copy of the PEP to the social worker and Rosie Lacey, the Business Support Officer, so she is aware.
/ Jill Cook and Deborah Payne will forward the copies to social worker and Rosie Lacey.
  • The social worker uploads a copy to PARIS
/ This is the social workers responsibility. The PEP will need to be opened in Paris to reflect the date the PEP meeting. When the PEP documentation is received the document will need to be uploaded, ready to be signed off by line manager.
  • The Designated Teacher maintains a copy to share with appropriate staff and attendees
/ Please check with social worker to ascertain who should receive a copy of the PEP.

All PEPs will be quality assured by the Virtual School and the outcome shared with DTs/SW’s, and their line managers, within 6 working days.


When and where should a PEP meeting be held? / Within 10 days of coming into care or a new school and reviewed termly. Usually meetings would take place in school.
How long will the meeting last? / With the other sections of the PEP completed in preparation for the meeting, then PART 4 could be completed within an hour.
Who comes to the meeting? / The key people are the Social worker, Designated teacher, and foster carer. The pupil can choose not to attend but details of the meeting should be shared with the pupil. Other people can be invited.
Who chairs the meeting? / The Designated Teacher
The Chair should lead the discussions.
Does the child/young person have to attend the meeting? / This will depend on the individual. The pupil can choose not to attend but details of the meeting will need be shared with the pupil.
What paperwork should be completed prior to the meeting? / Everything except Part 4 should be completed. It helps if the SW and DT have a chat prior to the meeting.
What needs to be brought to the meeting? / The DT should bring a laptop to record the targets and a projector would be useful so all can see what is being recorded.
Where should the discussion start? / Part 4
What should be recorded at the meeting? / The new targets and date of next meeting and section 5 if there have been any changes. The attendees list should also be completed.
What happens next?
And last of all, please update CLA target tracker termly so that we have an accurate record of the pupils attainment.
and log in. / The Designated Teacher shares the targets with staff
The PEP is sent via anycomms to the virtual school if the school is in Southampton.
If out of area please send to:

Sarah Weaver September 2016