Call to order
Christine Sechman, President, called to order a meeting of Fredericksburg Elementary APTon December 6, 2017 in the Library of the Fredericksburg Elementary School at 6:03 PM.
Attendees included Christine Sechman, President; Mr. Vogt, Principal; Rachel Kohr, Vice President (via phone); Tracey Mohn, Secretary;Traci Kreiser, Teacher Liaison; Mrs. Long, Teacher; and Mr. Mays, Teacher.
Members not in attendance
Deb Tice, Treasurer
Christine announced that the monthly Treasury report was still in process due to the finalization of the Vendor Fair and Elf Movie events. A Financial recap will be emailed soon after the conclusion of Santa Shop on December 14th, 2017.
Unfinished business
*Event review:
GERTRUDE HAWK: Students sold $10,903.00 worth of products with an expected 50% profit. A check was mailed to Gertrude Hawk for payment. We are still waiting for a few products that were missing or backordered, but they are expected the week of 12/4/17. It was discussed that next year’s sale have Volunteers at the site of the order pick to assist parents.
ROAD RALLY SCAVENGER HUNT: This was a successful event. Profit from the Scavenger Hunt was $165.00 and Hoss’s was $103.10 with an overall event profit of $268.10. Suggestions for next year include revamping the check in process at the end of the event.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: Christine announced that there was $2300.00 in sales at the Book Fair. Approximately $1200.00 in Scholastic $$ will be available to the 12 Fredericksburg Elementary Teachers and Reading specialists to furnish supplies and books for their class rooms. Christine will forward the links to the teachers when available, so that they can complete their purchases.
VENDOR FAIR: We had another successful Vendor Fair. There were only a few Vendors that were signed up and did not come. Christine suggested we review the reservation process for next year to avoid empty spaces caused by absences. Debits and Profits from the event were still being totaled at the time of this meeting. Santa’s visit was a great success! We appreciate that he was able to give his time to our school event.
ELF MOVIE NIGHT: We had 31 quests attend Elf Movie night including 9 sales at the door. Thanks to the donations from Wal-Mart, Redner’s,and APT members, an overall profit of $90 was made. We express a huge Thank you to Mrs. Guth and her middle school students for painting our Elf Photo Booth.
SANTA SHOP: 12/13/17 & 12/14/17. Deb Tice is Chairperson. Christine reported that 90% of the shopping is done. Mrs. Tice posted a Cooke signup sheet and there are already several volunteers. Parent volunteers are still needed to help the student shoppers. Christine will put our reminders via email, REMIND App, and Facebook. Mr. Vogt will reach out to the High School guidance counselor to seek Student Volunteers as well.
FALL FAIR: Mr. Mays presented the conclusion of the Fall Fair event. He provided a slide show of pictures taken during the event showing a fun time for all. This is a great reward event for the students. The 5th grade and High School student volunteers were a success. We could use a few more volunteers for next year and Mr. Mays proposed adding the cost of Thank You gifts (for the volunteers) to the budget for next year.
FATHER DAUGHTER DANCE: 2/10/17. Rachel estimated the same budget as last year could be used @ $500.00. Last year’s event came in under budget. There is an offer of donation of lighting equipment for a GLOW Theme. Rachel will finalize theme in the near future. The Fredericksburg Community Center is on reserve and needs a deposit estimated at $200.00. (Deposit is 100% refundable). Rachel will compile a list of needs for food and activities, as well as those that donated to last year’s event. Christine will reach out to Dieffenbachs for donations of snack items again. Tracey M. provided 3 cases of Water and 10 – 2 liter bottles of soda left over from the Elf Movie. The main expenses are expected to be the DJ and Decorations. Photography will be provided by Christine and photo prints by Traci K.
MOTHER / SON EVENT: 2/11/17. The Mt. Gretna Roller Rink reservation was cancelled. Mr. Vogt is to follow up on his survey request to teachers at the next faculty meeting.
*APT Storage:
APT items were moved to the space in the Teacher Workroom on the evening of November 16th and 17th. The Elf photo booth will be stored at the school for future events when space is found.
New business
*Traci Krieser provided an update on the 5th Grade Field Trip T-Shirts. Sample shirts were given to Mrs. Long. Traci K. proposed organizing an R&K sub sale to pay for the shirts. Mr. Vogt suggested opening the sale to the whole school. To be discussed further at the next meeting.
*Mr. Vogt had suggestions for a few higher $$ profit events / fundraisers. One was a family trip to a Lancaster’s Barnstormers game via either Bus transportation or driving indivually. Another was a Philly Pretzel event to be held after school.
* There was a discussion on how to acquire more volunteers for our fundraisers / events. One suggestion was an Ice Cream Social on Back to School night with a presentation by the APT officers. Another suggestion was to send direct requests to parents by grade. To be discussed further at a future meeting.
Next Meeting will be Wednesday, January 13, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Library.
Tracey Mohn
/Date of approval
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