held at The Council Chambers, Tetbury on Monday 2nd November 2015 at 8.00pm
PRESENT:CllrsI Maslin, SHirst, K Painter, T Stevenson, M Lea, C Pearce, P Burrell,Deputy Clerk Jenny Hunt, and 9 members of the public.
PL1. 11/15 To receive and note apologies of absence:None
PL2.11/15 To allow public consultation:Mr. B Commons, 1 Cutwell expressed his concerns at the proposed building in Cutwell which does not fit in to the conservation area. Mrs N Right, Barley Croft agrees with Mr. Commons comments and expressed her concern that the building will be in the flight path of the bats roosting in her garage at Barley Croft. A letter was also received from Mrs Sleet of Barley Croft Cottage expressing the same concerns. C Chivers confirmed he already has vehicular access to the site.
S Brown21 Church Street,- C Peacock 25 New Church Street – W Rennie all expressed concern at the possible change of plans for the Dolphins Hall. Councillors thanked residents for their comments which will be passed to the Dolphins Hall committee. (Chairman M Heaven informed and going to speak to the residents)
Mr D Toft Charlton Road has written expressing his concerns that the proposed extension to 20 Charlton Road will have windows overlooking his property and extends the line of the house to 1 meter from his boundary.
PL3. 11/15To receive declarations of interest in connection with agenda items as shown: Cllr Maslin 20 Charlton Road and 8 Bath Road.
PL4. 11/15 To adopt minutes of 5th October 2015: With two minoramendments - Cllr Ball added to attendees Cllr Martin amended to Cllr Lea the minutes were accepted.Proposed CllrBurrellseconded Cllr Hirst. 1 abstention.
PL5. 1115To consider any matters arising from those minutes and not on the agenda:None
PL6. 11/15 To consider planning application received by 27th October 2015
15/04170/FULFull Application for Single storey extension in place of existing lean to store to form study, pitched roof over existing flat roof entrance lobby at The Old Coach House 8 Bath Road
No objections / 15/03171/FUL
Full Application for Erection of two storey rear extension at 20 Charlton Road Tetbury
Gloucestershire GL8 8DY
Tetbury Town Council support this application on condition the neighbours' concerns are met with obscure glass fitted or the removal of the windows on the first floor overlooking his property
Full Application for Erection of 2 bedroom cottage and associated landscape works at
Land Opposite 10 Cutwell Tetbury
Tetbury Town Council support this application in principle but have concerns regarding the existing vehicular access to the site from the highway and lack of turning in the site and are lead to believe that there are lesser horse shoe bats in the near vicinity.
PL7. 11/15To consider s106 contributions as appropriate in relation to any applications: No relevant applications on the above list.
PL8. To confirm response to application for Street trading at Priory Industrial Estate:
The following response was noted; we have approached Councillors and have received the following comments of objection:
- It is sited close to domestic properties.
- It is in the immediate vicinity of another take away outlet.
- The council also feel the 7 other take away food outlets already in the town (including a kebab van) are more than sufficient to serve the community needs.
- When there was a van situated in the area in the past it was the cause of problems involving drink and drugs requiring the Police attendance on many occasions.
PL9. 11/15 To receive any brief Councillors reports:
Cllr Painter has received complaints with regard to the dust from the demolition on the Automumis site.
Cllr Pearce has been monitoring the works and found all the safety requirements in place.
PL10. 11/15 To note the date and time of the next s101 committee meeting 16th November2015 at 6.30pm.
Meeting closed at9.03pm
Chairman……………………………………….. Date11th January 2016
2nd November 2015 Page 1