Classification of Leather Chemicals
non processing agents 1) / processing agents2)
non reactive / reactive
1. Colourants for Leather / X
2. Leather and Fur auxiliaries
2.1. Antimicrobial agents / 3) / 3) / 3)
2.1.1. Preservatives
2.1.2 Disinfectants
2.1.3 Pesticides
2.2 Soaking agents for raw hides and skins / X
2.3 Liming and dehairing agents / X 4) / X 4)
2.4 Deliming agents / X
2.5 Degreasing and fur scouring agents / X
2.6 Tanning agents / X
2.6.1 Mineral tanning agents
2.6.2 Vegetable tannins
2.6.3 Synthetic organic tannins
2.7 Tanning auxiliaries (including bating and fixing agents for tanning materials) / X 4) / X 4)
2.8 Stuffing and bleaching agents / X
2.9 Neutralization agents / X
2.10 Dyeing auxiliaries / X
2.10.1 Wetting agents
2.10.2 Levelling agents
2.10.3 Agents to reduce and deepen the shade
2.10.4 Aftertreatment and fixing agents
2.11 Fat liquors and greases / X
2.11.1 Water-insoluble fat liquors and greases
2.11.2 Water-emulsifiable fat liquors and greases
2.12 Auxiliaries for fat-liquoring / X
2.13 Paste drying auxiliaries / X
2.14 Impregnating agents / X
2.14.1 Water-repellent finishing agents
2.14.2 Oil-repellent finishing agents
2.14.3 Agents to reduce permeability to gas
2.14.4 Flame retardants
2.14.5 Abrasion reduction agents
2.14.6 Anti-electrostatic finishing agents
Classification of Leather Chemicals
non processing agents 1) / processing agents 2)non reactive / reactive
3. Finishing materials / X
3.1 Bottoming and grain tightening agents
3.2 Pigment colours for leather
3.3 Binders
3.4 Seasons (top coats)
3.5 Auxiliary finishing materials
1) Non processing agents or exhausting agents are agents in industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix
2) Processing agents are agents in processes not becoming part of an article. Reactive agents change they chemical nature while in use
3) No classification necessary for REACH purposes
(no duty for registration)
4) To decide on an individual basis
2009-08-06 / VS