15 September2017
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data)
with reference date31 May 2017
The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) has today posted on its website updated aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data)(Aggregate Cyprus Banking Sector Data).
The three tablesbelow summarise the evolution of the aggregate non-performing facilities (NPFs)and related indicators for all credit institutions operating in Cyprus (domestic operations only) on a consolidated basis.
Table 1: Summary aggregate data for all credit institutions
31/5/2017 / 30/4/2017 / 31/3/2017 / 31/12/2016 / 31/12/2015 / 31/12/2014€ million / € million / €million / €million / €million / € million
Total facilities / 49.858 / 50.254 / 50.401 / 50.436 / 58.187 / 57.224
Total facilities with amounts past due > 90 days / 17.831 / 17.828 / 17.374 / 17.400 / 20.994 / 22.015
Total non-performing facilities / 23.030 / 23.158 / 23.170 / 23.810 / 26.669 / 27.328
Total restructured facilities
of which: those that
continue to be classified
facilities / 12.935 / 12.987 / 13.043 / 13.437 / 14.154 / 12.860
9.114 / 9.169 / 9.213 / 9.759 / 10.718 / 9.234
Total accumulated impairment (provisions) / 9.809 / 9.869 / 9.875 / 9.907 / 10.001 / 8.974
Source: CBC.
Note: Excluding the overseas operations of domestic credit institutions.
Table 2: Aggregate indicators for all credit institutions
31/5/2017 / 30/4/2017 / 31/3/2017 / 31/12/2016 / 31/12/2015 / 31/12/2014% / % / % / % / % / %
Total facilities with amounts past due > 90 days / Total facilities / 35,8 / 35,5 / 34,5 / 34,5 / 36,1 / 38,5
Total non-performing facilities / Total facilities / 46,2 / 46,1 / 46,0 / 47,2 / 45,8 / 47,8
Total accumulated impairment (provisions) / Total non-performing facilities / 42,6 / 42,6 / 42,6 / 41,6 / 37,5 / 32,8
Total restructured facilities /Total facilities / 25,9 / 25,8 / 25,9 / 26,6 / 24,3 / 22,5
Source: CBC.
Note: Excluding the overseas operations of domestic credit institutions.
Table 3: Aggregate dataand indicators for all credit institutions by institutional sector
(end of May 2017)
Total facilities / Totalnon-performing facilities / Total facilities with amounts past due 90 days / Total
under restructuring / of which:
total restructured facilities / Total accumulated impairment (provisions) / Total
non-performing facilities / Total facilities / Total accumulated impairment (provisions) / Total non-performing facilities
€million / €million / €million / €million / €million / €million / % / %
Total / 49.858 / 23.030 / 17.831 / 12.935 / 9.114 / 9.809 / 46,2 / 42,6
Generalgovernment / 829 / 39 / 10 / 37 / 26 / 12 / 4,7 / 30,9
Other financialcorporations / 8.070 / 458 / 391 / 338 / 210 / 261 / 5,7 / 57,0
of which: SMEs / 19.555 / 10.564 / 7.967 / 6.549 / 4.578 / 4.770 / 54,0 / 45,1
15.587 / 9.221 / 7.245 / 5.291 / 3.895 / 4.171 / 59,2 / 45,2
Households / 21.404 / 11.969 / 9.463 / 6.011 / 4.300 / 4.766 / 55,9 / 39,8
Source: CBC.
Note: Excluding the overseas operations of domestic credit institutions.