AB 925 Property Report

June 2017

Rev. A

Nystein R&D Center


Section 1: Overview


Product Description

Section 2: Mechanical Performance



Compression Ratio

Section 3: Thermal Performance

Thermal Conductivity

Thermal Resistance

Section 4: Electrical Performance

Breakdown Voltage

Volume Resistivity

Section 5: Absorbing Performance

Return Loss Curve

Section 6: Aging Performance

Return Loss Curve


Oil Bleeding Ratio

Section 7: Summary

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Section 1: Overview


These measurements reports are those most needed to describe the product properties, provide information needed by customers and the sales force, and to make decisions regarding the suitability of the product for a given application.

The properties described in this report are relevant to the product’s important characteristic including normal function & reliability test.

Product Description

AB 925 is a hybrid absorber/ thermal management material which is made for EMI mitigation. It can be applied like a traditional thermal pad between heat source and heat sink or other device need heat transfer. This product is ideally suitable for 25GHz optical module application.

With outstanding softness & surface wettability, AB 925 does not require peel and stick adhesive when used like a traditional thermal interface material due to its tacky, compliant properties. It is especially suitable for 25GHz optical module application.

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Section 2: Mechanical Performance


1) Density of AB 925 was measured with a QL-300AW Electronic densimeter according to standard ASTM D792, method A.

2) Sample preparation: make 2mm thickness sheet, then cut into small rectangle patch.

3) Test procedure:

a) Measure and record the water temperature. Weigh the specimen in air. Record the mass of the specimen, a.

b) Put samples on the support which is immerged in the water. Weight it. Record this apparent mass as b.

c) The densimeter would calculate it automatically.

4) Test results are shown in table 1:

Table 1: Density of AB 925

Test Item / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Density / (g/cm3) / 3.10 / 3.05 / 3.02 / 3.05 / 3.2+/-0.25 / Pass


1) Shore OO hardness was measured in accordance with ASTM D2240-00 with a manual hardness tester, verified by a traceable calibration block, on 3pcs stack-up cured small rectangle patches.

2) Test procedure:

a) Place the specimen on the specimen support table, Actuate the release lever of the operating stand or activate the electromechanical device, allowing the durometer to descend at a controlled rate and apply the presser foot to the specimen. Operate the lever or other mechanism to apply the specimen to the indentor in a manner that assures parallel contact of the specimen to the durometer presser foot without shock.

b) Once the presser foot is in contact with the specimen, for example, when the initial indentor travel has ceased, the maximum indicated reading shall be recorded. The time interval of 1 s, between initial indentor travel cessation and the recording of the indicated reading, shall be considered standard.

3) Test results are shown below:

Table 2: Shore OO hardness of AB 925

Test Item / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Hardness /
Shore OO / 55 / 48 / 46 / 50 / 50+/-5 / Pass

Compression Ratio

1) Compression ratio measurements were conducted on Universal tensile testing machine, representing static conditions. And the standard is GB/T 1041.

2) Sample preparation: Φ30mm*3mm patches

3) Test procedure:

a) Use the thickness gage to test thickness. Record it as a. And key value a in “sample thickness” & “original gauge length” parameter of the testing software.

b) Put sample onto the test board and clear the original force value. Move the upper fixture to let it just come into contact with the sample. Then clear the original displacement value, too.

c) Push the test button. Till it ends and get the results.

4) The data are shown in below FIG.1 & Table 3.

Table 3:Compression ratio of AB 925

Test Item / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Compressive stress /PSI / 5 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / —— / ——
Compression Ratio/% / 0.13 / 0.41 / 0.8 / 1.7 / 6.6 / 9.0 / >8@50PSI / Pass

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Section 3: Thermal Performance

Thermal Conductivity

1) Thermal Conductivity measurements were conducted on DRL-Ⅲ thermal conductivity tester. And the standard is ASTM D5470.

2) Sample preparation: Φ30mm*3mm patches

3) Test procedure:

a) Heat the machine to 60℃. Then heat the test panel. Clear the force when the distance between upper panel & bottom panel is 2mm. Lower the loading speed, then load it till the highest force and clear the displacement.

b) Put sample onto the bottom panel and lower the upper panel till the distance is 2mm. Lower the loading speed, turn it into automatic mode and start to test it.

