Reference:- Aquapy 015
Assessor: / C ECCLES / Position: / Assurance Manager / Extension: / 08700-660-999 / HSE Number: / 5799Work/Process Details. SOIL ASSOCIATION APPROVED PRODUCT
Building: / Various / Location: / Various Sites
Work/Process Description.
Aquapy is a colourless to slightly yellow liquid with a slight odourPest Control treatment will be carried out using Aquapy insecticide to control insects.
The solution will be applied as a surface spray or ULV fog/Thermal Mist through an approved applicator into unoccupied areas to control insects.
Although this product is approved by the soil Association and organic organisations, All Foodstuffs must be removed prior to treatment
Area to be ventilated before re-entry.
Flash Point > 70 Degrees
The work is Routine
The Frequency of work is 0.25 per week / month / other: When Required.
Substance / Product / By Product: / MEL/OES / State / Quantity / Classification
Aquapy Insecticide / None Assigned / Liquid / 5 ltrs / Harmful Danger to Aquatic Life
PiperonylButoxide / None Assigned / 13.50% / Danger to the environment
Cetyl Alcohol / None Assigned / >1.00<5.00 / Irritant
NonylphenolEthoxylate / None Assigned / >1.00<5.00 / Harmful
Exposure Assessment:
Is there a chance of workers being exposed to the substances? /
At what level? /HIGH
How many personnel may be exposed? /Directly
/Facility Staff
Duration of Exposure = 0.25 hours /Frequency of Exposure: During Application.
Other Comments:The Facility Manger must be informed of the use of this product prior to use and instruct building staff accordingly.
General Information:
First Aid Measures:
Eyes: / Immediately wash eyes with plenty of water with the eyelid held wide open for at least 15 minutes, seek medical attention.
Skin: / Immediately wash with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, seek medical attention. Apply Vitamin E Cream
Inhalation: / Move to fresh air location, keep at rest, seek medical attention
Ingestion: / Do not induce vomiting, Keep at rest, Seek medical advice.
Handling: / Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash contaminated clothing and footwear before re-use.
Spillage: / Take up with inert absorbing material. Collect in containers. Clean up affected area with water.
Fire Fighting: / Dry Chemical, Water Spray, alcohol resistant Foam, Carbon Dioxide.
Risk to Health: / Existing and potential exposures pose SIGNIFICANT / INSIGNIFICANT risks to health
* Delete as applicable
Controls / References / Adequate
General Ventilation: / X / Open windows and ventilate before re-occupation / Yes
Local Exhaust Ventilation: / Not Required / Yes
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE): / X / Use half face filter Mask P3 Filters / Yes
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): / X / Nitrile gloves, Coveralls, Boots, Goggles / Yes
Monitoring: / References: / Adequate
Health Surveillance: / X / Routine Checks by Operative and Management / Yes
Exposure Monitoring / Not Required / Yes
Storage and Control / Adequate
Storage / Keep in a cool, dry well ventilated place away from sources of heat. Keep from freezing. Keep out of the reach of children. / Yes
Assessment of Adequacy of Controls:
* Delete as applicable
Action Required/Comments:
Please cross reference with Method statements and Risk Assessments & MSDS.
Review Date: / When legislation changes or composition changes. Review of MSDS will take place not later than 31/12/2019
Assessors Name: / C ECCLES / Date: / 18th February 2016
Assessors Signature / / Date: / 18/2/18
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