Survey of Zoology 204-100

Spring 2016

PROFESSOR: Dr. Whittingham Office: Lapham S499


Office Hours: TU&TH 10:00-10:50, or by appointment

CONTENT:This is a survey of the animal kingdom covering principles of biodiversity, including the origin, evolution, and ecology of animals. The course is intended for non-science majors with no science background other than high school biology. There are no prerequisites. The course WILL satisfy the natural science laboratory requirement in Biology for non-majors.

This class does NOT count as credit toward the major in Biological Sciences!

This course contains both lecture and laboratory components.

You must passboth components (lecture and lab) to pass the course.

LECTURE TEXT:ANIMAL DIVERSITY by Hickman/Roberts/Larson; McGraw Hill Publishers; 7th Edition.


Animal dissection (i.e. shellfish) is a major component of the laboratory portion of this course. All students are required to participate.

If you do not wish to dissect animals, or you are allergic to shellfish you cantake

BioSci 102 or 104 instead.

Laboratory syllabus: download from D2L and take to first lab.

Labs start week of Feb 1!


(1) Four (4) lecture exams will be given. Questions are multiple choice.

(2) Each is weighed equally and is not cumulative.

(3) Students missing any one of the 4 regular lecture exams are required take the Cumulative Exam (#5) during the final exam period. The grade for the Cumulative Exam will be substituted for the exam you missed. NO MAKE UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON.

(4) Students who have taken all 4 regular lecture exams have the OPTION of also taking the Cumulative Exam (#5) to replace their lowest regular exam score.

(5) If you take all 5 exams only top 4 scores will count toward the final grade.

MUST HAVE #2 pencil and STUDENT ID # for the exams

Grading is on a straight scale:

GRADE SCALE:Grades will be assigned using a scale similar to the one below:

A92-100% B- 79-81% D+ 65-67%

A-89 -91%C+76-78%D61-64%

B+86- 88% C 71-75% D- 56-60%

B82-85% C- 68-70% F 0-55%

Final grades are determined as follows:

Lecture exams 60% of final grade

Laboratory score 40% of final grade

There is NO EXTRA CREDIT in lecture!

COURSE WEBSITE: Materials for the course are available on a Desire to Learn (D2L) site. Access the D2L site from the UWM main webpage

On the D2L site for this course you will find Note Taking Guides for each lecture posted the day before lecture, and ALL of the materials you need for lab.

For LAB you MUST download and print out ALL of the material for each lab PRIOR to attending your lab section. There are no handouts for this course.

Lecture notes are an outline of the lecture material. They can be printed out prior to lecture and brought to lecture so that you can spend more time listening to the lecture and less time writing notes; or you can bring them on your laptop.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Special test taking accommodations can be arranged for students with certified special needs. Please inform instructor(s) [BOTH lecture and lab] early in the semester.

For information about University Policies go to the Secretary of the University Web site This site contains the information on the following University policies: students with disabilities, religious observances, students called to active military duty, incomplete grades, discriminatory conduct, academic misconduct, complaint procedures, and grade appeal procedures. Information on the University Final Exam Policy can be found at

Success in this course is achieved by:

1. attending lecture (all questions on exams will come from lecture material)

2. reviewing notes often (after every lecture or every week)

3. reading relevant portions of the text for reinforcement

4. studying for exams

5. getting to know fellow students !!!!! (people to get notes from and people to study with!!)

Biology 100 Survey of Zoology

Lecture: Lapham 162; Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-10:50

Please turn off cell phones in class!


Jan 26Introduction

Jan 28EvolutionChpt 01

Feb 2EvolutionChpt 01

Feb 4Animal ArchitectureChpt 03

Feb 9Animal ClassificationChpt 04

Feb 11ProtozoansChpt 05

Feb 16Lecture Examination 1Lecture material 1/28-2/11

Feb 18SpongesChpt 06

Feb 23Radiate AnimalsChpt 07

Feb 25FlatwormsChpt 08

Mar 1Rotifers & NematodesChpt 09&12

Mar 3MolluscsChpt 10

Mar 8AnnelidsChpt 11

Mar 10Lecture Examination 2Lecture material 2/18-3/8

Mar 22Arthropods 1Chpt 13

Mar 24Arthropods 2Chpt 13

Mar 29EchinodermsChpt 14

Mar 31Chordates & Cartilaginous FishChpt 15

Apr 5Bony FishChpt 16

Apr 7AmphibiansChpt 17

Apr 12Lecture Examination 3Lecture material 3/22-4/7

Apr14ReptilesChpt 18

Apr19BirdsChpt 19

Apr 21BirdsChpt 19

Apr 26BirdsChpt 19

Apr 28MammalsChpt 20

May3MammalsChpt 20

May 5Lecture Examination 4Lecture material 4/14-5/3

May 10Review for Cumulative Exam

May17*Cumulative ExamLecture material 1/28-5/3

*During final exam period May17, 7:30-9:30 amin Lapham 162

Write these exam dates down now. Remember there are no make up exams!!

Exam 5, the Cumulative Exam,is given ONLY during the Final Exam period scheduled for this course. For students that have missed one of the 4 regular exams, Exam 5 is REQUIRED!! This exam, absolutely positively CANNOT be given early!!!