Dane County Coalition to Reduce Alcohol Abuse: April is Alcohol Abuse Awareness Month activitiesAll events are free and the public is encouraged to join us!
Launch: City County Building, first floor foyer, Monday, April 5th, 10:15 am There will be a media conference along with a special traveling exhibit of art, exhibits, yard signs, informational handouts, a new booklet of vignettes from persons affected by alcohol abuse or who have had to deal with the resulting harm. These stories are powerful. We will have handout information on "Parents Who Host, Lose the Most" and materials for distribution to all who would be able to disseminate them throughout the county.
Exhibits, art and "Parents Who Host" materials will also be at CUNA Mutual for the 3 evenings. It is our intent that the art and other exhibits will become a traveling show for ongoing impact. This event will be staffed through the afternoon. There will be refreshments.
Tuesday, April 13, 6:00 pm -- CUNA Mutual, round building, Mineral Point Road
- Skits by a high school student troupe
- Panel of young adults in recovery
- Remarks by UW-Madison Police Chief Susan Riseling
- City of Madison Alcohol Policy issues: Katherine Plominski
- “Sip Tips” a new Public Service Announcement by John Roach Projects
- Parent Panel: perspectives and insights on raising youth in an alcohol culture
- Taking Action: the Dane County Coalition to Reduce Alcohol Abuse
Thursday, April 15 -- same time and venue
- Presentation on Women and Alcohol by Flo Hilliard, UW-Madison
- Skits by a high school student troupe
- Panel on Local Coalitions- exciting things being done in local communities
- Video "Shattered" by McFarland High School Students
- Remarks by Chief Noble Wray, City of Madison Police Department
- “Sip Tips”, Public Service Announcement by John Roach Projects
- Taking Action: the Dane County Coalition to Reduce Alcohol Abuse
Thursday, April 22 -- same time and venue
- Law Enforcement panel- perspectives and ideas for action
- Remarks by Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney
- Remarks by Dana Ballweg, her story
- Presentation on the Real WorldEffects of Alcohol Abuse by Professor of Physiology, Kevin Strang, UW-Madison- information we all can use
- “Sip Tips”, Public Service Announcement by John Roach Projects
- Taking Action: the Dane County Coalition to Reduce Alcohol Abuse