Welcome to orientation and the Vocational Nursing program, VOCN 160, Foundations of Nursing Practice.
The following math and lecture reading assignments with objectives are for the first three weeks of class. There are 2 lectures each week. The math and the first 2 lectures listed are to be completed by the first day of class (Monday, August 15th). These are:
· Infection, Protective Mechanisms & Asepsis. Infection Control in the Hospital and Home
· Patient Environment and Safety and Lifting, Moving and Positioning Patients
The remaining Reading Assignments and Objectives are due week 2 and 3 and are listed here for those who would like to start on them early and be ahead. This is a great idea!
MATH TEXTBOOK:Gray Morris, D. (2014). Calculate with confidence (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Highly recommended that you complete these assignments prior to starting the semester
These sessions are not to teach you math but ensure you know how to apply math calculations when preparing to administer medications to ensure correct dosing
0 / Math Expectations (No Class Session)
Math review: Unit One / Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / None
Pre/Post Test-book
1 / Math Session 1 (Unit Two)
Math Review: Metric System
Apothecary and Household Systems
Converting Within and Between Systems
Additional Conversions Useful in the Health Care Setting / Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9 / Converting among systems
2 / Math Session 2 (Unit Three)
Medication Administration
Understanding and Interpreting Medication Orders
Medication Administration Records and Drug Distribution Systems
Reading Medication Labels / Chapter 10,11,12,13 / Reading labels and syringes
Medication orders
3 / Math Session 3 (Unit Three & Unit Four)
Method Dosage Calculations Using the Formula Method
Calculation of Oral Medications
Parenteral Medications
Reconstitution of Solutions / Chapter
15, 17, 18, 19
Chapter 14 & 16 / Calculating doses
4 / Math Session 4 (Unit Four & parts of Unit Five)
Heparin Calculations / Chapter
20, 23 / Insulin & Heparin
TBA / Math Practice Test / All / In Class:
Practice Test
Infection, Protective Mechanisms & Asepsis. Infection Control in the Hospital and Home
UNIT II. Vocational Nursing Practice
Reading Assignment:
DeWit, Susan C and O’Neill, Patricia. (2014) Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, Saunders, 4th, ed., St. Louis.
Chapter 16 Infection, Protective Mechanisms and Asepsis.
Chapter 17 Infection Control in the Hospital and Home, pp. 234-243.
Williams & Hopper. (2015) Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, F.A. Davis, 4nd, ed., Philadelphia.
Chapter 8 Nursing Care of Clients with Infections
Williams & Hopper. (2015) Study Guide Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, F. A. Davis, 4nd,ed.
Chapter 8 Nursing Care of Clients with Infections
Activities to be completed prior to class:
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the successful student will be able to do the following:
1. Define the key terms listed in each chapter:
2. List the type of microorganisms that can cause infection in humans.
3. Discuss the links in the infection process and give an example of each.
4. Identify means for removal or destruction of microorganisms on animate and inanimate objects.
5. Compare and contrast medical asepsis and surgical asepsis.
6. Explain how the body’s protective mechanisms work to prevent infection.
7. Discuss factors that make the elderly more susceptible to infection.
8. Describe accepted methods of disinfection and sterilization.
9. Demonstrate proper hand washing techniques and discuss why hand washing is so important in the clinical setting for nursing staff, patients and visitors.
10. Consistently demonstrate application of Standard Precautions while caring for patients.
11. Describe the stages of an infectious process.
12. List five ways to decrease the incidence of nosocomial infection.
13. Explain why transmission-based precautions along with Standard Precautions have taken the place of previous types of isolation precautions.