4) Test results:

Table 4: Thermal conductivity of AB 925

Test Item / Results / Spec. / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Thermal Conductivity(W/m*K) / 1.820 / 1.815 / 1.831 / 1.822 / 1.7-2.0 / Pass

Thermal Resistance

1) Thermal Resistance measurements were conducted on DRL-Ⅲ thermal conductivity tester. And the standard is ASTM D5470.

2) Sample preparation: Φ30mm*3mm patches

3) Test procedure:

c) Heat the machine to 60℃. Then heat the test panel. Clear the force when the distance between upper panel & bottom panel is 2mm. Lower the loading speed, then load it till the highest force and clear the displacement.

d) Put sample onto the bottom panel and lower the upper panel till the distance is 2mm. Lower the loading speed, turn it into automatic mode and start to test it.

4) Test results:

Table 5:Thermal resistance of AB 925

Test Item / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Force /PSI / 5 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / —— / ——
Thermal Resistance /
℃-in2/w / 2.1080 / 2.0243 / 1.8957 / 1.8182 / 1.7407 / 1.6864 / <1.9@50PSI / Pass

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Section 4: Electrical Performance

Breakdown Voltage

1) Breakdown voltage measurements are conducted in accordance with ASTM D146 test specification using computer controlled HJC-50KV breakdown voltage test apparatus.

2) Sample preparation: 100mm*100mm*3mm patches

3) Test procedure:

a) Use thickness gauge test the thickness, record it as value a.

b) Put sample onto the panel and open the software. Key in value a to preset parameter. Then start the test. Wait till sample is electric-breakdown. Save the data.

4) The Breakdown voltage AB 925 is shown below.

Table 6: Breakdown voltage of AB 925

Test Item / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Breakdown voltage / KV/mm / 4.84 / 4.56 / 4.79 / 4.73 / >4 / Pass

Volume Resistivity

1) Test standard: ASTM D257

Test equipment: GEST-121 volume resistivity / surface resistance tester.

2) Sample preparation: size ≥ Φ10mm which can cover the whole round electrode unit. No thickness requirement.

3) Test methods:

a) Zero the equipment

b) Put sample sheet onto the unit, then put the cylinder electrode onto the sheet center with annulus electrode around it.

c) Wiring it. Then choose the “Volume resistivity test” shift.

d) Adjust the “current / resistance” shift from small to large value. Pause for 3~5s with each shift to see if there is any data shown on the screen. Stop shifting when you see data, then observe for 60s and record it.

4) Test results:

Table 7: Volume resistivity of AB 925

Items / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Volume Resistivity(Ohm-cm) / 5.79E+12 / 6.24E+12 / 7.13E+12 / 6.39E+12 / ≥1012 / Pass

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Section 5: Absorbing Performance

Return Loss Curve

1) The return loss curve of AB 925 was tested by NRL arch reflectivity test method based on GJB2038A-2011.

2) Sample size: 180mm*180mm sheet. Thickness can be determined by application.

3) Test method: NRL arch reflectivity test

a) Under given frequency and polarization, microwave is projected into Radar Absorber Material (RAM) surface and good conductive surface (same in measurement) from the same angel, and their reflection power ratio is defined as RAM reflectivity, expressed in decibels:

Where:ΓdB -RAM Return Loss;

Pa -Return Power of RAM Surface;

Pm -Return Power of Good Conductor Surface;

b) 1GHz to 40GHz NRL arch reflectivity test setup includes computer, vector network analyzer, transmitter and receiver, arch, coaxial cable, wedge microwave absorber and printer, as diagram shown below. Full frequency band is divided into 1GHz-2GHz, 2GHz-4GHz, 4GHz-8GHz, 8GHz-18GHz, 18GHz-26.5GHz, 26.5GHz-40GHz and tests are conducted in the six bands. Specimen rests on the flat plate; signal is sent from software-controlled vector network analyzer generator to transmitting antenna; signal is partially absorbed by specimen and reflected into free space; receiving antenna collect and transmit it to vector network analyzer; computer software processes the signal and calibration data, and calculates material reflectivity.

c) 75GHz to 110GHz NRL arch reflectivity test setup includes computer, signal generator, spectrum analyzer, frequency multiplier, mixer, antenna, arch, coaxial cable, wedge microwave absorber and printer. 75GHz to 110GHz transmitting and receiving antennas are used to complete measurement, as diagram shown below. Specimen is placed on flat plate; signal is sent from software-controlled signal generator on computer to frequency multiplier, multiplied by frequency multiplier and transmitted to transmitting antenna. After partially absorbed by sample absorber, signal is reflected to free space and collected by receiving antenna and passed on to mixer. Mixer changes high frequency signal into low frequency. Computer software process the signal and calibration data received by spectrum analyzer and calculate material reflectivity.

