

A little girl gets to take her first trip downtown to work
with her mama. She spends a day seeing her
mother’s daily routine.
--- Conversation Questions---
(1) / Tell me the main idea of the story.
(Answer) / Lizzie gets to go to work with her mother.
(Follow Up) / Would you like to go to work with one of your parents?
(2) / Imagine how Lizzie felt spending the day with so many new and unfamiliar adults.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you have a favorite adult besides your parents?
(3) / Imagine why Lizzie thought her mother must be the most important person in the city.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever thought someone was very important because they drove a big car, had a fancy office, etc?
(4) / Compare the lunchtime city picnic with a country picnic.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Describe your favorite picnic spot.
(5) / Substitute another word for beautiful
(Answer) / Pretty, lovely, gorgeous.
(Follow Up) / Who is the most beautiful person you know?
(6) / Name some of Lizzie’s mother’s co-workers.
(Answer) / Toby, Flo, and Albert
(Follow Up) / Describe each of them in just a few words.
(7) / List the activities that Lizzie participated in during her day at the library.
(Answer) / Reading books, participating in her mother’s story time, eating lunch helping Flo stamp papers, helping someone find a book and helping Albert find information.
(Follow Up) / Which activity do you think was her favorite?
(8) / List some of the things Lizzie saw on the way to the library with her mother.
(Answer) / Roaring train, shoes, man and his dog, giant buildings Lenny selling muffins.
(Follow Up) / What kind of muffin did they buy?
(9) / Find the things Lizzie did that were helpful to others.
(Answer) / Helped her mother with story time, stamped papers, helped a boy find a book.
(Follow Up) / What sort of activities do you enjoy that are helpful to others?
(10) / Name some of the sounds she heard and the things she saw when she first entered the library.
(Answer) / Quiet, clicking shoes, millions of books.
(Follow Up) / Do you like the quiet of a library?
1. / Write several sentences describing why you do or do not enjoy visiting the library.
2. / Draw and label a floor plan for a library. (Use graph paper, then glue it into your opus.)
3. / Write about a day you enjoyed or did not enjoy spending with someone. Write what you got to do, or what you wanted to do.
4. / Create a schedule that a children’s’ librarian would follow at work.
1.  Set an alarm clock to go off while the students are getting seated. Ask them where most people go when the alarm goes off in the morning. “Today we are going to read about a little girl who went to work with her mother. We’ll see how their day together went.”
2.  Bring in several books, a puppet, and a puzzle. Ask the students what job might involve these items. “Today we are going to read about a little girl who spent the day with her mother at work. These were some of her mother’s work tools.”
3.  Show the students a large print copy of a made up librarian’s schedule. Do not label the schedule as a librarian’s. Read the schedule together. Have the students guess the job the schedule fits. “Would you like to spend a whole day with an adult at work? Our story is about a girl who spent the day with her mother, a librarian. Let’s see if she enjoyed the day.”

Book Title: Red Light, Green Light, Mama and Me

Author: Cari Best / Illustrator: Niki Daly
ISBN: / # of Text Pages: 26 AR: 3.0 LEX: AD390
Building Oral Vocabulary
3 / roaring / 10 / clicking / 12 / teeny weeny
Prediction Questions
2 / Where do you think the girl and her mom are going?
5 / What type of place do you think her mother works?
8 / Do you think the little girl will be bored staying at the library all day?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.