14. Compare procedures for air-borne precautions with procedures for droplet precautions.
15. Give three examples of nursing measures used for psychosocial care of the patient in an isolation room.
16. Compare infection control procedures in the hospital with those used in the home.
17. Discuss the special air-borne precautions when the patient has tuberculosis.
Hand Hygiene
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Gown and Mask
Removing Gloves
Written test
Successfully complete the Skills return demonstration
Web sites:
OSHA: http://www.osha.gov
NIOSH: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh
Student Resources: http://evolve.elsevier.com/deWit/fundamental
(To be completed prior to coming to class)
1. Answer the study guide objectives.
2. Describe what action you would take to maintain good standard precautions in the following situations:
a. When giving an enema, your gloves become torn.
b. You find urine spilled on the floor.
c. Management of linen soiled with stool.
d. A used glass thermometer.
e. Taking your watch out of an isolation room.
3. You found that you have linen left over after bathing your patient. What medical aseptic principle must be followed?
4. Explain how you would carry out each of these types of precautions:
a. Air-borne Precautions
b. Droplet Precautions
c. Contact Precautions
d. TB Special Precautions
Patient Environment and Safety and Lifting, Moving and Positioning Patients
DeWit, S.C. (2014). Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing. (4th ed.). MO: Saunders.
· Chapter 20
· Chapter 18
· Review The Joint Commission at http://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx
· Check out a couple videos at The Joint Commission at http://www.jointcommission.org/multimedia/2011-national-patient-safety-goals/
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this study guide, the successful student will be able to:
1. Define the key terms in the chapters.
2. Discuss nursing responsibilities for environment management.
3. List the factors affecting the patient environment and explain how the environment can affect patient comfort and safety.
4. Discuss nursing actions to promote patient safety.
5. Discuss methods to prevent mechanical and thermal accidents and injury in health care facilities and the home.
6. Explain what a fall risk assessment is and how it is performed.
7. Explain the specific safety principles for fire and evacuation in the hospital and home.
8. Discuss various forms of bioterrorism, safety measures to be taken, signs and symptoms of agents used and measures to treat or contain the threat.
9. Demonstrate knowledge of legal implications using protective devices.
10. Discuss patient safety goals in hospital setting and apply knowledge/theory in clinical setting.
11. Describe anatomy and function of the musculoskeletal system.
12. Explain the importance of proper body mechanics, alignment and position change for both the patient and nurse.
13. Discuss the problems that can occur when patients are improperly positioned and aligned, giving an example for each principles.
14. Identify ways to maintain correct body alignment of the patient in bed or in a chair.
15. List and explain the different transferring techniques and transferring devices.
16. Explain the purpose of a positioning device and give examples of items that can be used as positioning devices.
17. Discuss different types of patient transfers for independent and dependent patients and safety principles to be followed.
18. Discuss and demonstrate controlled descent to the floor.
19. Identify the types of mechanical devices utilized to assist with mobility.
· Answer any pre-test/activities posted on Learning Management system prior to class
· Written test.
· Successful completion of return demonstration of MPC’s.
UNIT II. Vocational Nursing Practice
Reading Assignment
deWit, Susan C. (2014). Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, (4th edition). W.B. Saunders
Chapter 19 Assisting with Hygiene, Personal Care, Skin Care, and the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers.
Activities to be completed prior to class:
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, the successful student will be able to do the following:
1. Define the key terms listed in the chapter.
2. Describe the structure and function of the integumentary system.
3. Describe factors that influence personal hygiene practices.
4. Discuss risk factors for impaired skin integrity.
5. Recall skin areas most susceptible to pressure ulcer formation
6. Discuss the purposes of bathing.
7. Discuss the method of therapeutic back rub and rationale for nursing actions.
8. Discuss hair care of the hospitalized patient.
9. Describe hospital policy regarding cutting finger and toenails.
Administering a Bed Bath and Perineal Care
Administering Oral Care to the Unconscious Patient
Denture Care
Shampooing Hair
Providing a Tub Bath or Shower
Shaving a Male Patient
Written test
Successfully complete the skills return demonstration
Nursing Process (Week 2 & 3)
Reading Assignments
DeWit, S.C. (2014). Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing. (4th ed.). MO: Saunders.
· Chapter 4, 5, and 6
Hill, S., Howlette, H. (2013). Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing. (6th ed.). MO: Saunders.
