«Implementation of Chemical Leasing business models in Russia»
Smolny, St. St. Petersburg
List of present participants
№ / Organization / Name / Position / Location1 / UNIDO / IgorN. Volodin / Coordinator UNIDO activities in Russia, UNIDO Headquarters / Vienna
2 / UNIDO / Petra Schwager / UNIDO Сhemical Leasing manager / Vienna
3 / “Bipro” GmbH (Germany) / Dr. ReihardJoas / Leading International UNIDO expert on Chemical Leasing / Munich
4 / AFC Consult GmbH (Austria) / Dr. Rudolf Schott / Leading International UNIDO expert on Chemical Leasing / Vienna
5 / CommitteeforUseofNaturalResources, EnvironmentProtection, andEnvironmentalSafety / DmitriyA. Golubev / Chairman of the Committee / St.Petersburg
6 / Committee on External Relations and Tourism of Saint Petersburg / EkaterinaD. Belyakova / TheHeadof theInter-sectoralCooperationandinformationalsupportofexternaleconomiclinks / St.Petersburg
7 / Committee on External Relations and Tourism of St. Petersburg / Anastasia A. Romashina / Specialist of the Committee / St.Petersburg
8 / Russian Ministry of NaturalRecourses / EvgeniyT. Shcherbakov / Expertonecology / Moscow
9 / The Standing Committee of Russia-ByelorussiaUnion / Albert V. Stepanov / DeputyState secretary of the Standing Committee / Moscow
10 / The Standing Committee of Russia-ByelorussiaUnion / VictorA. Pavlov / Assistant to the deputy State secretary of the Standing Committee / Moscow
11 / CommitteeforUseofNaturalResourcesand EnvironmentProtection / IgorV. Gerus / Specialist of the Engineering Department on environmental activities / St.Petersburg
12 / Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry / LudmilaVasilevnaIvanova / The Head of the facultative certification Office / St.Petersburg
13 / Saint-Petersburg Fund of Industry Support / SvetlanaA. Baranova / Head manager / St.Petersburg
14 / International Association for Dangerous Goods and Containers / MikhailI. Ognev / General Director / St.Petersburg
15 / NWICPCUNIDO / AlexanderA. Startsev / GeneralDirector / St.Petersburg
16 / NWICPCUNIDO / ElizabethA. Startseva / DeputyDirector / St.Petersburg
17 / NWICPC UNIDO / NataliaA. Voznesenskaya / National expert on CP projects financing / St.Petersburg
18 / NWICPC UNIDO / SergejV. Myakin / Chemical leasing project assistant / St.Petersburg
19 / NWICPCUNIDO / SergejV. Belyakov / Projectmanager / St.Petersburg
20 / NWICPC UNIDO / Elena V. Karpova / National expert on ChL / St.Petersburg
21 / NWICPCUNIDO / AlekseyO. Diyakov / NationalexpertonChL / St.Petersburg
22 / Service Company “ERG” CSC / SergejV. Karpov / GeneralDirector / St.Petersburg
23 / SPbSUE “Poligon “Kasnij Bor” / P.B. Taukin / General Director / St.Petersburg
24 / “Artflex” Ltd / BorisV. Kiselev / DeputyDirector / St.Petersburg
25 / Servicecompany “EcoMIRT” / VladimirA. Tolstolugov / General Director / Moscow
26 / SPC “RIVT” / ValeriyV. Minakov / GeneralDirector / St.Petersburg
27 / Servicecompany “ECOVIP-systems” / AlexanderI. Starkov / Deputy Director / St.Petersburg
28 / „Poseydon“ CSC / SergejA. Ivanov / GeneralDirector / St.Petersburg
29 / «Balt-Konversia» / SergeyM. Aksevov / Director on Science / St.Petersburg
30 / «Dangerous goods and containers» magazine / Marina S. Grishina / Journalist / St.Petersburg
31 / «Dangerous goods and containers» magazine / NadezhdaI.Nifertsova / Specialist / St.Petersburg