4) Test results:

FIG 3: Return loss curve of AB 925 (T=1.0mm)

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Section 6: Aging Performance

Return Loss Curve

1) After aging with certain conditions, the return loss would be re-tested. The samples would be treated by below conditions:

a) 85℃/85RH, 168H

b) 125℃, 168H

2) The return loss curve of AB 925 was tested by NRL arch reflectivity test method based on GJB2038A-2011.

3) Sample size: 180mm*180mm sheet. Thickness can be determined by application.

4) Test method: please refer to Section 5.

5) Test results:

6) Conclusion:

Peak value hasn’t change much. It can still maintain attenuation > 10dB.


1) After aging with certain conditions, the hardness would be re-tested. The samples would be treated by: 85℃/85RH, 168H.

2) Shore OO hardness was measured in accordance with ASTM D2240-00.

3) Sample size: about 30mm*30mm small patch. Thickness should be >6mm.

4) Test method: please refer to Section 2.

5) Test results:

Table 8: Shore OO hardness of AB 925 after aging

Test Item / Result / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Hardness /
Shore OO / 65 / 66 / 62 / 64 / Viscosity loss & hardness raised, but not brittle and still maintain function.

Oil Bleeding Ratio

1) The aim of oil Bleeding Ratio test is to show the product’s stability.

2) Standard: Nystein QA-WI-FIP-004.

3) Sample preparation: Φ30mm patch

4) Test procedure:

a) Weight the patch using electronic analytical balance, record it as mass G1.

b) Use glass fiber paper, filter paper, aluminum foil clamp the upper & bottom of sample. Then use fixture to fix it.

FIG 5: Fixture for oil bleeding ratio test

c) Put the fixture into oven for 48h with 125℃. Then get it out and wait for 20min at room temperature. Weight it and record it as mass G2.

d) Calculation:


R% = oil bleeding ratio, %

G1 = mass before test, g

G2 = mass after test, g

5) Test results:

Table 9:Oil bleeding ratio of ABS 925

Test Item / Result / Spec. / Conclusion
Sample 1 / Sample 2 / Sample 3 / Average
Oil Bleeding Ratio / % / 0.0 / 0.5 / 1.0 / 0.5 / <3 / Pass

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Section 7: Summary

AB 925 is a hybrid absorber/ thermal management material. It has a wide variety of applications of electrical device.

Typical Values

Standard / Unit / Spec. / AB 925
Elastomer / - / - / - / Silicone
Filler / - / - / - / Carbonyl Iron Powder
Physical Properties
Density / ASTM D792-A / g/cm3 / 3.2+/-0.25 / 3.05
Hardness / ASTM D2240-00 / Shore OO / 50+/-5 / 50
Compression Ratio / GB/T 1041
@50PSI / % / >8@50PSI / 9.0
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity / ASTM D5470 / w/m*K / 1.7-2.0 / 1.822
Thermal Resistance / ASTM D5470
Thickness:3mm;50PSI / ℃-in2/w / <1.9@50PSI / 1.6864
Conductive Properties
Breakdown Voltage / ASTM D146 / KV/mm / >4 / 4.73
Volume Resistivity / ASTM D257 / Ohm-cm / ≥1012 / 6.39E+12
Absorbing Performance
Return Loss Curve / GJB2038A-2011 / dB / - / See detail in report
Peak Value / GHz, dB / - / (24.04, -16.85)
Aging Performance
Return Loss Peak Value / After 85℃/85RH/165H / GJB2038A-2011 / GHz, dB / - / (23.8, -11.52)
After 125℃/165H / - / (24.4, -12.32)
Hardness / After 85℃/85RH/165H / ASTM D2240-00 / Shore OO / - / 64
Oil Bleeding Ratio / After 125℃/48H / Nystein QA-WI-FIP-004 / % / <3 / 0.5


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