· Chapter 9
Williams, L.S. & Hopper, P.D. (2015). Understanding medical surgical nursing. (5thed.). PA:
F.A. Davis
· Chapter 1: Critical thinking and the nursing process
· Chapter 2: Evidence-based practice
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this study guide, the successful student will be able to:
1. Explain the use of the nursing process.
2. Define the VN role in the nursing process.
3. Identify the components of the nursing process.
4. Discuss the concept of critical thinking.
5. Identify the steps of the problem-solving process.
6. List the steps used in the decision-making process.
7. Discuss the use of critical thinking in nursing.
8. Identify ways to improve critical thinking skills.
9. List factors to be considered when setting priorities.
10. Explain the basic principles of setting priorities for nursing care.
11. Apply the nursing process to a patient care assignment.
12. Identify the purpose of assessment (data collection).
13. Differentiate objective data from subjective data.
14. Identify sources of data for the formulation of a patient database.
15. Discuss three basic methods used to gather a patient data base.
16. Correlate patient problems with NANDA nursing diagnoses.
17. Identify appropriate outcome criteria for selected nursing diagnoses.
18. Plan goals for each patient and write outcome criteria for the chosen nursing diagnoses.
19. Collect assessment data for a patient and document it.
20. Analyze the data collection to determine patient needs.
21. Identify appropriate nursing diagnoses from NANDA and list for assigned patient.
22. Prioritize nursing diagnoses.
23. Write specific outcomes statement and plan nursing interventions to assist in attaining expected outcomes.
24. Identify factors to consider in implementing a plan of care.
25. Set priorities for providing care to a group of patients.
26. Identify the steps a vocational nurse uses to evaluate care given.
27. Discuss the evaluation process and how it correlates with expected outcomes.
28. Explain continuous quality improvement and how it relates to the improvement of health care.
Supplemental Activities:
· Written test
· Answer any pre-test/activities posted on Learning Management system prior to class
Concepts of Basic Nutrition and Cultural Considerations, Diet Therapy, Assisted Feeding and Intake and Output
Reading Assignment
deWit, S.C. & O’Neill, P. (2014). Fundamental concepts and skills for nursing. 4th ed.). MO: Saunders.
Chapter 26-Concepts of Basic Nutrition and Cultural Considerations
Chapter 25―Recording Intake and Output, pp. 445-449
Chapter 27-Diet Therapy and Assisted Feeding
· Review the MyPyramid website at http://www.mypyramid.gov/ and checkout http://www.choosemyplate.gov/
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this study guide, the successful student will be able to:
1. Define key terms listed in each chapter.
2. Utilize the components of the USDA MyPyramid website to assist an assigned patient to plan their diets. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/
3. Review food labeling on http://www.mypyramid.gov/ and discuss in regards to food packaging.
4. Discuss the function of proteins, carbohydrates, fats vitamins and minerals and water in the human body.
5. Identify food sources of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
6. List medical conditions that may occur as a result of protein, calorie, vitamin and mineral deficit and excess.
7. Identify a variety of factors that influence nutrition.
8. Describe cultural influences on nutrition practices.
9. Identify nutritional needs through the lifespan.
10. Discuss components of a basic nutritional assessment.
11. Identify patients at risk for nutritional deficits.
12. Identify the role of the vocational nurse related to diet therapy and special diet.
13. Describe health issues related to nutrition.
14. List disease processes that may benefit from diet therapy.
15. Describe positioning for feeding the patient with right-sided neurological deficit with a swallowing problem.
16. Explain the procedure for feeding the blind patient including preparing the tray with food in the correct order.
17. Discuss the use of syringe feeding for the patient who can swallow but cannot chew.
18. State who may initiate intake and output (I&O) and reasons for measurement.
19. Identify intake that must be measured, as well as excretions, which must be measured as output when given a patient scenario.
20. Determine correct totals of intake and output when given a patient scenario.
• Answer any pre-test/activities posted on Learning Management system prior to class
• Written Test
11/14 & 5/16 LR & NS