Developing PE for Successful Outcomes for Learners

Physical Education (P.E)

Our school P.E mission is: “To achieve the full physical potential of every child and develop their confidence to contribute to the health and well-being of themselves and others within the school and local community.”

Staff capitalise on young children’s natural enthusiasm for movement,helping them to explore and learn about their world. Nursery and Reception classes have access to wonderful outdoor learning spaces where climbing, riding bikes, digging in mud, sand and water play supports gross and fine motor skill development.In addition they enjoy P.E. lessons which have dedicated skills focus.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Physical Development is a prime area about how young children gain control of their bodies. However it also includes how children learn about keeping themselves active and healthy and how they learn to use equipment and materials successfully and safely.

The National Curriculum for KS1 proposes ‘children should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others.’Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoy two hours of PE each week with this focus whilst also developing the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, team work and ambition.Through dance, games and athletics children develop positive attitudes towards physical activity and improve their confidence which leads to better concentration, attitude and academic achievement.

Lunchtime staff are trained to ensure we have an active playground where, dancing, nursery songs singing, skipping, ball games, scooting and ball games areavailable. To further encourage movement there is a large play trail for climbing, balancing and improving core body strength and dexterity.

As a Forest School our philosophy is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences in our Wilderness area. Our aim is to promote the engagement of the children through motivating achievable tasks and activities and to enhance development of personal, social, health and emotional skills.

Real PE

Alongside the programme of study within the National Curriculum, the school has developed PE using a scheme of work called Real PE. This program of study is used for one lesson a week from Reception to Year 2 and is ‘a philosophy and approach which aims to transform how we teach PE in order to include, challenge and support every child. It supports teachers and other deliverers to make small changes that will have a significant impact on their learners.’ At Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School, we completed a school year using this scheme of work (2015-2016) and can see that it encourages children to learn core skills (such as agility, balance and co-ordination) in an imaginative, inclusive manner. The success of this scheme means we will continue to upskill our teachers and develop our resources to ensure PE is taught with confidence, knowledge and enjoyment.

Sport Premium

Schools are allocated dedicated funding to support the development of PE. This is part of the Olympic 2012 legacy to improve lifestyle outcomes for children. At Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School we have embraced this opportunity to better support staff and children in this important area.

To help us deliver high quality physical education we are members of the

Richmond School Sport Partnership which provides training for staff, support for effective P.E implementation as well as cross school competitions. P.E leadership is also a focus in the actions of which include a curriculum provision mapping, lesson planning and robust monitoring evaluation.

Finally, a crucial portion of ourfunding supports high-quality opportunities for children identified to most benefit.

P E (sport premium) Grant – Projected Spending2016 – 2017

Total amount of Sport Premium Grant: £5192
October 2016 (updated January 2017)
Overall target – To optimise pupil health and well-being
Area of Expenditure / Objective / Cost / Planned Impact
REAL PE resources / To maintain a high standard of PE teaching and ensure skills are progressive throughout the school using the scheme REAL PE and CPD for staff
-. / £105 / Improve quality of teaching and staff confidence as well as standards in PE to best develop children’sskills, knowledge and abilities.
Promote wider enrichment activities for Disadvantaged Children / To provide opportunities for disadvantaged children of all abilities to participate in active and healthy lifestyles by enabling them to join the following school based clubs:
-Forest Schools / £2000 / Children from all backgrounds and circumstances are given opportunities to engage in an active lifestyle and enjoy wider enrichment opportunities outside of the school curriculum.
5- a-day membership renewal / To help children stay focused and stimulated by participating in 5 minutes of fun, themed exercise routines within the classroom. This is part of our wider commitment to physical education for all. / £288 / Children can be active in class and use 5-a-day to help focus them back to their learning.
Richmond Schools Sports Partnership / To work alongside schools and specialists within the borough which support staff CPD, offers opportunities for children to participate in school competitions and to continue to deepen our partnership work with Teddington secondary school / £400 / Chidlern can engage in sports training and events borough wide to develop a sense of community and provide participate in competitions beyond our school.
‘Worth-It Projects’ Wellbeing Parent Training
(November 2016) / Provide training to parents to support their child’s ‘Wellbeing’ within and outside the school environment. This training links with staff training received on Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience and compliments out Hampton Wick High 5 / £375 / Consistency from school and home will develop children’s wellbeing and develop confident, resilient learners.
Wellbeing opportunities / To continue the focus on the ‘Being Well’ Agenda by providing ‘Wellbeing’ event days throughout the year which links with the topics:
-Bhangra dance day
-Yoga day
-HWINS Joke Book
-‘Waterworks’ Nature day
-‘Bake-off’ / £1500 / Develop children’s sense of community, active lifestyles, happiness and wellbeing in a variety of ways to be inclusive to all and which is sense as an integral part of a happy and healthy lifestyle
PE and playground equipment / Purchase specialist equipment to support learning in class and encourage a broad range of social and independent activities during playtimes. Children select equipment using School Council and Eco Team feedback and include things such as:
-Signs for Jogging Trail
-Team sports equipment (tennis, cricket)
-Skipping ropes / £400 / Encourage ownership, responsibility and decision making whilst developing the playground and PE equipment to develop active and purposeful playtimes which children can apply their skills and have fun