Education Council Minutes

25th of Nov, 2016















In Attendance:


Wesley Schulte

Note: Actions are highlighted in red

Agenda & Notes:

1.  Welcomes & Apologies

Ryan explains why he had to step into the role of Education Council Chair Exec – decision made by FTOs and SUBU Democracy

2.  Matters Arising from Previous Action Log


Ongoing stuff

Trailing units – keeping it in mind and looking into it. Should we? Ellie proposes a meeting with Andrew Main.

Iv and Ryan: Put it on the agenda

3.  Officer Updates

Ian: Looking into some course specific issues and delegating that to senior reps and reps. Attended Vice Chancellor talk out and is looking into the lack of information for 4th year students when they come back. Help with Speak Week.

Zach: Thinking about the tech availability for media students – a miscommunication about what kit they would be able to use when they come to study in BU. He wants to improve kit availability and do some tech improvements. He has been talking to students to figure out what their views on this issue are.

Karl: Cross course collaboration within the Media faculty. Thinking about raising awareness for opportunities available to get involved with people’s courses.

Jamie: Attended FAB. Volunteered in Speak Week. Did PR and organization for the SciTech social he’s been working on.

Katie: Had a meeting with Peter Hill about Yik Yak and how it’s being used to bully members of staff. They organized a meeting with the psychology group about their views on it and got feedback on that. Students understand there is an issue with it. Ryan asks if someone has been actually bullied/targeted. Picture of a lecturer has been put up on social media without permission. Lecturers are getting upset by this. Katie will be meeting with Peter again to do an anonymous feedback form. Ellie suggests Katie to meet with Reece.

Katie wants to speak to second and third year students who have done an archaeology dig and their problems with accommodation.

Katie to meet with Reece

Drusilla: Met with Masters students and listened to their problem with not having enough time for a test.

Ellie: Was away during the week. Attended the Vice Chancellor Talk Out which went good. Planning Speak Week. Various meetings. Big Student Meeting on Friday. Was in the interview panel for the new Dean of the Media School

Ryan: He ran because he really wants to make a difference. Leave a legacy.

Iv: Attended the Vice Chancellor talk out. Been in various meetings including with Katie regarding the social media problem. Looking into staff and student collaboration on research.

4.  Permanent Slot for Education Council Meetings

Everyone to fill out the Doodle Poll

5.  Council Video

Created a subgroup of people to brainstorm ideas and move that forward. Zach, Katie, Karl, Jamie

6.  Issue with marking bracket and capping

Katie: never seen the problem, people have had a 100%

Jamie: not a problem in computing

Ryan: feedback on assigments is important

Ellie: not an issue with using the bracket but instead maybe with students knowing how to get 100%; working on a benchmarking tool, will bring it to next meeting; raising awareness about talking to lecturers?

Ellie to bring a copy of the benchmarking tool she’s been working on with the uni

7.  Harvard Referencing

Katie: online tests, better idea

Ryan: exam is more stressful

Wes explains what the Harvard Referencing test is. They grade their own papers

Karl: BAMMJ shorthand test, serves to scare people into being serious

Ryan: not expected to do full Harvard referencing in exams

Katie: do it as an online test with open book

Ian: how would you prefer it to be done?

Wes: open book

Iv: pass/fail thing?

Ellie: formative (pass/fail) and summative (percentage) assessment

Iv: figure out which courses its happening on and delegate that to Senior reps

Ellie: we need to figure out if it’s faculty wide

Everyone: is it happening in all faculties?

Everyone to look into whether this is a university wide problem

8.  Staff and Student Research Collaboration

Iv, Katie and Ryan to work on that

9.  AOB

Ryan placements issues

Recording video lectures: Ryan, Karl, Zach, Katie, Ian will be helping Ellie with that

Katie: Ed Council social? – taking a lead on organizing it, Laser tag?

Katie to organise an Ed council social